Sarah Alyn Stacey, `"Ô mondaine inconstance!" : Joachim Du Bellay, Notre-Dame and Les Antiquitez de Rome (1558)', `"Viens, sois ma lumière": A Celebration of the Re-opening of the Cathedral of Notre-Dame', Trinity Long Room Hub, Trinity College Dublin, 30 November 2024, 2024,
Conference Paper,
Sarah Alyn Stacey, '"Je sçay que je devrois [...] /Tousjours d'un vers entier chanter vostre merite": Ronsard's constructions in verse of Marguerite de France, Duchess of Savoy', International Courtly Literature Society Annual Conference 2024, Trinity College Dublin, 18-19 June 2024, 2024,
Conference Paper,
Sarah Alyn Stacey, 'Elizabeth I and her court through the prism of Ronsard's verse', Conference: 'A Homage to Pierre de Ronsard (1524-1585) on the 500th Anniversary of his birth 11-12 September 2024: Pierre de Ronsard in Context', Trinity College Dublin, 11-12 September 2024, 2024,
Conference Paper,
Sarah Alyn Stacey, '"Quand tu verras des Grans l'estat si peu durer": some observations on the political dimensions of Ronsard's "Le Tombeau de Marguerite de France'", Conference: 'Francophone Politics and Poetry Across the Centuries'', Trinity College Dublin, 27 May 2024, 2024,
Conference Paper,
Annual Conference of the International Courtly Literature Society 2024, Trinity College Dublin,
Editorial Board,
Sarah Alyn Stacey, `Du nouveau sur la bibliothèque de Jean de Piochet: un tome annoté du Perceforest (Gilles de Gourmont, 1532; Archives départementales de la Manche, BIB ANC C257)', Bibliothèque d'Humanisme et Renaissance, 86, (2-3), 2024, p289 - 325,
Journal Article,
Sarah Alyn Stacey, Les Oeuvres poetiques de Marc-Claude de Buttet: vol. 1: 'Le Premier Livre des vers' (1560). Edition critique avec introduction, commentaires et glossaire, Paris, Honoré Champion, 2022, 1 - 234pp,
Sarah Alyn Stacey, Les oeuvres poetiques de Marc-Claude de Buttet: vol. 2: 'Le Second Livre des vers' (1560). Edition critique avec introduction, commentaires et glossaire, Paris, Honoré Champion, 2022, 235 - 410pp,
sarah alyn stacey, Les oeuvres poetiques de Marc-Claude de Buttet: vol. 3: 'Les vers de circonstance (1559-1575) et divers autres vers. Edition critique avec introduction, commentaires et glossaire, Paris, Honoré Champion, 2022, 411 - 684pp,
Sarah Alyn Stacey (with Joanna Poetz), New Perspectives on Heretical Discourse and Identities: the Waldensians in Historical Context, collection of articles, Oxford, Peter Lang, 2021, 1-355pp,