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Professor Ladislav Timulak

Director, Doctorate of Counselling Psych (Psychology)
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Professor Ladislav Timulak

Director, Doctorate of Counselling Psych (Psychology)

Ladislav Timulak, PhD is Professor in Counselling Psychology at Trinity College Dublin. He is Course Director of the Doctorate in Counselling Psychology. Ladislav (or short Laco; read Latso) is involved in the training of counselling psychologists. His main research interest is psychotherapy research, particularly the development of emotion focused therapy as well as online mental health interventions. He has written (or co-written) 10 books, over 100 peer reviewed papers and chapters in both his native language, Slovak, and in English. His most recent books include Transforming Emotional Pain in Psychotherapy: An Emotion‐Focused Approach (Routledge, 2015) and Transforming Generalized Anxiety: An Emotion-Focused Approach (Routledge, 2017)(with James McElvaney; 2018), and Essentials of Descriptive-Interpretive Qualitative Research: (with co-author Robert Elliott) and Transdiagnostic Emotion-Focused Therapy (with co-author Daragh Keogh) published by the American Psychological Association (2021). His latest books include Essentials of Qualitative Meta-Analysis (with Mary Creaner; American Psychological Association) and Transforming Emotional Pain: An Emotion-Focused Workbook (with several co-authors; Routledge). He provides trainings for clinicians using the approach presented in his books internationally. He directs Emotion-Focused Therapy Research Group and co-directs an E-Mental Health Research group.He previously co-edited Counselling Psychology Quarterly. He serves on various editorial boards and provides expert reviews of academic papers and research grants internationally.
  Alcoholism Treatment   Behavioral Therapy   Drug Abuse Treatment   Emotional, behavioural and cognitive disorders   Emotional/Mental Health   Health, Clinical and Counselling   Mental Disorders   Mental Health Services   Psychosocial Therapy   psychotherapy research, evidence-based psychotherapy   Relaxation Techniques
Project Title
 Effectiveness of an internet-based transdiagnostic programme for the treatment of emotional disorders
Effectiveness of an internet-based transdiagnostic programme for the treatment of emotional disorders in a primary care setting: a randomised controlled trial (in support of Vicente Alberto Gonzales-Robles)
Funding Agency
Irish Research Council
Project Title
 A qualitative study of dropout from an internet-delivered CBT
A qualitative study of dropout from an internet-delivered CBT intervention for adults with symptoms of depression and anxiety (in support of Kate Lawlor)
Funding Agency
Irish Research Council
Project Title
  Implementation of internet-delivered psychological interventions.
Irish Research Council Employment-based Scholarship (in support of Daniel Duffy)
Funding Agency
Irish Research Council
Project Title
 Online treatment for depression and anxiety in IAPT.
An RCT of iCBT for depression dan anxiety in the NHS IAPT service.
Funding Agency
SilverCloud Health
Project Type
Project Title
 Emotion-focused therapy vs. cognitive-behavioural therapy in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder.
Funding Agency
Health Research Board
Health Research Award
Project Type
Person Months

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Details Date
Co-Editor-in-Chief, Counselling Psychology Quarterly since 2013
member of editorial board Journal of Counseling Psychology since 2016
member of editorial board Journal of Psychotherapy Integration since 2017
member of Editorial Board of the journal Psychotherapy Research since 2013
member of Editorial Board of the journal Counselling and Psychotherapy Research 2009
Member of International advisory board of Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapies. 2002-Present
Programme External Examiner - Doctorate in Psychotherapeutic and Counselling Psychology University of Surrey, UK 2014-2017
A member of International Advisory Editorial Board of the journal Psychoterapie
External Examiner of Theses: City University London, UK; University of West England, Bristol, UK; Strathclyde University, Glasgow, UK; University of Abertay, Dundee, UK; Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa; London Metropolitan University, UK; University of Surrey, UK; Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic; Comillas University Madrid; Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel; University of Minho, Braga, Portuga; lPalacky University Olomouc. Czech republic
Psychological Society of Ireland, past council member, honorary secretary 2006-2010
Division of Counselling Psychology, Psychological Society of Ireland, past committee member
peer reviewed for: BMC Psychiatry, BMJ Open, British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, Canadian Psychology, Clinical Psychology: Science & Practice; Journal of Counseling Psychology; Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology; Psychoterapie; Counselling Psychology Quarterly; Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapies; Counselling and Psychotherapy Research; Psychotherapy Research; European Journal of Counselling Psychology; Journal of Psychotherapy Integration; Journal of Affective Disorders; Psychology and Psychotherapy; European Journal of Psychotherapy & Counselling; Social Behavior and Personality
Psychological Society of Ireland - Board of Professional Conduct member 2008-2009
Psychological Society of Ireland Quality Assurance Group reviewing postgraduate training guidelines 2007 - 2008
Psychological Society of Ireland Quality Assurance Group reviewing postgraduate training guidelines in counselling psychology (since ) 2007 - 2008
A member of the Psychological Society of Ireland accreditation panel University College Cork MSc in Counselling Psychology. September 2007
A programme re-approval Doctorate in Counselling Psychology Glasgow Caledonian University, UK (November 2018) 2018
Psychological Society of Ireland - Foreign Qualifications Expert Validation Committee (assessing foreign qualification for the Department of Health) 2008-2017
Chair of Commission (Humanistic Psychotherapies) for registration in The Register of Psychotherapists of Slovak Psychotherapeutic Society. 2004-2005
Chair of Division of Counseling Psychology of Slovak Chamber of Psychologists 2004-2005
Member of the committee of Slovak Psychotherapy Society since 2006
a member of the External Evaluation Committee (EEC)of the Cyprus Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education 2019
Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
Czech Fluent Medium Medium
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
French Fluent Basic Medium
Russian Basic Basic Basic
Slovak Fluent Fluent Fluent
Details Date From Date To
The International Society for Psychotherapy Research 2003 present
The International Society for Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration
Slovak Psychotherapy Society
the Slovak Chamber of Psychologists 1999
Psychological Society of Ireland 2005
Emotion-focused therapy. in, editor(s)D. G. Friedman-Wheeler & A. Wenzel , The Sage Encyclopedia of Mood and Anxiety Disorders (Vol. 3,, 2025, [Timulak, L. & Keogh, D.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED  DOI
Duffy, D., Richards, D., Hisler, G., Timulak, L., Implementing internet-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy for depression and anxiety in adults: Systematic review., Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2025, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
What is a contemporary patient-centered perspective on psychotherapy processes and outcomes? in, editor(s)F. T. L. Leong, J. L. Callahan, J. Zimmerman, M. J. Constantino, & C. F. Eubanks (Eds.), , APA handbook of psychotherapy: Evidence-based practice, practice-based evidence, and contextual participant-driven practice, Washington, DC, American Psychological Association, 2024, pp271-286 , [Swift, J. K., Cooper, M., & Timulak, L.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED  DOI
Experiential theory in psychotherapy. in, editor(s)F. T. L. Leong, J. L. Callahan, J. Zimmerman, M. J. Constantino, & C. F. Eubanks , APA handbook of psychotherapy: Theory-driven practice and disorder-driven practice, Washington, DC, 2024, pp109 - 124, pp109-124 , [Kramer, U. & Timulak, L.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED  DOI
Jones, F., Timulak, L., Keogh, D., Chigwedere, C., Wilson, C., & Ward, F., Client predictors of dropouts and outcomes in psychotherapy for generalized anxiety disorder: an exploratory study., Person-Centered & Experiential Psychotherapies, 2024, p1-18 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Taher, R., Bhanushali, P., Allan, S., Alvarez-Jimenez, M., Bolton, H., Dennison, L., Wallace, B. E., Hadjistavropoulos, H. D., Hall, C. L., Hardy, A., Henry, A. L., Lane, S., Maguire, T., Moreton, A., Moukhtarian, T. R., Vallejos, E. P., Shergill, S., Stahl, D., Thew, G. R., Timulak, L., . . . Yiend, J., Bridging the gap from medical to psychological safety assessment: Consensus study in a digital mental health context., BJPsych Open, 2024, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
Levitt, H. M., Hamburger, A., Hill, C. E., McLeod, J., Pascual-Leone, A., Timulak, L., Buchholz, M. B., Frommer, J., Fuertes, J., Iwakabe, S., Martínez, C., Morrill, Z., Knox, S., Langer, P., Muran, J. C., Weie Oddli, H., "ihá"ek, T., Tomicic, A., & Tuval-Mashiach, R., Broadening the evidentiary basis for clinical practice guidelines: Recommendations from qualitative psychotherapy researchers., American Psychologist, 2024, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
Timulak, L., Dailey, J., Lunn, J., McKnight, J., Transdiagnostic emotion-focused Therapy for couples with co-morbid relational and mood, anxiety and related difficulties., Journal Contemporary Psychotherapy, 2024, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
Timulak, L., Personalized context-sensitive emotion-focused therapy., Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, 2024, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
López-Cavada, C., Jódar, R., Timulak, L., & Corbella, S., Emotion-focused treatment for self-criticism in a nonclinical population: A randomized controlled trial, Journal of Counselling Psychology, 2024, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL

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Timuľák, l., Sympózium o profesionálnej etike pre psychológov, Psychofórum, 1, (2005), 2005, Journal Article, IN_PRESS
Timuľák, L., Potreba koncepcie (aplikačných oblastí) poradenskej psychológie, Psychofórum, 2, (2004), 2004, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Timuľák, L., Empiricky podlo ené psychologické intervencie, Psychofórum, 2, (2004), 2004, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Timuľák, L., Internetovské stránky s tematikou psychoterapie vo svete, Psychofórum, 1, (2004), 2004, p51 - 52, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Timuľák, L., Pár poznámok k boloňskému modelu a k profilu absolventov túdia psychológie, Psychofórum, 1, (2004), 2004, p27 - 28, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Timuľák L., Review of Doing counselling research, by J. McLeod , Československá Psychologie, 2004, Review, PUBLISHED
Timuľák, L., Recenzia na knihu L. Benjaminová: Interpersonal diagnosis and treatment of personality disorders, Československá Psychologie, 2004, Review, PUBLISHED
Existenciálne stretnutie v psychoterapii [Existential encounter in psychotherapy] in, Výzvy pre psychológiu tretieho tisícročia: Perspektívy z pohľadu logoterapie. Zborník z konferencie, Trnava: Trnavská univerzita, 2003, [Timuľák, L.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Timuľák, L., Výročná konferencia Spoločnosti pre výskum psychoterapie, Česká a Slovenská psychiatrie, 99, 2003, p459 - 460, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Timulák, L., Review of Ovlivòování a autonomie v psychoanalýze, by S. A. Mitchell , Psychofórum, 2, (2003), 2003, Review, PUBLISHED


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Award Date
Fulbright Scholar, USA. 2001/2002
European Association of Counselling Psychology - Award for contribution to the development of Counselling Psychology in Europe. 2014
Scholarship Flemish Community, Belgium. 1997/1998