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Professor Michael Peardon

Professor In (Pure & Applied Mathematics)
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Professor Michael Peardon

Professor In (Pure & Applied Mathematics)

Details Date
External examiner for Ph.D. candidates at Cambridge, Humboldt (Berlin), Swansea, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Cyprus, Graz (Austria), Wuppertal (Germany), Adelaide (Australia) and Liverpool Universities.
Editor, Proceedings of XIIIth Quark Confinement conference (2018), published by PoS.
External assessor for the international exchange programme between Wuppertal University and the Ochanomizu University (Tokyo, Japan) 2010-12.
Francesco Knechtli, Tomasz Korzec, Mike Peardon, Juan Andrés Urrea Niño, Optimizing Distillation for charmonium and glueballs, Proceedings of the 38th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, 2021, pparXiv:2112.01964 , Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Lucius Bushnaq, Isabel Campos, Marco Catillo, Alessandro Cotellucci, Madeleine Dale, Jens Lücke, Marina Krstić Marinković, Agostino Patella, Mike Peardon, Nazario Tantalo, Implementing noise reduction techniques into the OpenQ*D package, 2021, pparXiv:2201.09729 , Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Gavin K. C. Cheung, Christopher E. Thomas, David J. Wilson, Graham Moir, Michael Peardon & Sinéad M. Ryan, DK I = 0, DKbar I = 0, 1 scattering and the D*s0(2317) from lattice QCD, Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021, Notes: [], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
Bulava, J. and Hörz, B. and Knechtli, F. and Koch, V. and Moir, G. and Morningstar, C. and Peardon, M., String breaking by light and strange quarks in QCD, Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, 793, 2019, p493-498 , Notes: [cited By 0], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Koch, V. and Bulava, J. and Hörz, B. and Knechtli, F. and Moir, G. and Morningstar, C. and Peardon, M., String breaking with 2+1 dynamical fermions using the stochastic LapH-method, Proceedings of Science, 36th Annual International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, LATTICE 2018 , Michigan State University East Lansing; , 22-24 July, 334, 2018, pp053-, Notes: [cited By 0], Conference Paper, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  URL
Francesco Knechtli, Michael Guenther, Michael Peardon, Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics - Practical Essentials, Springer Nature, 2017, Book, PUBLISHED  DOI
Shcherbakov, D. and Ehrhardt, M. and Finkenrath, J. and GÃŒnther, M. and Knechtli, F. and Peardon, M., Adapted Nested Force-Gradient Integrators: The Schwinger Model Case, Communications in Computational Physics, 21, (4), 2017, p1141-1153 , Notes: [cited By 0], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Tims, D. and Cheung, G.K.C. and O'Hara, C. and Moir, G. and Peardon, M. and Ryan, S.M. and Thomas, C.E., Charmonium and charmed meson spectroscopy from lattice QCD, Part F128557, 2016, Notes: [cited By 0], Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Briceño R.A, Cohen T.D, Coito S, Dudek J.J, Eichten E, Fischer C.S, Fritsch M, Gradl W, Jackura A, Kornicer M, Krein G, Lebed R.F, MacHado F.A, Mitchell R.E, Morningstar C.J, Peardon M, Pennington M.R, Peters K, Richard J.M, Shen C.P, Shepherd M.R, Skwarnicki T, Swanson E.S, Szczepaniak A.P, Yuan C.Z, Issues and Opportunities in Exotic Hadrons, Chinese Physics C, 40, (4), 2016, Notes: [Cited By :10 Export Date: 21 February 2017], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
Cheung G.K.C, O†Hara C, Moir G, Peardon M, Ryan S.M, Thomas C.E, Tims D, For the Hadron Spectrum Collaboratio, Excited and exotic charmonium, Ds and D meson spectra for two light quark masses from lattice QCD, Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016, (12), 2016, p089 , Notes: [Export Date: 6 January 2017], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI  URL

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Award Date
FTCD 2013
My research explores strongly interacting quantum field theories such as quantum chromodynamics (QCD), the theory of the strong nuclear force which binds quarks inside the proton and neutron. I am particularly interested in developing new numerical techniques for ab initio calculations starting from the foundations of quantum field theory and using a four-dimensional space-time lattice to represent the quantum vacuum through computer simulation. Currently, I am addressing the question of whether particles called glueballs and made predominantly from gluons, the force-carriers of QCD can be observed in collider experiments if they are not too short-lived to be detected. The large-scale computations needed to investigate this physics are performed using Monte Carlo methods on high-performance computer systems. Monte Carlo uses statistical sampling to estimate predictions from the theory and many of these calculations are too imprecise in statistical resolution. My current work therefore focuses on developing better mathematical frameworks to perform these computations which give a much better signal-to-noise while simultaneously developing deeper physical insights to help optimise the computations. To achieve these aims requires me to connect the mathematics of random processes with insight into particle physics phenomenology and high-performance computing techniques. A technique I pioneered, termed distillation is an example of this synthesis which has proved to be a highly effective framework, now increasingly widely used for many state-of-the-art calculations in lattice QCD spectroscopy over the past decade. Currently, I am developing techniques to split large computations into smaller blocks each of which can be evaluated independently to allow the full computation to be performed far more efficiently once components are reassembled. This work is developing as part of a new collaboration with researchers in Germany, significantly funded by the DFG (German Research Funding Agency), which has appointed me as a Mercator Fellow to support this collaboration.