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Professor Tim Foster

Fellow Emeritus (Microbiology)
Visiting Academic (School Office - Genetics & Microbiology)
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Professor Tim Foster

Fellow Emeritus (Microbiology)


Visiting Academic (School Office - Genetics & Microbiology)

  Antibiotic resistance mechanisms   Antibiotics   BIOFILMS   Biomedical Research Training   BOVINE MASTITIS   CLONING VECTORS   CLUMPING FACTOR   COLLAGEN ADHESIN   ENDOTHELIAL-CELLS   EPIDERMOLYTIC TOXIN   FIBRINOGEN   FIBRONECTIN   FIBRONECTIN-BINDING PROTEINS   FOREIGN-BODY INFECTION   GRAM-POSITIVE BACTERIA   HEMOLYSIN   Immune evasion mechanisms   Infectious Diseases/Agents   LEUKOCYTES   Microbiology   Molecular Cloning   Proteins and Macromolecules   Recombinant DNA   STAPHYLOCOCCUS-AUREUS   TOXIC SHOCK SYNDROME TOXIN   Vaccine   Vaccine development, delivery & adjuvants   Vaccinology   virulence factors
Details Date
Public Health Services Research Fellow, National Institutes of Health. Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Harvard University 1978-79
Consultant to SmithKline Beecham, UK 1990-1995
Consultant to PanTherix, Glasgow 2000-2002
Ad hoc consultancy to Zeneca, Intercell, American Cyanamid, Unilever, Pantherix
Ad hoc consultant to Environmental Protection Agency, Ireland. Live-attenuated cholera vaccine license
External member of promotion/tenure committee, University College Galway 1995
External member of promotion/tenure committee, St George's Hospital London 2003
Regular reviewer of grant applications. The Wellcome Trust, The Medical Research Council UK, BBSRC UK
Member of Health Research Board Committee, Microbiology Mechanisms of Infectious Disease and Host Defence 2001 - present
Reviewer for DFG Cluster of Excellence, Bonn, Germany June 2006
Scientific Advisory Board member for ISSSI (International Symposium of Staphylococci and Staphylococcal Infections) VII (1992), VIII (1996), IX (2000), X (2002), XI (2004), XII (2006), X1V (2010) 1992 - present
Invited speaker at 40 international conferences in USA, UK, and Far East and Europe since 1985 1985 -
Wellcome Trust Advanced Techniques laboratory course in Bacterial Pathogens, Hinxton, Cambridge. Tutor in laboratory. 2007, 2008, 2009
Details Date From Date To
Editorial Board of 'Molecular Microbiology' 1990 - present
Member of Scientific Advisory Board of Inhibitex Inc, Alpharetta, Georgia, USA 1998-2006 present
Editorial Board of 'Microbial Drug Resistance' 2002 - present
Editorial Board of 'Microbiology' 1990 1995
Editorial Board of 'Journal of Bacteriology' 1983 1989
Editorial Board of "Infection and Immunity" 2008
Member of American Society for Microbiology 1972
Member of Society for General Microbiology 1973
F. Prencipe, A. Alsibaee, Z. Khaddem, P. Norton, A.M. Towell, A.F.M. Ali, G. Reid, O.M. Fleury, T.J. Foster, J.A. Geoghegan, I. Rozas, M.P. Brennan, Allantodapsone is a pan-inhibitor of Staphylococcus aureus adhesion to fibrinogen, loricrin and cytokeratin 10, Microbiology Spectrum, 10, 2022, pe0117521-, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Tang, A. and Caballero, A.R. and Bierdeman, M.A. and Marquart, M.E. and Foster, T.J. and Monk, I.R. and O†callaghan, R.J., Staphylococcus aureus superantigen-like protein SSL1: A toxic protease, Pathogens, 8, (1), 2019, p2-, Notes: [cited By 0], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Foster, T.J., Can β-Lactam Antibiotics Be Resurrected to Combat MRSA?, Trends in Microbiology, 27, (1), 2019, p26-38 , Notes: [cited By 0], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Pietrocola G, Nobile G, Alfeo MJ, Foster TJ, Geoghegan JA, De Filippis V, Speziale P., Fibronectin-binding protein B (FnBPB) from Staphylococcus aureus protects against the antimicrobial activity of histones., The Journal of biological chemistry, 2019, p3588-3602 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Ramadhan, K. and Foster, T.J., Effects of ball milling on the structural, thermal, and rheological properties of oat bran protein flour, Journal of Food Engineering, 229, 2018, p50-56 , Notes: [cited By 0], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Holland, S. and Tuck, C. and Foster, T., Fluid Gels: a New Feedstock for High Viscosity Jetting, Food Biophysics, 2018, p1-11 , Notes: [cited By 0; Article in Press], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Holland, S. and Foster, T. and MacNaughtan, W. and Tuck, C., Design and characterisation of food grade powders and inks for microstructure control using 3D printing, Journal of Food Engineering, 220, 2018, p12-19 , Notes: [cited By 0], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
De Chirico, S. and di Bari, V. and Foster, T. and Gray, D., Enhancing the recovery of oilseed rape seed oil bodies (oleosomes) using bicarbonate-based soaking and grinding media, Food Chemistry, 241, 2018, p419-426 , Notes: [cited By 0], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Holland, S. and Tuck, C. and Foster, T., Selective recrystallization of cellulose composite powders and microstructure creation through 3D binder jetting, Carbohydrate Polymers, 200, 2018, p229-238 , Notes: [cited By 0], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Alba, K. and MacNaughtan, W. and Laws, A.P. and Foster, T.J. and Campbell, G.M. and Kontogiorgos, V., Fractionation and characterisation of dietary fibre from blackcurrant pomace, Food Hydrocolloids, 81, 2018, p398-408 , Notes: [cited By 3], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI

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Paul K. Gorecki, Anne Nolan, Aoife Brick, Seán Lyons, Delivery of Pharmaceuticals in Ireland Getting a Bigger Bang for the Buck, Dublin, ESRI, January, 2012, 1-161, Notes: [Research Series No. 24], Report, PUBLISHED
Foster, T.J. , Staphylococci and staphylococcal infections, Expert Review of Anti-Infective Therapy, 8, (12), 2010, p1337 - 1338, Journal Article, PUBLISHED


Award Date
Public Health Service International Research Fellow, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health. 1978-1979
Elected to Fellowship of Trinity College Dublin 1981
E.S. and R. Duthie Lecture, Trinity College Dublin 2003