G Menezes, L Maher, J Kenny, M Quinn, R Miller, M Coffey, A Craig, Potential Issues Associated with Videoconferencing in Oncology Multidisciplinary Team Meetings, XVIth International Conference on the Use of Computers in Radiation Therapy, Amsterdam, 31/5/2010-3/6/2010, 2010,
Kenny J, Maher L, Craig A, Coffey M, Menezes G, Organisational Needs Analysis of Videoconferenced Oncology Multi-Disciplinary Team Meetings, 12th Annual Conference and Scientific Symposium, HISI, Dublin, 21-22 November 2007, 2007,
Meeting Abstract,
Quinn M, Maher L, Craig A, Coffey M, Menezes G, Image Properties in Videconference Multi-Disciplinary Team Meetings, 12th Annual Conference and Scientific Symposium, HISI, Dublin, 21-22 November 2007, 2007,
Meeting Abstract,
Pertl M, Menezes G, Hevey D, Psychological Variables Associated with Willingness to Donate Tissue to Biobanks for Genetic Research and Storage, 2007,
McGivney J, Menezes G, Craig A, Telesynergy(r), Telemedicine in the Irish Health Service: Current and Future Perspectives, Dublin, 5th April, 2006, Engineers Ireland (Biomedical),
Invited Talk,
Maher L, Menezes G, A Brief Overview of the Current Situation of Telemedicine in Ireland, Telemedicine in the Irish Health Service: Current and Future Perspectives, Dublin, 5th April, 2006, Engineers Ireland (Biomedical),
Invited Talk,
Fahey K, Menezes G, Broderick M, The effect of random error on the NTCP of different field arrangements in 3D conformal radiapy of the prostate, Radiotherapy & Oncology, ESTRO 25, Leipzig, Germany, 8-12 October 2006, Elsevier, 2006,
Meeting Abstract,
McMahon K, Menezes G, Broderick M, The clinical implications of the implementation of IMRT for the treatment of prostate cancer from the perspective of the Radiation Therapist, Radiotherapy & Oncology, ESTRO 25, Leipzig, Germany, 8-12 October 2006, 2006,
Meeting Abstract,
Maher L, Menezes G, Designing a system for tele-oncology case conferencing around Ireland, Radiotherapy & Oncology, ESTRO 8th Biennial Meeting on Physics and Radiation Technology for Clinical Radiotherapy, Lisbon, Portugal, 24-29 September 2005, 76, (Supplement 2), Elsevier, 2005, ppS54 ,
Meeting Abstract,
Cronin B, Menezes G, Coffey M, Continuous Professional Development in Radiation Therapy within Ireland, Radiotherapy & Oncology, 8th Biennial ESTRO Meeting on Physics and Radiation Technology for Clinical Radiotherapy, Lisbon, Portugal, 24-29 September 2005, 76, (Supplement 2), Elsevier, 2005, ppS81 ,
Meeting Abstract,