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Dr. Jürgen Uhlich

Fellow Emeritus (Irish)
Profile Photo

Dr. Jürgen Uhlich

Fellow Emeritus (Irish)


Born 20 October 1958, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Primary school in Hannover and Berlin, 1965-1969. Secondary school in Berlin, 1969-1973, and Leverkusen, 1973-1977.
  Celtic morphology   Continental Celtic   Early Irish texts and literature   Indo-European linguistics   Middle Irish   Ogam inscriptions   Old Irish historical phonology   Old Irish language
Project Title
 A handbook of Early Old Irish
This project will give an overview of the textual remains of the Early Old Irish period (c. 550-70 AD). It will offer, for the first time, critical editions of the principal documents dating from this period but mostly attested in later manuscript copies only. These consist of one continuous prose fragment (the Cambrai homily), various collections of glosses on Latin texts and proper names embedded in Latin documents. Each edition will be introduced by a synchronic and diachronic assessment of the manuscript source(s). In addition, a complete grammatical description and historical evaluation of all known linguistic facts will be provided.
Project Title
 An edition of the text Fingal Rónáin 'The "kin-slaying" of Rónán'
This early Middle Irish text (c. early 10th century AD) is preserved in two manuscripts (both kept in the library of Trinity College Dublin). The critical edition will discuss the manuscripts' relationship and establish that they are independent copies, discuss the evidence for restoring the lost archetype and on that basis present a linguistic profile of the original composition. Furthermore, its literary connections and independent merits will be assessed, including a literary use of different linguistic registers that at the present stage of knowledge is unique in Early Irish literature.

Details Date
Co-editor of Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 2007-
Member of the Advisory Panel to the Electronic dictionary of the Irish language (eDIL) supplement (Royal Irish Academy / University of Ulster Coleraine / Queens University Belfast / University of Cambridge). 2008-2019
Co-proposer and member of steering committee of Trinity College research theme "Manuscript, book and print studies" 2013-
Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
French Fluent Basic Basic
German Fluent Fluent Fluent
Irish Fluent Medium Fluent
Italian Fluent Medium Medium
Details Date From Date To
Indogermanische Gesellschaft 1984 ongoing
Philological Society 1999 ongoing
Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie, 71, 1, (2024), 1 - 377p, Jürgen Uhlich, 2007"2024, Journal, PUBLISHED  URL
Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie, 70, 1, (2023), 1 - 236p, Jürgen Uhlich, since 2007, Journal, PUBLISHED  URL
Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie, 69, 1, (2022), 1 - 300p, Jürgen Uhlich, [Co-editor], since 2007, Notes: [], Journal, PUBLISHED  URL
Jürgen Uhlich, When did nd become nn in which Early Irish environments?, Ériu, 72, 2022, p1 - 32, Notes: [], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie, 68, (2021), 1 - 347p, Jürgen Uhlich, [eds.], since 2007, Notes: [Languages of publicationGerman, English, French], Journal, PUBLISHED  URL
On the obligatory use of a nasalising relative clause after an adjectival antecedent in the Old Irish glosses in, editor(s)Elliott Lash, Fangzhe Qiu, David Stifter , Morphosyntactic Variation in Medieval Celtic Languages - Corpus-based approaches, Berlin/Boston, De Gruyter Mouton, 2020, pp195 - 237, [Jürgen Uhlich], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie, 67, (2020), 1 - 291p, Jürgen Uhlich, [eds.], since 2007, Notes: [Languages of publication German, English, French], Journal, PUBLISHED  URL
Loch nEchach n-án: Nasalierungsübertragung in den altirischen Glossen und späteren Quellen in, editor(s)Caoimhín Breatnach Meidhbhín Ní Úrdail Gordon Ó Riain , Lorg na Leabhar. A Festschrift for Pádraig A. Breatnach, Dublin, The National University of Ireland, 2019, pp13 - 38, [Jürgen Uhlich], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie, 66, (2019), v, 262p, Jürgen Uhlich, Torsten Meißner, Alderik Blom, [eds.], since 2007, Journal, PUBLISHED
The registers of Echaid's daughter in Fingal Rónáin in, editor(s)Anders Ahlqvist, Pamela O'Neill , Fír Fesso. A Festschrift for Neil McLeod, Sydney, The University of Sydney, 2018, pp233 - 261, [Jürgen Uhlich], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED

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Jürgen Uhlich, 'Faithful but unintelligent': Early Old Irish documents copied and miscopied, Osborn Bergin Memorial Lecture, University College Dublin, 21 September, 2017, UCD School of Irish, Celtic Studies and Folklore, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Jürgen Uhlich, Evidence for copying in documents from the Early Irish period, Teangeolaíocht na Gaeilge / The linguistics of the Gaelic languages / Cananachas na Gàidhlig XVII, NUI Maynooth, 11 April, 2015, School of Celtic Studies, NUI Maynooth, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Jürgen Uhlich, Review of Il medioirlandese/Middle Irish. A Translation into Italian of the Gaelic Text An Mheán-Ghaeilge by Liam Breatnach. Translated from the Gaelic with Notes by Elisa Roma. With a Foreword by Ruairí Ó hUiginn., by Elisa Roma , Journal of Celtic Linguistics, 16, 2015, p157-164 , Review, PUBLISHED
Jürgen Uhlich, Weiteres zur Überlieferung der Homilie von Cambrai und ihren Implikationen für die irische Sprachgeschichte, Sprachwissenschaftliche Vorträge, Universität Marburg, Germany, 27 January, 2012, Fachgebiet Vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft und Keltologie, Universität Marburg, Germany, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Jürgen Uhlich, Introduction to Early Old Irish, Fifth Leiden Summer School in Languages and Linguistics, University of Leiden, Netherlands, 23 July, 2010, Department of Indo-European, University of Leiden, Netherlands, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Jürgen Uhlich, Die Überlieferung der Homilie von Cambrai und ihre Implikationen für die irische Sprachgeschichte, Vortrag in memoriam Rudolf Thurneysen, Universität Bonn, Germany, 13 November, 2009, Sprachwissenschaftliches Institut, Universität Bonn, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Jürgen Uhlich, Review of Baile in Scáil: 'The Phantom's Frenzy', by Kevin Murray , Éigse, 36, 2008, p228-234 , Review, PUBLISHED
Jürgen Uhlich, Linguistic connections between India and Ireland, Myles Dillon Memorial Lecture, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 6 April, 2006, School of Celtic Studies, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Jürgen Uhlich, Zum stilistischen Einsatz sprachlicher Register im frühmittelirischen Text Fingal Rónáin, Sprachwissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Universität Bonn, Germany, 14 December, 2006, Sprachwissenschaftliches Institut, Universität Bonn, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Jürgen Uhlich, Études Celtiques. Vol. 31 (1995), Review of Études Celtiques. Vol. 31 (1995), by P.-Y. Lambert , Éigse, 34, 2004, p237-244 , Review, PUBLISHED


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Award Date
Undergraduate scholarship, Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes 1981-1983
PhD scholarship, Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes 1984-1986
Research scholarship, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 1986-1989
Research scholarship, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft 1992-1994
Early Irish linguistics; Early Irish texts and literature; Comparative Celtic linguistics; Continental Celtic linguistics; Indo-European comparative philology.