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Professor Sarah Alyn-Stacey

Professor In (French)
Professor In (Cntr for Medieval & Renaissance Studies)
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Professor Sarah Alyn-Stacey

Professor In (French)

Professor In (Cntr for Medieval & Renaissance Studies)

Before taking up her lectureship in French Renaissance Literature at Trinity (1996), Dr Alyn Stacey, FTCD, held posts at the Sorbonne (Paris IV), the University of Saint Andrews, and the University of Wales, Swansea. Her teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate level extends across the early modern period (14th century-18th century)and also embraces film and contemporary French literature. Dr Alyn Stacey is Director of the Trinity Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, a Trinity Research Centre ( She founded the Centre in 1999 and in 2001 established its inter- and multi-disciplinary MPhil in Medieval Language, Literature and Culture. COLLEGE POSITIONS: Head of French (2022-) Board of Trinity College (2016-2024); University Council (2018-2021); Standing Committee of Fellows (2010-2024); Finance Committee (2018-2021); Central Fellowship Committee (2019-present); Grounds and Gardens Consultative Group of Trinity College (2016-present); Capitation Committee (2021-present); Trinity Ball Committee (2021-present); Chair of the Board of the Graduate Student Union (2021-present). AWARDS FOR RESEARCH/CONTRIBUTIONS TO DISCIPLINE: Fellowship of Trinity College (2004); election to the Académie de Savoie (2005); Chevalier de l'Ordre National du Mérite (2017); Postgraduate Supervisor of the Year (2018). CONTRIBUTION TO DISCIPLINE: Society for Renaissance Studies: founding member of Irish Branch (1997), Irish Representative for over 10 years, Associate Editor of the Society's journal (1996-2006), member of Executive Committee (1996-2014); Society for French Studies: member of Executive Council (2000-2006); H-France: member of Editorial Board (2013-2018); 2014-present: Chief Editor of refereed series 'Court Cultures of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance' (Oxford, Peter Lang). KEY AREAS OF RESEARCH: Marc-Claude de Buttet (1529/31-1586); the Court of Savoy under Marguerite de France and Duke Emmanuel-Philibert; critical editions of early-modern French texts; religious and political dissent in early-modern Savoy;the French Renaissance Court; French Renaissance political poetry;the Savoyard archives (Turin; Geneva; Chambéry; Annecy; Paris); Franco-Irish cultural links. Refereed publications: 11 books (5 single-authored; 6 edited volumes), 19 chapters, 9 articles, 9 book reviews. SELECT PUBLICATIONS: 1.Marc-Claude de Buttet: OEuvres poetiques I. Le Premier Livre des vers (1560). Édition critique avec introduction, commentaires et glossaire, (Paris, Honoré Champion, 2022), 234 pp. ISBN:978-2-7453-5795-3 2.Marc-Claude de Buttet: OEuvres poetiques II. Le Second Livre des vers (1560). Édition critique avec introduction, commentaires et glossaire (Paris, Honoré Champion, 2022), 175 pp. ISBN:978-2-7453-5795-3 3.Marc-Claude de Buttet: OEuvres poetiques III. Les Vers de circonstance (1559-1575) et divers autres vers. Édition critique avec introduction, commentaires et glossaire (Paris, Honoré Champion, 2022), 234 pp. ISBN:978-2-7453-5795-3 4. (ed. with Joanna Poetz) New Perspectives on Heretical Discourse and Identities: the Waldensians in Historical Context, Medieval and Early Modern French Studies, 19 (Oxford, Peter Lang, 2021), 355 pp. . ISBN 978-1-78997-714-1 5 5. (ed.) Political, Religious and Social Conflict in the States of Savoy, 1400-1700, Medieval and Early Modern French Studies, 13 (Oxford, Peter Lang, 2014), 327 pp. ISBN: 9783034308311 6. (ed.) Court and Humour in the French Renaissance: Essays in Honour of Professor Pauline Smith (Geneva, Peter Lang (2009) 272 pp. ISBN 9783039105595 7. Marc-Claude de Buttet (1529/31-86), l'honneur de la Savoie, Études et Essais sur la Renaissance, 70 (Paris, Honoré Champion, 2006), 235 pp. ISBN 2-7453-1317-7 8. Marc-Claude de Buttet: "L'Amalthée" (1575), Textes de la Renaissance, 74 (Paris, Champion 2003), 584pp. ISBN 2-7453-0875-0
  Cinema/Video   French Language/Literature   Language and/or Literature, Renaissance   Literary Criticism   Philosophical Literature   Renaissance History
Details Date
EDITORIAL BOARDS Chief Editor of the refereed publications series of the Trinity Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 'Court Cultures of the Middle Ages and Renaissance' (Peter Lang);2013-2018: member of the Editorial Board of H-France, the interdisciplinary digital journal recognised as the largest scholarly organisation for francophone history and culture; 1996-2007: Associate Editor of refereed journal Renaissance Studies (Oxford, Blackwell).
2015-present: member of the Board of the Silk Road Film Festival; 1994-2014: member of the Executive Council of the Society for Renaissance Studies, the leading society for the promotion of interdisciplinary research in the Renaissance in the British Isles; 2012-2014: founder and co-ordinator of the Renaissance Studies Undergraduate Essay Prize; 1996-2008: founder and representative of the Irish Branch of the Society for Renaissance Studies; 2000-2006: member of the Executive Council of the Society for French Studies, the premier professional organization for scholars in the field in the British Isles; 1996-present: reviewer of various book proposals, articles for learned journals, grant applications
Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
French Fluent Fluent Fluent
Italian Fluent Fluent Fluent
Details Date From Date To
Member of the Executive Council of French Studies. 2000 2006
Member of the Executive Council of the Society for Renaissance Studies 1994 2014
Membership of the Society for Early Modern French Studies 2018 present
Elected to membership of the Academie de Savoie 2005 in perpetuity
Sarah Alyn Stacey, `"Ô mondaine inconstance!" : Joachim Du Bellay, Notre-Dame and Les Antiquitez de Rome (1558)', `"Viens, sois ma lumière": A Celebration of the Re-opening of the Cathedral of Notre-Dame', Trinity Long Room Hub, Trinity College Dublin, 30 November 2024, 2024, Conference Paper, PRESENTED
Sarah Alyn Stacey, '"Je sçay que je devrois [...] /Tousjours d'un vers entier chanter vostre merite": Ronsard's constructions in verse of Marguerite de France, Duchess of Savoy', International Courtly Literature Society Annual Conference 2024, Trinity College Dublin, 18-19 June 2024, 2024, Conference Paper, PRESENTED
Sarah Alyn Stacey, 'Elizabeth I and her court through the prism of Ronsard's verse', Conference: 'A Homage to Pierre de Ronsard (1524-1585) on the 500th Anniversary of his birth 11-12 September 2024: Pierre de Ronsard in Context', Trinity College Dublin, 11-12 September 2024, 2024, Conference Paper, PRESENTED
Sarah Alyn Stacey, '"Quand tu verras des Grans l'estat si peu durer": some observations on the political dimensions of Ronsard's "Le Tombeau de Marguerite de France'", Conference: 'Francophone Politics and Poetry Across the Centuries'', Trinity College Dublin, 27 May 2024, 2024, Conference Paper, PRESENTED
Annual Conference of the International Courtly Literature Society 2024, Trinity College Dublin, Editorial Board, PUBLISHED
Sarah Alyn Stacey, `Du nouveau sur la bibliothèque de Jean de Piochet: un tome annoté du Perceforest (Gilles de Gourmont, 1532; Archives départementales de la Manche, BIB ANC C257)', Bibliothèque d'Humanisme et Renaissance, 86, (2-3), 2024, p289 - 325, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Sarah Alyn Stacey, Les Oeuvres poetiques de Marc-Claude de Buttet: vol. 1: 'Le Premier Livre des vers' (1560). Edition critique avec introduction, commentaires et glossaire, Paris, Honoré Champion, 2022, 1 - 234pp, Book, PUBLISHED
Sarah Alyn Stacey, Les oeuvres poetiques de Marc-Claude de Buttet: vol. 2: 'Le Second Livre des vers' (1560). Edition critique avec introduction, commentaires et glossaire, Paris, Honoré Champion, 2022, 235 - 410pp, Book, PUBLISHED
sarah alyn stacey, Les oeuvres poetiques de Marc-Claude de Buttet: vol. 3: 'Les vers de circonstance (1559-1575) et divers autres vers. Edition critique avec introduction, commentaires et glossaire, Paris, Honoré Champion, 2022, 411 - 684pp, Book, PUBLISHED
Sarah Alyn Stacey (with Joanna Poetz), New Perspectives on Heretical Discourse and Identities: the Waldensians in Historical Context, collection of articles, Oxford, Peter Lang, 2021, 1-355pp, Book, PUBLISHED

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Sarah Alyn Stacey, Beyond Normandy in World War 2: Occupation, Resistance and Remembrance , 19 November 2010, 2010, Trinity College Dublin, Meetings /Conferences Organised, PRESENTED
Sarah Alyn Stacey, Conflict and Society in Savoy 1400-1700/Les Conflits en Savoie 1400-1700 , 26-28 May 2010, 2010, Trinity College Dublin, Meetings /Conferences Organised, PRESENTED
Sarah Alyn Stacey, 'Les dés sont sur le tapis': Ireland in World War II , 12 June 2009, 2009, Trinity College Dublin, Meetings /Conferences Organised, PRESENTED
Sarah Alyn Stacey, Early-Modern Gardens in Perspective , November, 2009, 2009, Trinity College Dublin, Meetings /Conferences Organised, PRESENTED
S. Alyn Stacey, Ireland and World War 2, 12 June 2009, 2009, Trinity College Dublin, Notes: [Speakers included Kevin Myers, Yvonne McEwen and Gerald Morgan. Yvonne McEwen presented to the College a Roll of Honour of the Irish who died in WW2 at the conclusion of the College. ], Meetings /Conferences Organised, PRESENTED
Sarah Alyn Stacey, The Southern Irish and the Liberation of France in World War II , 6 June 2008, 2008, Trinity College Dublin, Meetings /Conferences Organised, PRESENTED
Sarah Alyn Stacey, Cultures of War , 1 March 2008, 2008, Meetings /Conferences Organised, PRESENTED
Sarah Alyn Stacey, The Biennial International Conference of the Society for Renaissance Studies , 10-12 July 2008, 2008, Trinity College Dublin, Meetings /Conferences Organised, PRESENTED
S. Alyn Stacey, Southern Ireland and the Liberation of France, 6 June 2008, 2008, Trinity College Dublin, Meetings /Conferences Organised, PRESENTED
Sarah Alyn Stacey, The Hill of Tara: the Historical and Cultural Significance , 21 May 2007, 2007, Trinity College Dublin, Meetings /Conferences Organised, PRESENTED


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Award Date
Post Graduate Supervisor of the Year (TCD): Dean of Graduate Studies Postgraduate Awards 2018 2018
Chevalier de l'Ordre National du Mérite 2017
M.A. (jure officii), Trinity College Dublin 2014
Election to the Académie de Savoie 2005
Fellowship of Trinity College (2004) 2004
My principal areas of research: Marc-Claude de Buttet (1529/31-1586); the Court of Savoy under Marguerite de France and Duke Emmanuel-Philibert; critical editions of early-modern French texts; religious and political conflict in Savoy; the French Renaissance Court; French Renaissance political poetry; the Savoyard archives (Turin; Geneva; Chambéry; Annecy; Paris); Franco-Irish cultural links. My research focus is constructed to combine historical, political and literary strands and relies heavily on access to rare primary sources in a variety of languages (French, Latin, Italian) in various European archives and libraries (Switzerland, Italy, France, Britain). Current research project (supported by funding from the ASSBF of the Faculty of Arts): religious dissent in early-modern Normandy with particular reference to archival sources, political-religious discourse, and rare editions of various works.