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Professor Susan Smith

Professor of General Practice (1991) (Public Health & Primary Care)
Profile Photo

Professor Susan Smith

Professor of General Practice (1991) (Public Health & Primary Care)


Susan Smith is Professor of General Practice at Trinity College Dublin and works as a General Practitioner at Inchicore Family Doctors in Dublin 8. She did her undergraduate medical degree in TCD and then did GP training in Ireland and the UK, followed by a period working as an academic GP in Australia. She retuned to Ireland where she has worked as an academic GP in UCD, RCSI and TCD and continues to work as a GP at Inchicore Family Doctors in Dublin 8. Prof Smith is the Associate Director of the HRB Primary Care Clinical Trials Network Ireland and the Clinical Lead for HRB CICER, which provides evidence synthesis supports for the National Clinical Effectiveness Committee.
  Clinical research, trials   Community health and general practice   Primary care
Project Title
 HRB Collaborative Doctoral Award in Multimorbidity
Funding Agency

Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
Details Date From Date To
Larkin, James, Foley, Louise, Timmons, Shane, Hickey, Tony, Clyne, Barbara, Harrington, Patricia, Smith, Susan M., How do people with multimorbidity prioritise healthcare when faced with tighter financial constraints? A national survey with a choice experiment component, BMC Primary Care, 26, (1), 2025, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Smith, Susan M, Mair, Frances S, van den Akker, Marjan, Prof Martin Fortin, An appreciation, Journal of Multimorbidity and Comorbidity, 15, 2025, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Matrook, Khadija A., Whitford, David L., Smith, Susan M., McGilloway, Sinead, Piyasena, Mapa Prabhath, Cowman, Seamus, Family-based interventions for adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Primary Care Diabetes, 19, (2), 2025, p111-119 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Steell, Lewis, Krauth, Stefanie J., Ahmed, Sayem, Dibben, Grace O., McIntosh, Emma, Hanlon, Peter, Lewsey, Jim, Nicholl, Barbara I., McAllister, David A., Smith, Susan M., Evans, Rachael, Ahmed, Zahira, Dean, Sarah, Greaves, Colin, Barber, Shaun, Doherty, Patrick, Gardiner, Nikki, Ibbotson, Tracy, Jolly, Kate, Ormandy, Paula, Simpson, Sharon A., Taylor, Rod S., Singh, Sally J., Mair, Frances S., Jani, Bhautesh D., , , Multimorbidity clusters and their associations with health-related quality of life in two UK cohorts, BMC Medicine, 23, (1), 2025, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Cronin, Thomas, Healy, David, McCarthy, Noel, Smith, Susan M, Travers, John, Prevalence and risk factors of frailty in people experiencing homelessness: A systematic review and meta-analysis, The Journal of Frailty & Aging, 14, (2), 2025, p100029 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Walsh, Kieran A., O"Donnell, Helen, O"Loughlin, Mark, Eames, Heather, Jiang, Jingjing, O"Brien, Katie M., Broderick, Natasha, O"Brien, Kirsty K., Carrigan, Marie, Comber, Laura, Cardwell, Karen, Quigley, Joan, Smith, Susan M., Ó Murchú, Éamon, Butler, Karina, Corcoran, Brenda, Connolly, Kevin, Harrington, Patricia, Ryan, Máirín, O'Neill, Michelle, Duration of protective immunity following COVID"19 vaccination of individuals with underlying health conditions: A rapid review, Reviews in Medical Virology, 34, (2), 2024, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Andrew Dullea, Lydia O'Sullivan, Marie Carrigan, Susan Ahern, Maeve McGarry, Kirsty O'Brien, Patricia Harrington, Kieran A. Walsh, Susan M. Smith, Máirín Ryan, Diagnostic accuracy of 18F Prostate Specific Membrane Antigen (PSMA) PET-CT radiotracers in staging and restaging of high-risk prostate cancer patients and patients with biochemical recurrence: an overview of reviews, Seminars in Nuclear Medicine, 2024, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
Cunningham, Joice, Doyle, Frank, Cadogan, Cathal, Clyne, Barbara, Ryan, Jennifer, Smith, Susan M, French, Helen P, Barriers and enablers to the management of osteoarthritis in primary care in Ireland from the perspective of healthcare professionals and individuals with osteoarthritis: a qualitative study using the Theoretical Domains Framework, BMJ Open, 14, (12), 2024, pe087054 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
O Shea, Muireann, Kiely, Bridget, O"Donnell, Patrick, Smith, Susan M, An evaluation of the social deprivation practice grant in Irish general practice, BJGP Open, 8, (2), 2024, pBJGPO.2023.0195 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Kiely, Bridget, Keenan, Ivana, Loomba, Sonali, Mack, Natalie, Byers, Vivienne, Galvin, Emer, O"Shea, Muireann, O"Donnell, Patrick, Boland, Fiona, Clyne, Barbara, O"Shea, Eamon, Smith, Susan M., Connolly, Deirdre, Implementing a General Practice-Based Link Worker Intervention for People with Multimorbidity During the Covid-19 Pandemic- a Mixed Methods Process Evaluation of the LinkMM RCT, International Journal of Integrated Care, 24, 2024, p16 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI

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Creane, D., Hayes, C., O Ciardha, D., Smith, S. M., Campbell, A. & Mc Carthy, N., Health data to support local communities, 1, Trinity College Dublin, January 2024, 2024, p1 - 12, Notes: [Demonstration of marked disparity in presence of asthma among residents of a housing complex and those living nearby. This is relevant for housing policy and the importance of granular health data to identify health needs.], Report, PUBLISHED
Paul G, Smith SM, Whitford D, O'Dowd T., Can a peer-care model improve diabetes outcomes?, Diabetes Voice, 50, (4), 2005, p20 - 21, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Susan M Smith, Journal Article, PUBLISHED


Prof Smith's research interests include improving outcomes for patients with multimorbidity and related clinical issues such as medicines management, including access to medicines. She has been the PI or Co-PI on eight RCTs of interventions for chronic disease management in Irish primary care settings. She is an editor and author with the Cochrane Collaboration and is an advocate for Evidence Based Medicine and Shared Decision Making. She also has an interest in health equity and coordinates the Deep End Ireland Group, which advocates for appropriate primary care services for socioeconomically disadvantaged groups. During the COVID-19 pandemic she has been a member of the HIQA COVID19 Expert Advisory Group, which provides evidence based guidance to inform public policy and guidance.