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Dr. Philip Curry

Assistant Professor (Sch Office - Social Work & Social Policy)
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Dr. Philip Curry

Assistant Professor (Sch Office - Social Work & Social Policy)

I graduated from Trinity College Dublin with a PhD in Psychology and subsequently worked in the same university, most consistently with the Masters in Applied Social Research program.
  Creative arts practice
Holt, S., Elliffe, R., Gregory, S., & Curry P., Social Workers Response to Domestic Violence and Abuse during the COVID-19 Pandemic, British Journal of Social Work, 2022, p19 , Notes: [Early Online publication], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Ann Swift, Edurne Garcia Iriarte, Philip Curry, Roy McConkey, Robbie Gilligan & Marisa Antunes , How Disability and Other Socio-Economic Factors Matter to Children's Socio-Emotional Outcomes: Results from a Longitudinal Study Conducted in Ireland, Child Indicators Research, August, 2020, p1 - 25, Notes: [], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  URL
T. Tatum, P. Curry, B. Dunne, K. Walsh, K. Bennet, Polypharmacy Rates among Patients over 45 years, Irish Medical Journal, 112, (3), 2019, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
Burns, A, Höfer, S., Curry, P., Sexton, E. and Doyle, F. , Revisiting the dimensionality of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale in an international sample of patients with ischaemic heart disease, Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 77, (2), 2014, p116 - 121, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Lam M, Galvin R, Curry P., Effectiveness of acupuncture for nonspecific chronic low back pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Spine, Nov 15, (38(24)), 2013, p2124 - 2138, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Trish Walsh, Gaye Breslin, Philip Curry, Maeve Foreman, Martin McCormack, A Whole-Hospital Approach? Some Staff Views of a Hospital Bereavement Care Service, Death Studies, 37, (4), 2012, p5 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
Curry, P., Gilligan, R., Garratt, L., Scholtz, J., Where to From Here? Inter-ethnic Relations among Children in Ireland, Dublin, Liffey Press, 2011, xv + 208-, Book, PUBLISHED  URL
Mary C Conry, Karen Morgan, Philip Curry, Hannah McGee, Janas Harrington, Mark Ward and Emer Shelley, The clustering of health behaviours in Ireland and their relationship with mental health, self-rated health and quality of life, BMC Public Health, 11, (692), 2011, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI  URL
Robbie Gilligan, Philip Curry, Judy McGrath, Derek Murphy, Muireann Ní Raghallaigh' Margaret Rogers, Jennifer Jean Scholtz, Aoife Gilligan Quinn, In the Front Line of Integration: Young people managing migration to Ireland, Dublin, Children's Research Centre, Trinity College Dublin, February, 2010, 1-81, Report, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  URL
Walsh, T., Foreman, M., Curry, P., O'Driscoll, S. & McCormack, M., Bereavement Support in an Acute Hospital: an Irish Model, Death Studies, 32, (8), 2008, p768 - 786, Journal Article, PUBLISHED

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Philip Curry, 'Reputation', Ireland, 2025, -, Film production, PUBLISHED
Stephanie Holt, Ruth Elliffe, Soma Gregory, Philip Curry, Social Workers Response to Domestic Violence and Abuse during the COVID-19 Pandemic, The British Journal of Social Work, June, (00), 2022, p1 - 19, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Curry, P., Gilligan, R., Garrett, L. and Scholtz, J. , Where to from here? Children and the future of Integration in Ireland, 1st, Dublin , The Liffey Press, 2011, Book, PUBLISHED
Curry, P. and Sherry, R. , The hidden value of higher education learning: transferable skills and their importance for graduates of modern language programmes , Dublin, Trinity College Dublin: Careers Advisory Service, 2004, Notes: [The Transferable Skills Project was awarded the European Award for Languages for 2005.], Report, PUBLISHED
Curry, P. and Sherry, R. , Developing students' transferable skills in the language classroom: A report on the pilot program of the Transferable Skills in Third Level Modern Languages Curricula project. , Dublin, Trinity College Dublin: Careers Advisory Service., 2004, Report, PUBLISHED


I am both an academic and an independent film maker. My academic research interests have focused on intergroup relations, prejudice and quantitative methods. Although fictional, my films are heavily influenced by my experiences as a social researcher and my background in Psychology. For more information about my filmmaking visit