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Dr. Tadhg Stapleton

Associate Professor Occupational Therapy (Occupational Therapy)
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Dr. Tadhg Stapleton

Associate Professor Occupational Therapy (Occupational Therapy)

Tadhg Stapleton joined the lecturing staff in the Discipline of Occupational Therapy in Trinity College Dublin in 2001. Prior to taking up his current post he worked as an occupational therapist in Ireland, UK, and USA, principally in the areas of adult neurological rehabilitation and older adult rehabilitation in both hospital and community settings. He is currently Head of the Discipline of Occupational Therapy since July 2015, and oversees the delivery of the four year undergraduate degree programme and the one year occupational therapy degree programme (Singapore). His research interest include driving and community mobility for people with medical conditions, outcomes of occupational therapy interventions across a variety of clinical conditions including stroke, dementia and mild cognitive impairment, inflammatory arthritis, obesity, prolonged disorders of consciousness and others.
Project Title
 HPF/2009/7 Occupational Therapy involvement in pre-driving assessment for people after stroke and how the findings from the assessment relate to in-car driving performance
PhD study focused on the assessment of fitness to drive for people after stroke. Three phased study; Phase 1 identifying assessment approaches recommended for occupational therapy assessment, Phase 2 the clinical implementation of an occupational therapy led assessment process pathway, and Phase 3 a qualitative exploration of factors influencing clinical decision making in the process of assessing fitness to drive after stroke.
Funding Agency
Health Research Board (HRB)
Research Training Fellowship for Healthcare Professionals
Project Title
Knowledge Exchange and Dissemination based on findings from Research training Fellowship Grant (HPF/2009/7). The grant was awarded to enable the development and delivery of training programmes designed specifically for occupational therapists working in healthcare settings in Ireland to address the issue of assessing fitness to drive in the clinical setting.
Funding Agency
Health Research Board (HRB)
Knowledge Exchange and Dissemination (KEDS)
Project Title
 A randomized controlled trial (RCT) of mirror box therapy in upper limb rehabilitation with sub-acute stroke patients
May 2019
April 2023
Funding Agency
Cross-border Healthcare Intervention Trials in Ireland Network (CHITIN). (INTERREG HRB)
Project Title
 The lived experiences of caregivers of children with disabilities: an experience-based co-design study to develop resources for professionals
Funding Agency
The Ireland Funds Singapore Applied Research Grant

Details Date
National Office for Traffic Medicine (NOTM). Currently the occupational therapy representative to the Joint Royal College of Physicians of Ireland/Road Safety Authority RCPI/RSA National Office for Traffic Medicine. NOTM. The NOTM was established in 2011 with the purpose of assisting medical doctors, other healthcare professsionals, and licencing authorities promote safe mobility in Ireland and their work includes overseeing the annual review and publication of the Irish Medical Fitness to Drive Guidelines (Slainte agus Tiomaint). Slainte agus Tiomaint Guidelines updated yearly, available at: National Office for traffic Medicine: 2011 - current
National Office for Traffic Medicine (NOTM) Education Subgroup. Actively involved in the establishment of the Education subgroup of the NOTM and continue to input to this group. Major contributor the to development of the first online Certificate in Traffic Medicine (RCPI) designed for medical doctors and occupational therapists. Designed the occupational therapy online module for this certificate course and deliver the required workshops associated with the certificate. 2013 - current
International expert advisory panel in Community Health and Transport (I-CHaT). Invited to participate in the formation of I-CHaT, an International group of primarily occupational therapy researchers in the area of driving and community mobility with the aim of developing a cohesive group of international researchers to work on agreed research priorities, collaborate on international research projects, seek competitive research grants, and guide practice internationally on the area of driving and community mobility for older adults and people with disability. The inaugural meeting of the group was in November 2016. current
Irish Heart Foundation Council on Stroke. Occupational Therapy representative to the Council on Stroke, from 2011 to present. Member of the Stroke Study Day Conference organising committee 2017, active contributor to the Stroke Survivors Day 2012, 2013, contributing member to the Stroke Outcome Measures working group in 2012. 2011 - current
Irish National Stroke Audit 2015. Member of the IHF/HSE National Stroke Audit 2015 Steering Group 2014 - 2015. Report published 2015, 2014 - 2015
Health Service Executive (HSE) National Steering Group for Practice Education (NSGPE). Since 2015 have represented the Discipline of Occupational Therapy TCD as a contributing member to the NSGPE. The focus of the NSGPE is on national issues related to the execution of the mandatory practice education (clinical placement) requirements of Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, and Speech and language Therapy students. 2015 - current
Reviewer. Invited to act as reviewer for several international journals including: Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation, Occupational Therapy in Healthcare, British Journal of Occupational Therapy, Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, Advances in Transportation Studies Irish Journal of Occupational Therapy. Acted as Conference Abstract reviewer for the following occupational therapy and interprofessional conferences: Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland Annual Conference (2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015) Rehabilitation Therapy research Society Annual Scientific Meeting (2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012) Irish Heart Foundation Annual Stroke Study Day (2017) current
National Steering Group on the Prevention of Falls in Older People and the Prevention and Management of Osteoporosis throughout Life. Occupational Therapy representative to the steering group on falls and osteoporosis. the report of the steering group 'Strategy to Prevent Falls and Fractures in Ireland's Ageing Population' was published in 2008. 2007 - 2008
Rehabilitation Therapy Research Society (RTRS). The RTRS was an All Ireland Society established to foster and disseminate clinical research in the therapy professions (Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, and Speech and Language Therapy). Acted as Membership Secretary to the RTRS from 2006-2009, and Chairperson of the RTRS from 2009 to 2012, as well as Conference Secretary in 2010. 2006 - 2012
Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland (AOTI). Member of the Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland. Previous Council Member of AOTI 2008-2009, member of the AOTI National Conference Committee from 2009 - 2015 (co-chair of conference committee 2015). 2008-2015
Details Date From Date To
Member of the Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland (AOTI) current
Occupational Therapy Representative on the joint Royal College of Physicians of Ireland (RCPI), Road Safety Authority (RSA) National Office for Traffic Medicine. current
Member of the Irish Heart Council on Stroke (Occupational Therapy Representative) current
Chairperson of the Rehabilitation Therapy Research Society (RTRS) 2009 2012
Membership Secretary of the Rehabilitation and Therapy Research Society (RTRS) 2006 2009
Usher R., Stapleton T., Assessment of older adults" decision-making capacity for independent living: Findings from a nominal group technique meeting in Ireland, Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 72, (1), 2025, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Yvonne Codd, Gary Killeen, David Kane, Susan Somerville, Katie Mahon, Jane Brownlee, Oriel Corcorcan, Trish Fitzgerald, Tadhg Stapleton, Enhancing vocational outcomes in Irish clinical practice for adults with rheumatic and musculoskeletal disorders: 12-month interim findings from Work-Able Solutions, All Ireland Conference on Integrated Care, Dublin,, 26th March 2025, 2025, Poster, PUBLISHED  URL
Stapleton T., Norris L., Clancy K., O Gorman A., Bannan C., Kent B., Conlon P., Nadajaran P., Kerr C., Connolly D., Outcomes of a fatigue management intervention for people with post COVID-19 condition., American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation., 103, (5), 2024, p410 - 417, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Dickerson AE., Stapleton T., Bloss J., Gelinas I., Harries P., Choi M., Margot-Cattin I., Mazer B., Patomella AH., Swanepoel L., Van Niekerk L., Unsworth C., Vrkljan B., A systematic review of effective interventions and strategies to support the transition of older adults from driving to driving retirement/cessation, Innovation in Aging, 8, (6), 2024, pigae054 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
Codd, Y., Porter-Armstrong, A., Turtle, B., McNally, A., McArdle, M.,, Stinson, M., MCIlwaine, P., Abbi, L., Morrow, F., Hughes, T., Maguire, A., Stapleton, T., A Communities of Practice approach to understand barriers and facilitators in implementing clinical based stroke research, Irish Heart Foundation Stroke Conference, Dublin, 15th November 2024, 2024, Oral Presentation, PUBLISHED
Spirtos M,. Stapleton T., Interventions for sleep disorders in children with cerebral palsy (CP) - a systematic review, AOTI Conference 2024 Book of Abstracts, Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland, 26th 27th September, 2024, pp39 - 40, Oral Presentation, PUBLISHED
Cunninghan L,. Stapleton T., Horgan F., Impact of post-stroke cognitive impairment on returning to work in working-aged stroke survivors: a systematic review, Irish Heart Foundation Stroke Study Day for Healthcare Professinals2024, Dublin, 15th November, 2024, Oral Presentation, PUBLISHED
Cunningham L, Horgan F, Stapleton T., Impact of post stroke cognitive impairment on return to work following mild stroke and TIA, European Life after Stroke Forum 2024, Dublin, March 2024, 2024, Poster, PUBLISHED
Y. Codd, T. Fitzgerald, J. Brownlee, K. Mahon, T. Stapleton, O. Glennon, G. Killeen, D. Kane, Work-able solutions: preliminary report on the identification and need for an integrated care occupational therapy work intervention for individuals with musculoskeletal disorders and arthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, EULAR, Vienna, Austria, 12th-16th June 2024, 83, (Suppl 1), 2024, pp2177-, Published Abstract, PUBLISHED  DOI
Cunningham, L., Stapleton, T., Horgan, F., Impact of post-stroke cognitive impairment (PCSI) on return to work (RTW) in working-aged stroke survivors following minor stroke and TIA, Irish Journal of Occupational Therapy, Association of Occupational Therapists Of Ireland (AOTI) Annual Conference, Ireland, 26th 27th September, 52, (2), Emerald Insight, 2024, pp99 - 99, Published Abstract, PUBLISHED  DOI

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Stapleton T, Driving and Parkinson's Disease, Inaugural Parkinson's Disease Conference, MISA, St James's Hospital, Dublin, 12/04/2024, 2024, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
Stapleton, T., Off Road Driving Assessment Updates and Developments, National Office for Traffic Medicine Clinical Update, November 27th, 2024, National Office for Traffic Medicine, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
Stapleton, T., Addressing Driving in Occupational Therapy, Dun Laoghaire PCCC Clinical Update, St Michael's Hospital Dun Laoghaire, November 5th, 2024, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
Coe A., Stapleton T., Preliminary Outcomes of a retrospective evaluation of occupational therapy driving assessment in NGH, AOTI Older Persons Advisory Group (OPAG) and Mental Health Older Persons Advisory Group (MHOPAG) Study Day 2024, Dublin, March 2024, 2024, Oral Presentation, PUBLISHED
Stapleton T, Community Mobility after Stroke, Joint Stroke Nursing and Early Supported Discharge Network Study Day, Dublin, 11/05/2023, 2023, National Programme for Stroke, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
Stapleton T, Driving Assessment across An Mhuir Eireann: Assessing Medical Fitness to Drive, British Society of Rehabilitation Medicine - Scottish Branch Summer Meeting 2022, online, 24 June, 2022, British Society of Rehabilitation Medicine Scottish Branch, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
Stapleton T, Developing Research in Neurology Occupational Therapy Practice, AOTI Neurology Advisory Group Study Day 2020, NRH, Dublin, 7th Feb, 2020, AOTI Neurology Advisory Group, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
Stapleton T., Getting back to life after stroke, Irish Heart Foundation Stroke Survivor's Day, Croke Park Dublin, 24 April 2018, 2018, Irish Heart Foundation, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Stapleton T., Assessing Medical Fitness to Drive: Occupational Therapy and On-road driving assessment, Irish Wheelchair Association National Training Day, Athlone, 17/07/2018, 2018, Irish Wheelchair Association, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Stapleton T., Occupational Therapy and Assessment of Fitness to Drive, Clinical Update Traffic Medicine. Fresh thinking and the older driver., Royal College of Physicians of Ireland, 23 February 2016, 2016, National Office for Traffic Medicine, RCPI., Invited Talk, PUBLISHED


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Main areas of research interest include community mobility and fitness to drive for people with disabilities, particularly those after stroke, brain injury, and age related cognitive decline. Provide supervision for postgraduate research at MSc and PhD level on driving issues after stroke and driving and mental health conditions. Currently I am PI for the Irish arm of an International descriptive study on transportation usage and community mobility among older adults (I-CHaT, International Expert panel on Community Health and Transport). Currently PI for the Southern Irish component of a randomised trial on mirror box therapy and upper limb functional recovery after stroke, in conjunction with Ulster University. Currently supervising two PhD studies on subject areas that are topical and relevant to clinical practice. One PhD study due for completion in 2020 is on evaluating the impact of inflammatory arthritis on participation and how these issues are addressed by healthcare providers. The second PhD study due for completion in 2021 is on the occupational therapy role in the assessment of decision making capacity among older adults when making decisions about Independent living. Other research interests include supporting and implementing clinical based research directly stemming from specific areas of occupational therapy practice. Recent research includes: occupational therapy memory strategy training programme for people with mild cognitive impairment and dementia, impact of providing care for people with progressive disorders of consciousness on informal family caregivers, occupational impact of obesity and piloting an occupational therapy intervention programme for people with obesity, impact of inflammatory arthritis on employment and wider participation.