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Professor Thomas O'Dowd

Fellow Emeritus (Public Health & Primary Care)
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Professor Thomas O'Dowd

Fellow Emeritus (Public Health & Primary Care)


Following vocational training in general practice in Ireland, I joined the University of Wales College of Medicine (1980 - 86) as a lecturer and subsequently the University of Nottingham (1986 - 1993 as a senior lecturer and was a partner in local general practices. I was appointed to the Chair of General Practice in Trinity College in 1993. I have lectured at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels and been involved in curriculum change and design and postgraduate research supervision. I was Chairman of the Education Committee of the Medical Council that led to the current professionalisation of medical education in Ireland. I am a practising GP in West Tallaght with a GMS list and practice from a health centre that was built on foot of research by me and my colleagues.
  Child centred research questions, study design, data analysis   Clinical research, trials   Epidemiology   Health status and inequalities   Human genetics   International children's research   Irish childhoods, change and diversity   Population based intervention trials   Primary care   Public health   Public, private mix network
Project Title
 Growing Up in Ireland
2 longitudinal studies of 10,000 9 month and 8,500 9 year olds. See for further details
Funding Agency
Office of Minister for Children
Project Type
Longitudinal studies
Project Title
 Vulnerable groups in Primary Care
Primary care research centre with 3 workstreams - the one involving Trinity is in chronic disease.
Funding Agency
Health Research Board
Project Type
Primary care research
Project Title
 Gene environment interactions in children
Dec 2010
Dec 2013
Funding Agency
Health Research Board
Project Type
Project Grant
Project Title
 Obesity in childhood : primary care study
Funding Agency
National Children's Research Centre Our Lady's Children's Hospital Crumlin, Dublin 12
Project Type
Primary care intervention
Person Months

Details Date From Date To
Elected to Council of Irish College of General Practitioners May 2010 May 2013
Council of the Medical Defence Union 1997
European General Practitioner Research Workshop 2007
Society of Academic Primary Care 1982
Association of University Departments of General Practice in Ireland 2000
Susan M Smith , GrĂ¡inne Cousins , Barbara Clyne , Shane Allwright and Tom O'Dowd , Shared care across the interface between primary and specialty care in management of long term conditions, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, February, 2017, Review Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
O'Shea B, Ladewig EL, Kelly A, Reulbach U, O'Dowd T, Weighing children : parents agree but GPs conflicted, Archives of Disease in Childhood, 0, (0), 2014, p1 - 3, Notes: [DOI 10.1136], Journal Article, PUBLISHED
O'Dowd T., Depression and multimorbidity in psychiatry and primary care., J Clin Psychiatry, 75, (11), 2014, pe1319-20 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Ni Shuilleabhain, Barry, J., Kelly, A., O'Kelly, F., Darker, C., & O'Dowd, T. , Alcohol consumption in pregnancy: results from the general practice setting, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 183, (2), 2014, p231 - 240, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Teljeur C, Tyrrell E, Kelly A, O'Dowd T, Thomas S., Getting a handle on the general practice workforce in Ireland., Irish Journal of Medical Science, 182, (2), 2014, p207 - 213, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Teljeur, C., Smith, SM, Paul, G., Kelly, A., O'Dowd, T., Multimorbidity in a cohort of patients with type 2 diabetes, European Journal of General Practice, 19, 2013, p17 - 22, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Reulbach U, Ladewig EL, Nixon E, O'Moore M, Williams J, O'Dowd T, Weight, body image and bullying in 9-year-old children., Journal of paediatrics and child health, Mar 27 [Epub], 2013, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Reulbach, U., Ladewig, E.L., Nixon, E., O'Moore, M., Williams, J. & O'Dowd, T.C., Weight, body image and bullying in 9-year-old children., Journal of Pediatrics & Child Health, 49, (4), 2013, pE288 - E293, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Kelly D, O'Dowd T, Reulbach U, Use of folic acid supplements and risk of cleft lip and palate in infants: a population-based cohort study, British Journal Of General Practice, 62, (600), 2012, p466 - 472, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Smith SS, Soubhi H, Fortin M, Hudon C, O'Dowd T, Managing patients with multimorbidity : systematic review of interventions in primary care and community settings, British Medical Journal, 345, (e5205), 2012, p1 - 10, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI

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Darker C, Martin CM, O'Dowd TC, O'Kelly F, O'Kelly M, O'Shea B, A national survey of chronic disease management in Irish general practice, Dublin, Department of Public Health and Primary Care, TCD, June, 2011, p1 - 71, Report, PUBLISHED
O'Kelly F, O'Kelly M, Ni Shuilleabhain A, O'Dowd T, A national Census of Irish General Practice Training Programmes 1997 - 2003, Dublin, Irish College of general Practitioners, September, 2008, 1, 31, Report, PUBLISHED
O'Dowd T, O'Kelly M, O'Kelly F, Structure of General Practice in Ireland 1982-2005, Dublin, Department of Public Health and Primary Care, Trinity College Dublin and Irish College of General Pr, May, 2006, Report, PUBLISHED
Paul G, Smith SM, Whitford D, O'Dowd T., Can a peer-care model improve diabetes outcomes?, Diabetes Voice, 50, (4), 2005, p20 - 21, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
O'Dowd T, O'Keeffe F, Men and their health - a primary care initiative, Dublin, Department of Public Health and Primary Care, Trinity College Dublin, September, 2004, Report, PUBLISHED
Barry J, Sinclair H, Kelly A, O'Loughlin R, Handy D, O'Dowd, Inequalities in health in Ireland - hard facts, Dublin, Department of Community Health & General Practice Trinity College, 2001, 1, 88, Report, PUBLISHED
The ritual of antenatal care in, editor(s)Anderson D , Overspending in the NHS, London, Social Affairs Unit, 2000, pp13 - 18, [O'Dowd TC], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Murphy AM, McSweeney M, O'Dowd TC, Bury G, Shannon W, Bradley CP, Using email for abstracts submitted for a conference was unexpectedly labour intensive (Letter), British Medical Journal, 317, (7157), 1998, p543 - 543, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
O'Dowd T, Sinclair H, McSweeney M, Stress and morale in general practice in the Republic of Ireland, Dublin, Irish College of General Practitioners, February, 1997, 1, 40, Report, PUBLISHED
O'Dowd T, Review of Implementing GP fundholding: wild card or winning hand?, by Glennerster H, Matsaganis M, Owens P, Hancock S , British Medical Journal, 314, (10th May), 1997, p1425 , Review, PUBLISHED


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Award Date
47th Robert Graves Lecturer 2007
ICGP Foundation Lecturer 1996
My research has covered medical education and many aspects of patient welfare and healthcare delivery including inequalities, workforce planning and chronic diseases and I have published widely in Irish and international peer reviewed journals ( I am currently a member of the study team of the National Longitudinal Study of Children in Ireland (Growing up in Ireland) which is studying the lives of 18,000 children. I led Trinity College's successful application for the Health Research Board funded Centre on Primary Care Research with RCSI and Queen's University Belfast I have served on a number of national and international editorial boards and committees. Contact details: Department of Public Health and Primary Care Trinity College Centre for Health Sciences Adelaide and Meath Hospital, Incorporating the National Children's Hospital Tallaght, Dublin 24, Ireland Telephone: +353 (0)1 8961087 Fax: +353 (0)1 4031211 Email: