Frey L., Bandaru P., Zhang Y.S., O'Kelly K., Khademhosseini A., Shin S.R., A Dual-Layered Microfluidic System for Long-Term Controlled In Situ Delivery of Multiple Anti-Inflammatory Factors for Chronic Neural Applications, Advanced Functional Materials, 28, (12), 2018,
Journal Article,
Frey, Laura and Shin, Su Ryon and O'Kelly, Kevin and Khademhosseini, Ali, Design of a neural probe using localised cooling and long term delivery of anti-inflammatory factors to reduce glial scar formation and improve the chronic efficacy of therapeutic probes, 2016,
Conference Paper,
Mealy, J, O'Kelly, K, Cell Response to Hydroxyapatite Surface Topography Modulated by Sintering Temperature, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part A, 2015,
Journal Article,
Tongfei Wu,Martin Frydrych,Kevin O'Kelly, and Biqiong Chen, Poly(glycerol sebacate urethane)−Cellulose Nanocomposites with 2 Water-Active Shape-Memory Effects, Biomacromolecules, 15, (7), 2014, p2663 - 2671,
Journal Article,
Tongfei Wu, Ramin Farnood, Kevin O'Kelly, Biqiong Chen, Mechanical behaviour of transparent nano fibrillar cellulose-chitosan nano composite films in dry and wet conditions, Journal of the Mechanical Behaviour of Biomedical Materials, 32, 2014, p279 - 286,
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TARA - Full Text
Tongfei Wu, Kevin O'Kelly & Biqiong Chen, Biomimetic chitosan-treated clay-elastomer composites with water-responsive mechanically dynamic properties, Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics, 52, 2014, p55 - 62,
Journal Article,
Frey L, O'Kelly K, PC12 Cell and Primary Cortical Neuronal Response to Surface Composition and Topography of Insulating Materials for Neural Electrodes, European Society of Biomaterials, Madrid, Spain, 8-12 September 2013, 2013,
Conference Paper,
Tongfei Wu, Kevin O'Kelly, Biqiong Chen, Biomimetic stimuli-responsive composites based on poly(vinyl alcohol) whiskers, 12th Deformation and Fracture of Composites and 6th Structural Integrity, Cambridge, London, 8-11April, 2013, 2013,
Conference Paper,
Tongfei Wu, Kevin O'Kelly, Biqiong Chen, Poly(methacrylic acid)-grafted clay-thermoplastic elastomer composites with water-induced shape-memory effects, Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics, 51, 2013, p1513 - 1522,
Journal Article,
Mealy J, O'Kelly K, Cell Response to Nanoscale Topography of Hydroxyapatite Tissue Engineering Scaffolds, European Society of Biomaterials, Madrid, Spain, 8-12 September 2013, 2013,