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Professor Bobby Smyth

Clinical Professor (Public Health & Primary Care)


  Addiction   Addiction and substance abuse   Addictions   ADOLESCENT   ADOLESCENT DRUG-USE   Adolescent Psychology   AETIOLOGY   Childhood and mental health   Development, prevention and treatment of mental disease or disorder   Educational disadvantage in children   Emotional, behavioural and cognitive disorders   Health attitudes and behaviour   Health outcomes   HEPATITIS C   INJECTION-DRUG USERS   Mental health and intellectual disability   Neurophysiology   Psychiatry   Psychometrics   Public health
Details Date
Board Member of Alcohol Action Ireland, Vice chairperson since 2022 Nov 2011 to date
Ministerial Appointment to the National Oversight Committee of the National Drugs Strategy 2021 to date
Chair of Addiction Faculty of the College of Psychiatrists of Ireland 2024 to date
Member of the Alcohol Health Alliance. The AHA is a multi-agency group who advocate for a public health led response to alcohol policy. 2016 to 2021
Member of Planet Youth Oversight Group for North Dublin 2020-
Member of the Editorial Board of the Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine 2018 to date
Expert subgroup on cannabis (College of Psychiatrists of Ireland) 2020 - 2021
Chairperson of the General Population Survey (GPS) Research Advisory Group for the HRB. The GPS measures the prevalence of use of alcohol and other drugs using a general population sample from across Ireland. 2018-2021
Adviser to Aiseiri Aislinn in Kilkenny, the sole residential adolescent addiction treatment service in Ireland Sept 2011 to date
Completed an external expert review of the Adolescent Drug and Alcohol Withdrawal Services (ADAWS) which was based at the Mater Hospital in Brisbane, Australia. October 2016
Member of the Advisory Board of International Academy on the Science and Impact of Cannabis 2021-
Evaluation of research grants for HRB funding 2013
Expert Advisory Group on alcohol, Public Health England 2014 - 2015
Chairperson of the Treatment & Prevention Subcommittee of the National Advisory Committee on Drugs & Alcohol Aug 2013 to Oct 2015
Alcohol Policy Group of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland (RCPI) 2011 to 2018
National Advisory Committee on Drugs & Alcohol Aug 2013 to Oct 2015
Member of the Early Warning & Emerging trends Subcommittee of the National Advisory Committee on Drugs 2005 to 2011
Addiction Subgroup of the Expert Group on Mental Health (which drafted " A Vision for Change", Ireland's mental health strategy) Jan to Dec 2005
Adolescent Subgroup - HSE National Consent Advisory Group Dec 2011 to April 2013
National Addiction Training Program 2012 to 2015
Co-Chair (since 2021) of Youth & Student Mental Health Special Interest Group on (College of Psychiatrists of Ireland) 2013 to 2021
Journal review for Addiction, Alcohol and Alcoholism, PLoS One, BMJ Open Ophthalmology, Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, Substance Abuse, BMC Public Health, Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics, Public Health Journal of Affective Disorders, Journal of Drug Issues, Journal of Addictive Diseases, Pediatric Drugs, Expert Review of Anti Infective Therapy, Mental Health and Substance Use, Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 2004 to date
Details Date From Date To
College of Psychiatrists of Ireland 2010
Royal College of Psychiatrists 1997
Society for the Study of Addiction 1997
Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland 2004
Association for Child Psychology and Psychiatry 1998
Margaret M. Brennan, Ciara Corrigan, Deirdre Mongan, Anne Doyle, Brian Galvin, Elizabeth Nixon, Lina Zgaga, Bobby Smyth, Jo-Hanna Ivers, Noel D McCarthy, Predictors and outcomes of adolescent alcohol and drug use: a scoping review, European Journal of Public Health, European Public Health Conference, Lisbon, 11-15 November 2024, 34, (S3), Oxford Academic, 2024, ppiii232 - iii232, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  URL
O'Dowd TM, Fleury R, Power E, Dooley N, Quinn L, Petropoulos S, Healy C, Smyth B, Cannon M., Risk and protective factors for cannabis use in adolescence: a population-based survey in schools, Irish journal of psychological medicine, 2024, p1-9 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
McCarron P., Santlal K., Smyth B.P., Changes in first-time registration for opioid agonist treatment in Ireland between 1999 and 2019, Journal of Substance Use, 29, (6), 2024, p985 - 992, p985-992 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Mongan D, Millar SR, O'Dwyer C, Galvin B, Smyth BP., Trends in public attitudes to permitting cannabis for recreational use: analysis of Irish survey data since 2002., European journal of public health, 33, (4), 2023, p627-632 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Smyth BP, Davey A, Keenan E, Deterence Effect of Penalties on Adolescent Cannabis Use, Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 2023, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
McCarron P, Smyth BP., Changes in HIV incidence in people who inject drugs in Ireland from 2000 to 2018: longitudinal observational study., Addiction (Abingdon, England), 2023, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Smyth BP, McCarron P., Increase in cannabis-related emergency department presentations in the period immediately before legalization requires explanation., Addiction (Abingdon, England), 2023, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
McCarron P., Smyth B., Carroll G., Glynn M., Barry J., Whiston L., Keenan E., Darker C., Truszkowska E., Patterns of new psychoactive substance use among opioid-dependent patients attending for opioid substitution treatment, HEROIN ADDICTION AND RELATED CLINICAL PROBLEMS, 24, (1), 2022, p21 - 29, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
Mongan D, Carew AM, O'Neill D, Millar SR, Lyons S, Galvin B, Smyth BP., Comparing Cannabis Use Disorder in the General Population with Cannabis Treatment Seekers Using Multi-Source National Datasets: Who Receives Treatment?, European addiction research, 28, (2), 2022, p103-112 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Carew AM, O'Neill D, Lyons S, Smyth BP., Estimating need for alcohol treatment in Ireland using national treatment surveillance data., Ir J Med Sci, 191, (4), 2022, p1521-1529 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI

Page 1 of 11
Bobby Smyth, Cannabis Legalization & Public Health, Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) Forum 2024, Vienna, 25 June 2024, edited by Joint Symposium held with European Psychiatric Association, entitled "Cannabinoids and psychiatric risk: is it safe to legalise?" Invited lecture. , 2024, Conference Paper, PRESENTED
Bobby Smyth, Adolescents and Recovery, DB Recovery Conference, Chelsea, London, 2 July 2024, 2024, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Smyth BP, Cannon M., Cannabis and public health-a need to reclaim the narrative., Ir J Med Sci, 2021, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
James P, Kearns T, Campbell A & Smyth BP, Adolescents & Substance Use: The Handbook for professionals working with Young People, Oxford, Radcliffe Publishing Ltd, 2013, Book, PUBLISHED
Barry S, Cannon M, Lawlor L, Smyth BP, What everyone should know about cannabis, Dublin, JOINT COMMITTEE ON ARTS, SPORT, TOURISM, COMMUNITY, RURAL & GAELTACHTAFFAIRS, GOVERNMENT PUBLICATION, June, 2006, Notes: [Outlines evidence of the known and probable harms related to cannabis use.], Report, PUBLISHED
Berney T, Black S, Checinski K, Crome I, Feinmann C, Gowers S, Hobbs M, Marsden A, Mahmood T, Smith E, Smyth R, Walden C, The mental health of students in Higher Education, London, Royal College of Psychiatrists, 2003, Notes: [Outlined prevalence of mental health problems among third level students, identified risk factors and advised on models of best practice for both prevention and treatment.], Report, PUBLISHED


Award Date
Margaret Davenport Prize (Royal College of Psychiatrists) 2000
Registrar's Prize ( Royal Acadamy of Medicine in Ireland) 1997
Mental health category of the HSE Open Access awards for 2018 5 Dec 2018
DB Recovery & McLean Hospital- Lifetime achievement award for 'Recovery doctor /Psychiatrist' July 2024