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Dr. Gerard Menezes

Assistant Professor (Radiation Therapy)
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Dr. Gerard Menezes

Assistant Professor (Radiation Therapy)

  Clinical Physics   Computing Resources   Health informatics   Health Physics   Medical technology   Radiation Therapy   Radiotherapy   Radiotherapy, Biological response modifiers and chemoprevention   Therapeutic radiography
Details Date From Date To
ESTRO (European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology) 2004 Current
Shona Whelehan, Gerard Menezes, AMIDE PROTON TRANSFER IMAGING AND THE GRADING OF GLIOMA TUMOURS, Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences, 2018, Journal Article, SUBMITTED
Kevin Treacy, Gerard Menezes, Does Combining Hyperthermia with Radiotherapy Enhance the Therapeutic Ratio in Recurrent Breast Cancer, 2018, Journal Article, SUBMITTED
Isabelle Wales, Gerard Menezes, Should the MIP image set be used for SBRT treatment planning in lung Cancer patients - A review, Annual Scientific Meeting, Irish Association of Physics in Medicine, Derry, 16-17 February 2018, 2018, Poster, ACCEPTED
Breffni Smith, Laura Mullaney, Gerard Menezes, ALARA and IGRT in paediatric radiotherapy patients - A review, Annual Scientific Meeting, Irish Association of Physics in Medicine, Derry, 16=17 February, 2018, Poster, ACCEPTED
Sarah Caufield, Laure Marignol, Gerard Menezes, Claire Poole, Nomograms are key decision making tools in prostate cancer radiation therapy, Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations, 36, (6), 2018, p283 - 292, Review Article, PUBLISHED
Breffni Smith, Gerard Menezes, Debate: Despite The Dose, IGRT Can Contribute To ALARA In Pediatric Patients Undergoing Radiotherapy, IIRRT National Conference, Cork, Ireland, 7th October, 2017, Poster, PRESENTED
Claire Day, Gerard Menezes, Intraoperative Radiation Therapy Is An Effective And Well-Tolerated Treatment For Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer., IIRRT National Conference, Cork, Ireland, 7th October, 2017, Poster, PRESENTED
Donnamarie Nic RuairĂ­, Gerard Menezes, The Level Of Knowledge Radiotherapy Professionals Have Of The Palliative Care System In Ireland, IIRRT Annual Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 8th October 2016, 2016, Poster, PRESENTED
Roisin O Maolalai, Gerard Menezes, An Assessment Of Hand Hygiene Knowledge, Training And Auditing In Radiation Therapy Centres Across Ireland, IIRRT Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 2016, Poster, PRESENTED
Clifford, S., Hevey, D., & Menezes, G., An investigation into the knowledge and attitudes towards radon testing among residents in a high radon area., Journal of radiological protection : official journal of the Society for Radiological Protection, 32, (4), 2012, pN141 - N147, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI

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G Menezes, L Maher, J Kenny, M Quinn, R Miller, M Coffey, A Craig, Potential Issues Associated with Videoconferencing in Oncology Multidisciplinary Team Meetings, XVIth International Conference on the Use of Computers in Radiation Therapy, Amsterdam, 31/5/2010-3/6/2010, 2010, Poster, PRESENTED
Kenny J, Maher L, Craig A, Coffey M, Menezes G, Organisational Needs Analysis of Videoconferenced Oncology Multi-Disciplinary Team Meetings, 12th Annual Conference and Scientific Symposium, HISI, Dublin, 21-22 November 2007, 2007, Meeting Abstract, PRESENTED
Quinn M, Maher L, Craig A, Coffey M, Menezes G, Image Properties in Videconference Multi-Disciplinary Team Meetings, 12th Annual Conference and Scientific Symposium, HISI, Dublin, 21-22 November 2007, 2007, Meeting Abstract, PRESENTED
Pertl M, Menezes G, Hevey D, Psychological Variables Associated with Willingness to Donate Tissue to Biobanks for Genetic Research and Storage, 2007, Poster, PRESENTED
McGivney J, Menezes G, Craig A, Telesynergy(r), Telemedicine in the Irish Health Service: Current and Future Perspectives, Dublin, 5th April, 2006, Engineers Ireland (Biomedical), Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Maher L, Menezes G, A Brief Overview of the Current Situation of Telemedicine in Ireland, Telemedicine in the Irish Health Service: Current and Future Perspectives, Dublin, 5th April, 2006, Engineers Ireland (Biomedical), Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Fahey K, Menezes G, Broderick M, The effect of random error on the NTCP of different field arrangements in 3D conformal radiapy of the prostate, Radiotherapy & Oncology, ESTRO 25, Leipzig, Germany, 8-12 October 2006, Elsevier, 2006, Meeting Abstract, PUBLISHED
McMahon K, Menezes G, Broderick M, The clinical implications of the implementation of IMRT for the treatment of prostate cancer from the perspective of the Radiation Therapist, Radiotherapy & Oncology, ESTRO 25, Leipzig, Germany, 8-12 October 2006, 2006, Meeting Abstract, PUBLISHED
Maher L, Menezes G, Designing a system for tele-oncology case conferencing around Ireland, Radiotherapy & Oncology, ESTRO 8th Biennial Meeting on Physics and Radiation Technology for Clinical Radiotherapy, Lisbon, Portugal, 24-29 September 2005, 76, (Supplement 2), Elsevier, 2005, ppS54 , Meeting Abstract, PUBLISHED
Cronin B, Menezes G, Coffey M, Continuous Professional Development in Radiation Therapy within Ireland, Radiotherapy & Oncology, 8th Biennial ESTRO Meeting on Physics and Radiation Technology for Clinical Radiotherapy, Lisbon, Portugal, 24-29 September 2005, 76, (Supplement 2), Elsevier, 2005, ppS81 , Meeting Abstract, PUBLISHED


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