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Professor Terence P Brown

Fellow Emeritus (Fellows Emeritii)
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Professor Terence P Brown

Fellow Emeritus (Fellows Emeritii)


Details Date
Inaugural Visiting Professor of Irish Studies, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia 2001
Professeur Invité , Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris III, March, April, May 2003 2003
Senior Master Non-Regent (Member of Senate, University of Dublin) 2003
Trinity College representative on the Royal Irish Academy's sub-committee for the study of Anglo-Irish literature. 1972-Present
Appointed Director Irish Book Awards. 1987
Appointed general editor the Gill and Macmillan Studies in Irish literature. April 1988
Appointed editorial board Krino. 1989
Appointed adviser to Gill's Irish Classic Series. 1990
Appointed by Minister of Foreign Affairs Member Cultural Relations Committee... Re-appointed 1996-98 and 2001-2004 1994-96
Appointed to the Board, Institute of Irish Studies, QUB. 2001
Appointed by Minister of Foreign Affairs Irish Chair of Encounter. 1996-2002
Details Date From Date To
Member International Association for the Study of Anglo-Irish Literature (I.A.S.A.I.L.) 1970 Present
Member of the Dublin Joyce Centenary committee. 1982 1982
Member Cultures of Ireland. Chair 1993-present.( in this capacity involved centrally in organising Irish cross-border lectures, seminars, conferences and publications). 1990 Present
Member Rooney Prize Committee. 1991 2002
Elected Member Royal Irish Academy 1992
Elected member Academia Europeia 1994
Chair, National Association for English Studies 1995 Present
Brown T., Ireland: a social and cultural history, 1922-2002, London, Harper Perennial, 2004, 496pp, Notes: [new revised edition with three added chapters], Book, PUBLISHED
Terence Brown and Gerald Dawe, The Writer Fellow: An Anthology, Dublin, School of English, Trinity College, 2004, 121pp, Book, PUBLISHED
Shakespeare and the Irish Self in, editor(s)Peter Kuch and Julie-Ann Robson , Irelands in the Asia-Pacific, Gerrards Cross, Buckinghamshire, BuckinghamshireColin Smythe Ltd, 2004, pp3 - 17, [Brown T.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Brown T., Consulting Editor Irish literature in English The Encyclopedia of Ireland, Dublin, Gill and Macmillan, 2003, Notes: [New Haven: Yale University Press, 2004], Book, PUBLISHED
Let's go to Graceland: the drama of Stewart Parker in, editor(s)Nicholas Allen and Aaron Kelly , The Cities of Belfast, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2003, pp117 - 126, [Brown T.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Foreword in, editor(s)J.Chuto, R. Holzapfel. P. Van De Kamp, E.Shannon-Mangan , Selected Poems of James Clarence Mangan, Dublin/Portland, Oregan, Irish Academic Press, 2003, ppxii - xvii, [Brown T.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Mahon and Longley: Place and Placelessness in, editor(s)Matthew Campbell , The Cambridge Companion to Contemporary Irish Poetry, Cambridge, Cambridge University Perss, 2003, pp133 - 148, [Brown T.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Butler and Nationalism in, editor(s)Chris Agee , Unfinished Ireland; essays on Hubert Butler, Belfast, Irish Pages, 2003, pp94 - 100, [Brown T.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
The Literary Revival: Historical Perspectives in, editor(s)Munira H. Mutran and Laura P.Z. Izarra , Kaleidoscopic views of Ireland, Sao Paulo, Humanitas, 2003, pp11 - 253, [Brown T.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Mangan and the worst of woes in, editor(s)Davis Coakley and Mary O'Docherty , Borderlands: Essays on Literture and Medicine, Dublin, oyal College of Surgeons in Ireland, 2002, pp60 - 68, [Brown T.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED

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Brown T., Joyce and Materialism, Washington and Lee University, Virginia, April, 2005, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Brown T., Joyce and Materialism, James Joyce Center, Dublin, March, 2004, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Brown T., Commemoration, Hertford College, Oxford and University of London, February, 2004, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Brown T., Commemoration and the Peace Process, Wake Forest University, North Carolina, March, 2004, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Brown T., Ithaca and materialism, Joycefest, Dublin, June, 2004, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Brown T., Revising the Irish Literary Revival, University of Aberdeen, March, 2003, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Brown T., Plenary lecture on Yeats and Shakespeare, University of Orleans, France, April, 2003, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Brown T., Frank O'Connor and a Vanished Ireland, The Frank O'Connor Centenary Conference, TCD, September, 2003, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Brown T., Ithaca and the Poetry of Things, Literature and the Thin, Sorbonne Nouvelle (Paris III), Septemeber, 2003, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Brown T., Matthews Memorial Lecture, Birkbeck College, University of London, May, 2002, Invited Talk, PRESENTED


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Award Date
Elected to Fellowship, T.C.D. 1976
Made Companion of St Michael and St George, New Year's Honours list, for serviccs to Irish/British relations 2002
Senior Fellow T.C.D. 2004