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Ms. Patricia Brazil

Averil Deverell Assistant Professor (Law)
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Ms. Patricia Brazil

Averil Deverell Assistant Professor (Law)

Patricia Brazil LL.B., M.Litt, Ph.D., Barrister-at-Law is the Averil Deverell Lecturer in Law at Trinity College Dublin where she lectures in refugee and immigration law, family law and child law. She has also practised as a barrister since 2004, specialising in the areas of asylum and immigration, family and child law. She regularly delivers conference papers at both domestic and international conferences pertaining to refugee, immigration and child law and has extensive publications in these areas.
  Family law   Human rights   Refugee and Immigration Law
Project Title
 "Report on Services and Legislation Providing Support for Victims of Crime"
April 2007
December 2007
To provide a research report to the Commission on the Support of Victims of Crime on the services currently provided in Ireland by non-governmental organisations and others to victims of crime; Irish/European legislation in relation to support for victims of crime; and a literature review on the systems for the support of victims of crime pertaining in EU and non EU common law countries.
Funding Agency
Commission for the Support of Victims of Crime/Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform
Project Type
Research Project
Person Months

Details Date
Legal Expert Member of ELENA [European legal network on asylum] 2007
Member of ChildWatch International Research Project 2006
National Contributor to University of Michigan Refugee Law project 2007
Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
Irish Fluent Fluent Fluent
Details Date From Date To
Vice-Chairperson Irish Penal Reform Trust 2005 2007
Brazil, Patricia, Fennelly, David, Dublin University Law Journal, Vol 42(2), Dublin, Clarus Press, 2022, 1 - 241pp, Book, PUBLISHED
Brazil, Patricia, Fennelly, David, Dublin University Law Journal, Vol 41(1), Dublin, Clarus Press, 2022, 1-250pp, Book, PUBLISHED
Irish Supreme Cour review, Dublin, Clarus Press, 2022-2022, Editorial Board, PUBLISHED
Irish Supreme Court Review, Dublin, Clarus Press, 2021-2021, Editorial Board, PUBLISHED
Brazil, Patricia, Irish Supreme Court Review, 1, Dublin, Clarus Press, 2019, 1 - 241pp, Book, PUBLISHED
Brazil, Patricia, Fennelly, David, Dublin University Law Journal, Vol 41(2), Dublin, Clarus Press, 2019, 1-250pp, Book, PUBLISHED
LGBTI asylum applications in Ireland: status determination and barriers to protection in, editor(s)Guler, Shevtsova and Venturi , LGBTI Asylum Seekers and Refugees from a Legal and Political Perspective, Springer, 2019, pp141 - 163, [P Brazil and S Arnold], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Gender and migration in Irish law in, editor(s)Peter Dunne and Lynsey Black , Law and Gender in Modern Ireland, Hart, 2019, pp249 - 262, [Patricia Brazil], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Children and Young People's Experiences of Migration in Ireland in, editor(s)Fanning and Michaels , Immigrants as Outsiders in the Two Irelands, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2019, pp145 - 163, [Brazil, Cosgrave and Mannion], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Brazil and Cosgrave, The Implications of Brexit for British Citizens in Ireland Navigating the Irish Immigration System, Journal of Immigration and Asylum Law, 32, (1), 2018, p10 - 27, Journal Article, PUBLISHED

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William Binchy and Raymond Byrne, Asylum and Immigration Law, Annual Review of Irish Law 2015, 2016, p14 - 60, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Asylum and Immigration Law in, editor(s)William Binchy and Raymond Byrne , Annual Review of Irish Law 2013, Dublin, Round Hall, 2014, pp17 - 34, [Patricia Brazil], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Asylum and Immigration in, editor(s)William Binchy and Raymond Byrne , Annual Review of Irish Law 2012, Ireland, Thomson Round Hall, 2013, pp8 - 36, [Patricia Brazil and Nuala Egan], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Asylum and Immigration Law in, editor(s)William Binchy and Raymond Byrne , Annual Review of Irish Law 2011, Ireland, Thomson Round Hall, 2012, [Patricia Brazil and Nuala Egan ], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Asylum and Immigration Law in, editor(s)William Binchy and Raymond Byrne , Annual Review of Irish Law 2010, Ireland, Thomson Round Hall, 2011, [Patricia Brazil and Nuala Egan], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Asylum and Immigration Law in, editor(s)Raymond Byrne and William Binchy , Annual Review of Irish Law 2009, Ireland, Thomson Round Hall, 2010, [Patricia Brazil and Nuala Egan], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
"Asylum & Immigration Law" in, editor(s)Raymond Byrne and William Binchy , Annual Review of Irish Law 2008, Ireland, Thomson Round Hall, 2009, pp1 - 28, [Patricia Brazil and Nuala Egan], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Asylum and Immigration Law in, editor(s)Byrne & Binchy , Annual Review of Irish Law 2006, Ireland, Round Hall , 2007, pp7 - 76, [Brazil & Egan], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Asylum & Immigration Law in, editor(s)William Binchy & Raymond Byrne , Annual Review of Irish Law 2005, Dublin, Round Hall, 2006, pp11 - 71, [Patricia Brazil & Nuala Egan], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Asylum and Immigration Law in, editor(s)William Binchy and Raymond Byrne , Annual Review of Irish Law, Dublin, Round Hall, 2005, pp27 - 64, [Patricia Brazil & Nuala Egan], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED


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Award Date
Scholar, Trinity College Dublin 1999
Visiting Professor, University of San Francisco August-Oct 2006
Family Law, Refugee & Immigration Law, Child Law