Usher R., Stapleton T., Assessment of older adults" decision-making capacity for independent living: Findings from a nominal group technique meeting in Ireland, Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 72, (1), 2025,
Journal Article,
Yvonne Codd, Gary Killeen, David Kane, Susan Somerville, Katie Mahon, Jane Brownlee, Oriel Corcorcan, Trish Fitzgerald, Tadhg Stapleton, Enhancing vocational outcomes in Irish clinical practice for adults with rheumatic and musculoskeletal disorders: 12-month interim findings from Work-Able Solutions, All Ireland Conference on Integrated Care, Dublin,, 26th March 2025, 2025,
Stapleton T., Norris L., Clancy K., O Gorman A., Bannan C., Kent B., Conlon P., Nadajaran P., Kerr C., Connolly D., Outcomes of a fatigue management intervention for people with post COVID-19 condition., American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation., 103, (5), 2024, p410 - 417,
Journal Article,
TARA - Full Text
Dickerson AE., Stapleton T., Bloss J., Gelinas I., Harries P., Choi M., Margot-Cattin I., Mazer B., Patomella AH., Swanepoel L., Van Niekerk L., Unsworth C., Vrkljan B., A systematic review of effective interventions and strategies to support the transition of older adults from driving to driving retirement/cessation, Innovation in Aging, 8, (6), 2024, pigae054 ,
Journal Article,
Codd, Y., Porter-Armstrong, A., Turtle, B., McNally, A., McArdle, M.,, Stinson, M., MCIlwaine, P., Abbi, L., Morrow, F., Hughes, T., Maguire, A., Stapleton, T., A Communities of Practice approach to understand barriers and facilitators in implementing clinical based stroke research, Irish Heart Foundation Stroke Conference, Dublin, 15th November 2024, 2024,
Oral Presentation,
Spirtos M,. Stapleton T., Interventions for sleep disorders in children with cerebral palsy (CP) - a systematic review, AOTI Conference 2024 Book of Abstracts, Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland, 26th 27th September, 2024, pp39 - 40,
Oral Presentation,
Cunninghan L,. Stapleton T., Horgan F., Impact of post-stroke cognitive impairment on returning to work in working-aged stroke survivors: a systematic review, Irish Heart Foundation Stroke Study Day for Healthcare Professinals2024, Dublin, 15th November, 2024,
Oral Presentation,
Cunningham L, Horgan F, Stapleton T., Impact of post stroke cognitive impairment on return to work following mild stroke and TIA, European Life after Stroke Forum 2024, Dublin, March 2024, 2024,
Y. Codd, T. Fitzgerald, J. Brownlee, K. Mahon, T. Stapleton, O. Glennon, G. Killeen, D. Kane, Work-able solutions: preliminary report on the identification and need for an integrated care occupational therapy work intervention for individuals with musculoskeletal disorders and arthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, EULAR, Vienna, Austria, 12th-16th June 2024, 83, (Suppl 1), 2024, pp2177-,
Published Abstract,
Cunningham, L., Stapleton, T., Horgan, F., Impact of post-stroke cognitive impairment (PCSI) on return to work (RTW) in working-aged stroke survivors following minor stroke and TIA, Irish Journal of Occupational Therapy, Association of Occupational Therapists Of Ireland (AOTI) Annual Conference, Ireland, 26th 27th September, 52, (2), Emerald Insight, 2024, pp99 - 99,
Published Abstract,