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Professor John Reynolds

Fellow Emeritus (Surgery)
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Professor John Reynolds

Fellow Emeritus (Surgery)


  Anti-oxidants in inflammatory disease   Genetic polymorphisms in upper gastrointestinal cancer and Barrett's oesophagus   Liver and gut immune function in patients undergoing complex major surgery   Molecular predictors of response and resistance to chemotherapy and radiation therapy   Transcription factors in inflammation and neoplasia of the oesophagus   Upper gastrointestinal physiology
Details Date
Member, DMMC Inflammation, Immunity & Infection Principal Investigators, DMMC Principal Investigators leading research in inflammation, immunit and infection.
Member, Centre for Molecular Research in Cancer (Proposed), This consortium combines researchers with common interest in understanding cell cycle signaling and regulation with specific focus on two key cancer-related processes (cell cycle control, apoptosis) and/or three specific malignancy types (oesophageal, prostate and haematological).
Member, Colorectal & GI Cancer Research Group (Proposed), Speculative idea to cluster PI's around collaborative study on Upper GI and Colon Cancers.Deliberately wide selection of surgeons, pathologists and academic researchers based on stated interest or publication in fields of oesophageal or colorectal cancer.
Member, PHG Funded PI's and Researchers, All Researchers funded under Cycle 3 PRTLI - Programme for Human Genomics
Elliott, J.A. and Reynolds, J.V., Insulin resistance, hyperinsulinemia, and cancer: pathogenic considerations and therapeutic opportunities, 2024, 285-314pp, Notes: [cited By 0], Book, PUBLISHED  DOI
Reynolds, J.V. and Donachie, V. and Marron, J. and Shevlin, A., Management of locally advanced adenocarcinoma of the oesophagus and oesophagogastric junction: the Neo-AEGIS trial â€" Authors' reply, The Lancet Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 9, (2), 2024, p104-105 , Notes: [cited By 0], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
O'Neill, S. and Deegan, J. and Ramjit, S. and Reynolds, J.V. and Donohoe, C.L., â€~SurgTalk†: The Educational Outcomes Associated With Development of a Surgical Podcast for Undergraduate Medical Students, Journal of Surgical Education, 81, (2), 2024, p202-209 , Notes: [cited By 0], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Fanning M, Murphy CF, Elliott JA, Ravi N, Docherty NG, le Roux CW, Donohoe CL, Reynolds JV., Continuous glucose monitoring and low-glycaemic index diet in the management of postprandial hypoglycaemia after oesophagogastric cancer surgery., The British journal of surgery, 111, (1), 2024, pznad371 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Bennett, A.E., O'Neill, L., Doyle, S.L., Guinan, E.M., O'Sullivan, J., Reynolds, J.V., Hussey, J., Nutrient Intakes and Gastrointestinal Symptoms Among Esophagogastric Cancer Survivors up to 5 Years Post-Surgery, Nutrition and Cancer, 2024, p1-10 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
A. Gillman , M. Hayes, I. Walsh , M. Walshe , J.V. Reynolds & J. Regan, Long-term impact of aerodigestive symptoms on adults with oesophageal cancer: A qualitative study, International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 2024, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Mylod E, O'Connell F, Donlon NE, Davern M, Marion C, Butler C, Reynolds JV, Lysaght J, Conroy MJ., Real-time ex vivo monitoring of NK cell migration toward obesity-associated oesophageal adenocarcinoma following modulation of CX3CR1., Scientific reports, 14, (1), 2024, p4017 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
O'Brien, R.M. and Meltzer, S. and Buckley, C.E. and Heeran, A.B. and Nugent, T.S. and Donlon, N.E. and Reynolds, J.V. and Ree, A.H. and Redalen, K.R. and Hafeez, A. and O'Ríordáin, D.S. and Hannon, R.A. and Neary, P. and Kalbassi, R. and Mehigan, B.J. and McCormick, P.H. and Dunne, C. and Kelly, M.E. and Larkin, J.O. and O'Sullivan, J. and Lysaght, J. and Lynam-Lennon, N., Complement is increased in treatment resistant rectal cancer and modulates radioresistance, Cancer Letters, 604, (217253), 2024, Notes: [cited By 0], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
O'Sullivan, N.J. and Temperley, H.C. and Horan, M.T. and Curtain, B.M.M. and O'Neill, M. and Donohoe, C. and Ravi, N. and Corr, A. and Meaney, J.F.M. and Reynolds, J.V. and Kelly, M.E., Computed tomography (CT) derived radiomics to predict post-operative disease recurrence in gastric cancer; a systematic review and meta-analysis, Current Problems in Diagnostic Radiology, 53, (6), 2024, p717-722 , Notes: [cited By 0], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Visser, M.R. and Voeten, D.M. and Gisbertz, S.S. and Ruurda, J.P. and Achiam, M.P. and Nilsson, M. and Markar, S.R. and Pera, M. and Rosati, R. and Piessen, G. and Nafteux, P. and Gutschow, C.A. and Grimminger, P.P. and RÀsÀnen, J.V. and Reynolds, J.V. and Johannessen, H.-O. and Vieira, P. and Weitzendorfer, M. and Kechagias, A. and van Berge Henegouwen, M.I. and van Hillegersberg, R., Western European Variation in the Organization of Esophageal Cancer Surgical Care, Diseases of the Esophagus, 37, (9), 2024, Notes: [cited By 1], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI

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Cliona M Lorton, John V Reynolds, Joanne Lysaght, ASO Author Reflections: Can CRP and CRP-Based Scores Predict Survival in Operable Adenocarcinomas of the Esophagus and Esophago-Gastric Junction?, Annals of Surgical Oncology, 2021, Journal Article, PUBLISHED


Anti-oxidants in inflammatory disease. Genetic polymorphisms in upper gastrointestinal cancer and Barrett's oesophagus. Liver and gut immune function in patients undergoing complex major surgery. Molecular predictors of response and resistance to chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Transcription factors in inflammation and neoplasia of the oesophagus. Upper gastrointestinal physiology.