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Professor Stephanie Holt

Professor In (Social Studies)
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Professor Stephanie Holt

Professor In (Social Studies)

With a robust background in social work practice across a variety of settings including residential child care, child protection and family support, Stephanie joined the School of Social Work & Social Policy in 2000 as a lecturer in social work. To date she has developed extensive experience of serving on school and college committees, including her current second term as Head of School, two terms as Director of Teaching and Learning (Postgraduate)(2011-2015); Director the Master in Social Work from 2010-2014 and Director of the Online PG Diploma and MSc in Applied Social Studies (2014-2017). Stephanie spearheaded the University's first fully online postgraduate programme which commenced September 2014 and has been the driving force behind subsequent online developments in the School of Social Work & Social Policy with a second postgraduate programme, the MSc in Applied Social Studies commencing in 2015. Stephanie also has responsibility, as Course Director, for the Postgraduate Diploma in Child Protection & Welfare and is also leading the School's involvement in Micro-Credential Development as part of the Human Capital Initiative programme. Stephanie's teaching and research expertise is on Domestic, Sexual and Gender Based Violence, with a particular emphasis on the impact of Domestic Violence on children and young people.
  Domestic violence, intimate partner homicide, child welfare
Project Title
  Contact time for infants and young children in separated families
December 2021
July 2022
Concern with the impact on children of discontinued parent-child relationships following parental separation or divorce has resulted in a depth of empirical knowledge in the maintenance of those relationships through the medium of 'contact'. While research consistently demonstrates that post-separation/divorce parenting arrangements work best when they are informally arranged between two parents who are committed to making those plans work in the interests of their children, the emotive nature of the separation/divorce experience for many families may demand formal and legal regulation (Holt, 2016). This research addresses the following questions: 1. How can international research evidence and literature inform a model of best practice of contact for infants and young children in separated families? 2. What is the lived experience of parents who share the parenting of young children through separation? 3. What is the experience of professionals working with children and parents (in a variety of roles and contexts) regarding post-separation contact for infants and young children?
Funding Agency
One Family
Project Type
Mixed methods
Person Months
Project Title
 Silence in the courtroom, silence in the street? An exploratory study of women's experiences of the Irish family law system in parental separation and divorce.
April 2021
December 2022
Utilising survey methodology, this study seeks to capture the unique perspectives of women who have experience of the Irish family law process in parental separation and divorce. It is a study that aims to capture their experiences before, during and after the formal family law proceedings. The study seeks to develop an understanding of how women experience both accessing and navigating the family law processes and systems in parental separation and divorce. It also aims to explore the views of women in relation to the nature and extent of their children's involvement in formal legal proceedings which follow family breakdown.
Funding Agency
AHSS Benefactions & Covid Boost
Project Type
Mixed methods
Person Months
Project Title
 Children and Young People's Experience of the Irish Child Protection System
June 2021
December 2022
In response to the stated aim of the proposed research as outlined in the tender proposal 'Tusla want to hear the views of children and young people who are the recipients of such practice to understand their experiences to inform the ongoing implementation of the child protection and welfare strategy [Signs of Safety as the National Model of Practice] and frontline practices with children and young people', this study aims to provide a point-in-time capture of C&YP's experiences of Tusla's CPW services and produce actionable findings that provide a deep understanding of C&YP's experiences as well as the factors that influence those experiences.
Funding Agency
Tusla, Child & Family Agency
Project Type
Person Months
Project Title
 Dahlia-19 International Project
January 2021
March 2022
There is considerable evidence that, both in the UK and globally, the risks of living with domestic violence and abuse (DVA) have increased consequent to Covid-19 restrictions. A range of responses at policy and practice levels have emerged. This study harnesses the global nature of policy and practice responses to DVA under Covid-19 by examining policy and practice responses in the UK; Australia; Ireland and South Africa. The research will consider whether responses address all family members: victims, perpetrators and children. This focus will acknowledge that experience of DVA is gendered and differentiated within the family and evokes responses from different policy and practice spheres.
Funding Agency
Project Type
Mixed methods
Person Months
Project Title
 Covid-19, Domestic Abuse and Social Work Practice
October 2020
While designed to protect, an unintended consequence of public health policy measures in response to COVID-19, resulted in perpetrators and victims being confined in close quarters for long periods of time, with subsequent sharp rises in the reported number of domestic violence and abuse (DVA) cases since the COVID-19 crisis noted in Ireland and elsewhere. Lockdown measures imposed by governments have also altered the availability of social and other support services, forcing professionals to find new ways of working with victims of DVA and their families through the crisis. This research examines social work practice in Ireland with families experiencing DVA during COVID-19 lockdown.
Funding Agency
AHSS Benefactions & Covid Boost
Project Type
Mixed methods
Person Months

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Details Date
Invited Research Consultant to Department of Justice Research Advisory Committee June 2022
Invited Subject Expert Consultant to Tusla Child and Family Agency Committee on Domestic Violence Informed Child Protection and Welfare Practice May 2022
Invited External Board member of Child Vision National Services Committee as External Expert 2021-present
Chair, National Childhood Domestic Violence Project 2020-present
External Examiner of seven PhD Dissertations: University of Melbourne (2015); University of Ulster (2016); Queens University Belfast (2018; 2019); University of Central Lancashire (2019); University of Western Australia (2020); University of Toronto (2022). 2015-2022
Internal Examiner to five PhD Dissertations, TCD: Four in the School of Social Work & Social Policy (2011;2014; 2015; 2017); one in the School of Education (2018). 2011-2018
Invited member of Tusla (National Child Protection & Welfare Agency) Practice Development and Improvement Project (PDIP) as representative for all Irish Universities educating social workers. 2020-present
Invited Associate Editor, Journal of Family Violence (Impact Factor 2.186) 2020-present
Chair, Child Protection & Welfare Ireland, the first national network of child protection & welfare professionals in Ireland. 2019-present
Invited External Board member of Barnardos National Services Committee as External Expert 2017-2022
Ministerial appointment as Academic Expert to Scoping Group on Sexual Abuse and Violence Research 2017
Associate Researcher with the Children's Research Centre, Trinity College Dublin 2005-2017
Researcher, Trinity Research in Childhood Centre (TRiCC) 2017
Member of European Conference on Domestic Violence Founding Group 2013
External Examiner to Bachelor in Social Work at Queens University Belfast 2013-2017
External Examiner to the Postgraduate Post Qualifying Social Work Programme at Cardiff University (Russell Group) 2013-2017
International Conference Presentations: I have presented more than 50 papers at international conferences since 2007 2007-present
Invited Editorial Board Member, Journal Child Abuse Review (Impact Factor, 2.086) 2015-present
Journal Reviewer for Child Abuse Review, Journal of Family Violence, Children and Youth Services Review, British Journal of Social Work, Child & Family Social Work, Child Abuse and Neglect. 2006-present
Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
French Basic Basic Basic
Irish Basic Basic Basic
Details Date From Date To
Chair of Child Protection & Welfare Ireland (CPWI) - the first national network of child protection & welfare professionals in Ireland. 2019 Present
Membership of the Irish Association of Social Workers 2019 present
Member of the International Domestic Homicide Researcher Network 2015 Present
Registered as a professional social worker with CORU, the Health and Social Care Regulator. 2011 Present
Member of ISPCAN (International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect) 2007 2018
Chair of the Editioral Board of Eisteach - Irish Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy. 2006 2008
Member of BASPCAN (British Association for the Study and Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect) 2005 2018
Member of the Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy 2003 2007
Eavan Brady, Janet Boddy, Lynne Cahill, Robbie Gilligan, Stephanie Holt, & Sarah Parker, Care Leavers: 10 years on, A Narrative Rapid Review, 2025, 1-51, Report, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Caffrey, L., Brady, E., Keegan, O., Dunne, S., Sheaf, G., Holt, S., & Gilligan, R., Children's Experiences of Signs of Safety: A Scoping Review, Children and Youth Services Review, 2024, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Flynn, S., Lakkshme Sundaresan, S., Holt, S., Price, A. and ONeill, G., Disabled womens experiences of intimate partner abuse in Ireland: Research project report, Women's Aid, 2024,, Report, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Flynn, S., Lakkshme Sundaresan, S., Caffrey, L.,Spratt, T. and Holt, S., Towards Better Outcomes for Children and Families: Evaluation of the Implementation of an Outcomes Framework, 2024, p1 - 64,, Report, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
The Interface between Technology and Domestic Violence and Abuse: Challenges and Opportunities for Social Work Practice in, editor(s)Antonio Lopez Pelaez & Gloria Kirwan , The Routledge International Handbook of Digital Social Work, , London, Routledge, 2023, pp25 , [Holt, S., Cahill, L., Elliffe, R.], Notes: [In Press], Book Chapter, IN_PRESS
A European perspective on children and adolescents who experience domestic violence and abuse in, editor(s)J.Taylor, E. Bates & J. Callaghan , Children and adolescent's experiences of violence and abuse at home: current theory, research and practitioner insights, London, Taylor & Francis, 2023, [Holt, Stephanie, Overlien, Carolina], Notes: [IN_PRESS], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Child protection and welfare on the Island of Ireland: Irish issues, global relevance in, editor(s)Berrick, J.D., Gilbert, N. & Skivenes, M. , International Handbook of Child Protection Systems, USA, 2023, [Burns, K., Devaney, J., Holt, S. & Marshall, G.], Notes: [Published], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Stephanie Holt, Robbie Gilligan, Louise Caffrey & Eavan Brady, Through the Eyes of the Child: A Study of Tusla Child Protection and Welfare Intervention, 2023, Report, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Gregory S., Holt S., Barter C., Christofides N., Maremela O., Mwanda Motjuwadi N., Humphreys C., Elliffe R. & Stanley N. , Public Health Directives in a Pandemic: Paradoxical Messages for Domestic Abuse Victims in Four Countries, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, (21), 2022, p1 - 15, Notes: [], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Holt, S., Elliffe, R., Gregory, S., & Curry P., Social Workers Response to Domestic Violence and Abuse during the COVID-19 Pandemic, British Journal of Social Work, 2022, p19 , Notes: [Early Online publication], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI

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Stephanie Holt, Robbie Gilligan, Louise Caffrey & Eavan Brady, Through the Eyes of the Child: A Study of Tusla Child Protection and Welfare Intervention - A Research Briefing, Children and Youth Services Review, 2023, -, Miscellaneous, PUBLISHED
McCaughren, S., Holt, S., Parkes, A., Gregory, S., Contact Time for Infants and Young Children in Separated Families, November, 2022, p1 - 184, Notes: [This timely research was undertaken during a period when the Irish Family Law system is in the spotlight with a view to reform. This research attempted to gain a bird"s eye view of how, and in what ways, contact arrangements are established for infants and young children in the 0-6 years age category. It set out to capture the lived experiences of those who share parenting as well as those who work with these families and young children. ], Report, IN_PRESS
McCaughren, S., Holt, S., Parkes, A., Gregory, S., Research Report on Guidance on Contact Time for Infants and Young Children in Separated Families, Trinity College Dublin, December, 2022, p1 - 180, Report, PUBLISHED
Holt, S., Post-Separation Child Contact and DVA: In the best Interests of the Child? , Building a Family Law System for Children, Online, 02-06-21, 2021, Notes: [INVITED KEYNOTE], Oral Presentation, PUBLISHED
Holt, Stephanie, Understanding the Experiences of Children who Live with Domestic Violence and Abuse, Barnardos Annual Conference - Understanding the impact of DVA on Children, Online, 03-06-2021, 2021, Notes: [INVITED KETNOTE], Oral Presentation, PUBLISHED
Holt, Stephanie, Elliffe, Ruth, Social Workers Response to Domestic Violence and Abuse During the Covid-19 Pandemic, IV European Conference on Domestic Violence, Slovenia, 15-09-21, 2021, Oral Presentation, PUBLISHED
McCaughran, S., Holt, S. & Parkes, A., Silence in the Courtroom, Silence in the Streets, National Child Protection & Welfare Conference, Cork, Cork, 22-10-21, 2021, Oral Presentation, PUBLISHED
Holt, Stephanie, Elliffe, Ruth, Social Workers Response to Domestic Violence and Abuse During the Covid-19 Pandemic, National Child Protection & Welfare Conference, Cork, Cork, 2021, Oral Presentation, PUBLISHED
Holt, Stephanie, Children, DVA and Coercive Control, DCSCYPSC Tusla Conference, Online, 26-11-21, 2021, Notes: [INVITED KEYNOTE], Oral Presentation, PUBLISHED
Holt, Stephanie, Celebrating 25 Years of WellSprings, Celebrating 25 Years of WellSprings, Online, 10-12-21, 2021, Notes: [INVITED KEYNOTE], Oral Presentation, PUBLISHED


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Award Date
Health Research Board Research Fellowship 2006-2009
Fellow of Trinity College Dublin 25th April 2022