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Ms. Sheila Ryder

Associate Professor (Pharmacy)
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Ms. Sheila Ryder

Associate Professor (Pharmacy)

Details Date
National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Team Mate - Teaching Expert 2015 - present
Council of the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland 2015 - present
Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland, Professional Development and Learning Committee 2015 - present
Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland, Registration and Qualification Recognition Committee 2015 - present
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, National Pharmacy Internship Programme Advisory Group 2014 - present
Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland, M.Pharm. Accreditation Guidelines Working Group 2014
National Forum for Pharmacy Education and Accreditation (Sub-forum on Practice-based Learning and Assessment) 2011-2014
Project steering group, Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland's Review of International CPD Models 2009-2010
Organising Committee - All Ireland Pharmacy Conference 2006 - present
Details Date From Date To
Member of the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland
Founder Member, Pharmacy Law and Ethics Association (Ireland)
Ali AH, McMahon N, Moriarty F, Ryder S, The Prevalence of Potentially Inappropriate Medications (PIMs) Among Frail Older Participants of The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA), Age and Ageing, Irish Gerontological Society 71st Annual and Scientific Meeting. Gerontology in a Dynamic World: Systems, Challenges, Innovations, 53, (S4), 2024, ppiv63 , Notes: [DOI: 10.1093/ageing/afae178.253], Published Abstract, PUBLISHED  DOI
Kalim R, McMahon N, Ryder S, Pharmacists" opinions on deprescribing Fall Risk Increasing Drugs in older people., Age and Ageing, Irish Gerontological Society 70th Annual and Scientific Meeting - Looking to the Years Ahead: Europe's fastest growing older population, 52, (S3), 2023, ppiii38 , Published Abstract, PUBLISHED  DOI
Ali AAH, McMahon N, Ryder S, OPTI-3S (criteria for optimising medicines by stopping, stepping down, or switching to safer alternatives): consensus validation via a Delphi method, Age and Ageing, Irish Gerontological Society 70th Annual and Scientific Meeting - Looking to the Years Ahead: Europe's fastest growing older population, 52, (S3), 2023, ppiii45 , Published Abstract, PUBLISHED  DOI
Kalim RA, Cunningham CJ, Ryder SA. McMahon NM.M., Deprescribing Medications that Increase the Risk of Falls in Older People: Exploring Doctors' Perspectives Using the Theoretical Domains Framework (TDF), Drugs and Aging, 39, (12), 2022, p935-947 , Notes: [cited By 1], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Ryan, Theo J, NĂ­ Sheachnasaigh, Eimear, Ryder, Sheila A., Design and implementation of online patient-facing experiences for an integrated pharmacy programme, Pharmacy Education, 2021, p160-164 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Ryan TJ, Ryder SA, D'Arcy DM, Quigley JM, Ng NN, Ong WQ, Tey ZH, O'Dwyer M, Walsh JJ., Development of Professional Attributes through Integration of Science and Practice at First-Year Pharmacy Level, Pharmacy, 2021, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
O'Dwyer, S., Greene, G., MacHale, E., Cushen, B., Sulaiman, I., Boland, F., Bosnic-Anticevich, S., Mokoka, M.C., Reilly, R.B., Taylor, T., Ryder, S.A., Costello, R.W., Personalized Biofeedback on Inhaler Adherence and Technique by Community Pharmacists: A Cluster Randomized Clinical Trial, Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice, 8, (2), 2020, p635 - 644, Notes: [doi: 10.1016/j.jaip.2019.09.008. PMID: 31568927], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
Ryan, T.J.; Grimes, T.; Henman, M.C.; Sheachnasaigh, E.N.; O'Dwyer, M.; Roche, C.; Ryder, S.A.; Sasse, A.; Walsh, J.J. & D'Arcy, D.M, Design and Implementation of an Integrated Competency-Focused Pharmacy Programme: A Case Report., Pharmacy, 7, (3), 2019, , Notes: [], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Byrne CJ, Parton T, McWhinney B, Fennell JP, O'Byrne P, Deasy E, Egan S, Enright H, Desmond R, Ryder SA, D'Arcy DM, McHugh J, Roberts JA, Population pharmacokinetics of total and unbound teicoplanin concentrations and dosing simulations in patients with haematological malignancy, Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 73, (4), 2018, p995 - 1003, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
Byrne CJ, Roberts JA, McWhinney B, Ryder SA, Fennell JP, O'Byrne P, Deasy E, Egan S, Desmond R, Enright H, D'Arcy DM, McHugh J, Population pharmacokinetics of teicoplanin and attainment of pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic targets in adult patients with haematological malignancy, Clinical Microbiology and Infection, 23, (9), 2017, p674.e7-674.e13 , Notes: [PMID: 28267636], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI  Handle

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O'Dwyer M, Ryan T, Ryder S, D'Arcy DM, Walsh J. , Innovative Development and Evaluation of Professional Attributes through Integration of Science and Practice at First Year Pharmacy Level , Irish Network of Healthcare Educators Conference, TBSI, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland , February 2020, 2020, Oral Presentation, PRESENTED
Byrne CJ, Roberts JA, McWhinney B, Ryder SA, Fennell JP, O'Byrne P, Deasy E, Egan S, Enright H, D'Arcy DM, McHugh J, Population pharmacokinetics of teicoplanin and attainment of pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic targets in adult patients with haematological malignancy, Trinity College Dublin: Faculty of Health Sciences Research Day, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, 15 September 2016, 2016, Poster, PRESENTED
O'Dwyer SM, Rossi K, O'Grady M, Henman MC, Ryder SA, Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring as a community pharmacy service, Trinity College Dublin: Faculty of Health Sciences Research Day, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, 15 September 2016, 2016, Notes: ['Best poster' prize, Population Health], Poster, PUBLISHED
Ryder SA, Pharmacists' role in optimising medication use, Adherence to and uptake of prescription contraception: Myths and realities, National University of Ireland Galway, 12 February 2015, 2015, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Byrne CJ, McWhinney B, Roberts JA, Fennell JP, Egan S, O'Byrne P, Deasy E, Enright H, Ryder SA, McHugh J, D'Arcy DM, Pharmacokinetic analysis of teicoplanin in patients with haematological malignancy, 37th All Ireland Schools of Pharmacy Research Seminar, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 30-31 March 2015, 2015, Poster, PRESENTED
Ryder SA, D'Arcy DM, McHugh J, 'A prospective, single-centre, cohort study to determine the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic parameters of teicoplanin in adult patients with haematological malignancy', Dublin, Ireland, 2014, -, Notes: [Clinical Trial protocol authorised by Irish Medicines Board January 2014], Protocol or guideline, APPROVED
Costello R, O'Dwyer S, Ryder S, Bosnic-Anticevich S, Crispino O'Connell G, Gaine S, Kenny D, 'Teaching inhaler use with the INCA device in a community pharmacy setting',, 2014, -, Notes: [Clinical Investigation Plan (Protocol) approved by the Irish Medicines Board, now Health Products Regulatory Authority. ], Protocol or guideline, PUBLISHED
Byrne C, McHugh J, Egan S, Fennell J, Enright H, O'Byrne P, Deasy E, Ryder SA, D'Arcy DM, Teicoplanin dosage in adult patients with haematological malignancy: Can we improve on current practices?, Meath Foundation Awards Day, Dublin, Ireland, 28 November 2014, 2014, Oral Presentation, PUBLISHED
Byrne C, McHugh J, Egan S, Fennell J, Enright H, O'Byrne P, Deasy E, Ryder SA, D'Arcy DM, Teicoplanin dosage in adult patients with haematological malignancy: Can we improve on current practices?, Irish Antimicrobial Pharmacists Group, Dublin, Ireland, 22 October 2014, 2014, Oral Presentation, PRESENTED
Byrne C, McHugh J, Egan S, Fennell J, Enright H, O'Byrne P, Deasy E, Ryder SA, D'Arcy DM, Teicoplanin dosage in adult patients with haematological malignancy: Impact on trough levels and clinical outcomes, 9th International Cancer Conference: Living with Cancer in the 21st Century, Dublin, Ireland, 17-18 September 2014, 2014, Oral Presentation, PUBLISHED


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Award Date
Provost's Ph.D. Scholarship Award (Research student: Ahmed Hassan Ali) 28 November 2017
Clanwilliam Pharmacist Awards: Practice-based Research Award. Research student: Susan O'Dwyer. 26 November 2016
'Best poster' prize (Population Health), Faculty of Health Sciences Research Day, Trinity College Dublin. Research student: Susan M. O'Dwyer. 15 September 2016
Dean's Award for Innovation in Teaching and Learning 23 June 2016
National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education - Teaching Expert Award (Individual) 10 December 2015
National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education - Teaching Expert Category Award: Designing and Implementing Connected Learning 10 December 2015
Provost's Teaching Award, Trinity College Dublin 10 June 2015
Helix Health Pharmacist Awards - Lundbeck Practice Based Research Award finalist. Research student: K. Niamh Buckley. 12 November 2011
Biomnis Healthcare Innovation Awards - Patient Safety Initiative Award. Research student: Eileen Relihan. Collaborators: Carr B, Harbison J, Silke B (St James's Hospital) 6 May 2011
Astellas Changing Tomorrow Awards - Leadership Award. Research student: Eileen Relihan. Collaborators: O'Brien V, O'Hara S, Hayes E, Silke B (St James's Hospital) 31 January 2011
'Best poster' prize, 11th Trinity Student Medical Journal launch. Students: Daniel Angelov, Sean McDermott, Daniel Mullan. Collaborators: Kavanagh PV (School of Medicine), McNamara S (Drug Treatment Centre Board) 29 April 2010
Aramark Healthcare Innovation Awards - Patient Safety Initiative Award. Research student: Eileen Relihan. Collaborators: O'Brien V, O'Hara S, Hayes E, Silke B (St James's Hospital) 23 April 2010
'Best poster' prize, 32nd All Ireland Schools of Pharmacy Research Seminar. Students: Daniel Angelov, Sean McDermott, Daniel Mullan. Collaborators: Kavanagh PV (School of Medicine), McNamara S (Drug Treatment Centre Board) 30 March 2010
First prize, Research Poster Competition, 9th Annual Conference of the National Council for the Professional Development of Nursing and Midwifery. Research student: Eileen Relihan. Collaborators: O'Brien V, O'Hara S, Hayes E, Silke B (St James's Hospital) 11 November 2009
Helix Health Pharmacist Awards - Practice Based Research Award. Research student: Bernard Duggan. 9 May 2009
Helix Health Pharmacist Awards - Professional Excellence Award finalist 9 May 2009
PHARMACOLOGY: Behavioural pharmacology of polyamines and their role in neurodegenerative disorders, including Alzheimer's disease and Parkinsonism. Angiogenesis inhibitors as anti-cancer agents. PHARMACY PRACTICE: Health promotion/health education by pharmacists; the community-hospital interface; pharmacy education; medicines management; drug misuse; asthma management; medication errors; antimicrobial use.