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Dr. Louise Daly

Associate Professor (School of Nursing & Midwifery)
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Dr. Louise Daly

Associate Professor (School of Nursing & Midwifery)

Dr Louise Daly is an Associate Professor in Ageing and Community Nursing and current Head of Discipline for General Nursing (second term), Trinity College Dublin where she has been employed since 2004. She qualified as a Registered General Nurse in 1993, a Registered Nurse Tutor in 1999, and in 2010 she obtained her PhD from Trinity College Dublin. Her clinical, education and research interests are in care of the older adult, with a particular interest in dementia care. Louise teaches and supervises in these and other areas across undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the School, including on the interdisciplinary online Postgraduate Certificate and blended Masters in Dementia. As part of various research teams within the department, she has worked on research studies that have attracted more than 1,128,000 Euros in research funding. She has a particular interest in qualitative/interpretive, evaluation and meta-synthesis systematic review research methodologies. She is a member of the organising committees of and facilitates two Alzheimer Cafés, and she is a member of the steering and advisory committees' of the Dementia Services Information and Development Centre. Louise serves as a member of the editorial boards of Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice journal and the International Journal of Older Person Nursing.
  Acute care nursing   Aged care nursing   Ageing, memory and other cognitive processes   AGING   Aging/Gerontology   Clinical learning environment in nursing   DEMENTIA SERVICES   EARLY ONSET DEMENTIA   Ethics and Law in Dementia   Informal Carers   NURSING EDUCATION   Older Adults - ageing in place, dementia, aging and technolo   OLDER PATIENTS   OLDER PEOPLE
Project Title
 Living with COPD in the community during the Covid-19 pandemic: an exploration of patients' perspectives.
This project was a sub-project of the funded Developing Improving Practice Based Research for the Benefit of Service and Service Users in Naas General Hospital (See that study for funding details).
Funding Agency
Health Services Executive
Project Type
Qualitative descriptive
Project Title
 Community nurses' attitudes, knowledge and education needs in relation to urinary continence in an adult population: A cross-sectional descriptive survey
Funding Agency
Health Services Executive
Project Type
Cross sectional survey
Project Title
 The Impact of COVID 19 on Nurses' Experiences of Communicating with and Supporting Patients and Family/Informal Carers' Communication: A Qualitative Exploration.
October 1st 2021
April 2023
The aim of the study is to The study objectives are: To conduct a qualitative exploration of nurses within experiences of communicating and supporting patients and family communication during the COVID-19 pandemic. To produce a research report that includes the identification of recommendations derived from the study findings that can be used to enhance preparedness, policy and practice to support communication with and between patient and family with particular emphasis on communication in the context of a pandemic/public health emergency. To contribute to the building of nurse research capacity in the research site.
Funding Agency
Naas General Hospital with funding from the Dublin South, Kildare West Wicklow NMPDU
Project Type
Project Title
 Exploring Experiences of Carers in the COVID-19 Pandemic
Covid 19's impact has been within all sectors of society. Public health responses have included both personal and societal measures. Within these are social distancing, community restrictions, cocooning of at risk populations and a health system which has reorientated to accommodate mass testing and increasing acute care capacity. In May, a survey by Family Carers Ireland identified additional stresses such as heightened caregiver anxiety, delays or cancellations of care and a fear of getting Covid 19 and being unable to continue caregiving. This study will use build on the survey using caregivers voices about experiences of care during the pandemic.
Funding Agency
Irish Research Council
New Foundations 2020 Strand 1a: Enhancing Civic Society within a national context
Project Type
Qualitative Photovoice Methodology
Project Title
  Including best practices and the voices of experience in developing post-diagnostic dementia support guidelines for people with an intellectual disability.
The aim of the study, is to develop accessible best practice guidelines for post-diagnostic dementia supports for people with an intellectual disability in Ireland. The resulting guidelines will identify needed adjustments, and make recommendations for all services on how best to provide post-diagnostic dementia supports to people with ID and their families/carers.
Funding Agency
Health Research Board

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Details Date
Expert Advisory Group Member Oslo Met Moves Project Oslo Met University, Norway April 2023
Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland Site Inspector Panel Member May 2022
Member of the Editorial Board for the International Journal of Older People Nursing January 2020
School of Nursing and Midwifery TCD representative on Get Up Get Dressed Get moving Network and member of the Education Working Group 2019
External examiner for the Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Nursing (Elderly Care), University of Malta From September 2019
Dementia and Neurodegeneration Network Ireland 2018-Present
Reviewer for BMC Geriatrics 2023
Member of Editorial Board for Dementia Journal 2018
External Examiner for MSc Global Issues in Gerontology and Ageing, Stirling University October 2017- September 2021
Member of National Education Interest Group (University and Institute of Technology Sectors) on the National Clinical Programme for Older People 2017-Present
Steering Group Member of Dementia Services Information and Development Centre 2016 to Present
Member of the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland Ethics Committee August 2013-December 2017
Reviewer for the Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2012
Steering group member of the Kildare Alzheimer Cafe 2013
Steering Group Member of the South County Dublin Alzheimer's Cafe 2012-Present
School of Nursing and Midwifery Alumni Committee 2012-Present
Reviewer for Dementia 2012
Reviewer for the British Journal of Nursing 2007
Reviewer for Health and Social Care in the Community 2010
Reviewer for Nurse Education and Practice 2013
Reviewer for International Journal of Older People Nursing 2018
Member of Interview Panel for Adelaide Society interviews to select students for the BSc (Cur) Nursing course (component of selection process alongside the CAO application process) April 2008, April 2009, April 2013
Member of the Nursing and Midwifery Planning and Development Unit Dublin, Kildare and West Wicklow Advisory Committee for Leadership for Directors of nursing working in Older Persons Services development programme. 2006-2007
Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
Details Date From Date To
Dementia and Neurodegeneration Network Ireland 2018 Present
CHAIN Dementia Subgroup 2016 Present
An Board Altranais now Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland 1993 Present
All Ireland Gerontological Nurses Association (AIGNA) 2009 Present
Irish Gerontological Society (IGS) 2007 2008
Grounded Theory Institute 2007 2010
AISHE 2008 Present
Supporting the Expression of Sexuality and Intimacy in a Palliative Care Context 2nd edn. in, editor(s)Duncan Macleod, R., and Van Den Block, L. , Textbook of Palliative Care, Springer, 2024, pp801 - 826, [Higgins, A., Daly, L. and Hynes, G.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED  URL
Dementia The International Journal of Social Research and Practice, Online, Sage, 2024, Editorial Board, PUBLISHED  URL
International Journal of Older Person Nursing, Wiley, 2024, Editorial Board, PUBLISHED  URL
Farrelly A. & Daly L., Older Persons" Experiences of Frailty: A Systematic Review, International Journal of Older People Nursing, 2024, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
McCarron, M., Daly, L., Allen, A., Dennehy, H., Buttery, N., Corr, C., McCallion, P., Kennelly, S., Dunne, P. & McGlinchey, E., Achieving equity in dementia care for people with intellectual disabilities: Standards, guidelines, memory services and innovative models of care, Engaging Dementia International Conference 2024, Mullingar, 8 - 9 May, 2024, Oral Presentation, PRESENTED
Joyce, D., Kelly, A.M., Maguire, E., O"Dowd, T., Butler, E., McCann, M., & Daly, L., A Cross-sectional Survey of Community Nurses" Attitudes Relating to Urinary Continence in the Adult Population., 'New Horizons in Healthcare: Global Impact, Local Relevance. Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2024 (THEconf2024), School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, March 6th, 2024, Poster, PUBLISHED  URL
(ed.), Universal Design For Learning: A Journey, Not A Destination, York Racecourse, York, UK, 23-24th April, 2024, Proceedings of a Conference, PUBLISHED  URL
Connolly, D., Daly, L., O'Brien, F., Harris, E., Antony, A. & Grogan, F, Impact of COVID-19 on Nurses' Experiences of Communicating with and Supporting Patients and Family/ Informal Carers' Communication: A Qualitative Exploration, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (THEconf2023), School of Nursing and Midwifery Trinity College Dublin, 8-9th March 2023, 2023, Oral Presentation, PUBLISHED  URL
McGlinchey, E., Daly, L., Allen, A., Dennehy, H., Buttery, N., Corr, C., McCallion, P., Kennelly, S., Dunne, P., McCarron, M., Developing Best Practice Guidelines for Post-Diagnostic Dementia Support for People with an Intellectual Disability, 33rd Alzheimer Europe Conference, Helsinki, 16-18 October 2023, 2023, Oral Presentation, PUBLISHED
Daly, L., O'Brien, F., Connolly, D., Harris, E., Antony, A.M. & Grogan, F., Impact of COVID-19 on nurses' experiences of communicating with and supporting patients and family/ informal carers' communication, 8th Dublin South, Kildare, Wicklow Nursing and Midwifery Planning and Development Unit Conference "Recognising Nursing & Midwifery"s contribution in the current and evolving healthcare environment", Clayton Hotel Liffey Valley, 14th September 2023, 2023, Poster, PUBLISHED

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McCarron, M., Daly, L.,Allen, A., Dennehy, H., Buttery, N., Corr, C., McCallion, P., Kennelly, S.,Dunne, P.,and McGlinchey, E., 'Post-diagnostic Dementia Support Guidelines for People with an Intellectual Disability', Launch of the Post Diagnostic Dementia Support Guidelines for People with an Intellectual Disability, Trinity Centre for Ageing and Intellectual Disability, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, 2024, -, Broadcast, PUBLISHED
Daly, L., Now and Then! Health Social Care for Older Adults in the Community " An Overview of Policy, Demography, Service and Related Considerations in the Irish Context, HKU/Penn Comparative Elder Care Course, Online, 20th June 2024, 2024, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
McCarron, M., Daly, L., McCallion, P., Allen, A.P., Buttery, N., Dennehy, H., Kennelly, S., Corr, C., Dunne, P., McGlinchey, E., Post-Diagnostic Dementia Support Guidelines for People with an Intellectual Disability, 17, Trinity College Dublin, March, 2024, Report, PUBLISHED
McCarron, M., Allen, A.P., Buttery, N., Dennehy, H., Kennelly, S., Corr, C., Dunne, P., Daly, L., McCallion P., McGlinchey, E., Voices of Experience: Building Post-Diagnostic Dementia Support Guidelines for People with an Intellectual Disability. Brief Report, 5, Trinity College Dublin, January, 2024, Report, PUBLISHED
Daly L, Providing Nursing Students with International Experiences " Issues and Strategies Keynote, Oslo Met Moves National Summit, Oslo Met University, Norway, 17th-19th April, 2023, Department of Nursing and Health Promotion Oslo Met University, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Daly L., O'Brien F., Connolly D., Harris E., Anthony A.M. and Grogan F., The Impact of COVID-19 on Nurses" Experiences of Communicating with and Supporting Patients and Family/Informal Carers Communication: A Qualitative Exploration, Trinity Centre for Practice and Healthcare Innovation, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity Coll, April, 2023, p1 - 86, Report, PUBLISHED
Daly, L, Choosing Nursing as a Career, Introduction to Nursing (Transition Year Programme), St James's Hospital, 7th December, 2021, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Daly L., The Steering Committee. My experiences: a personal reflection on tips and points to consider, Engaging Dementia How to set up a Dementia Café Workshop, Virtual Event, 25th January, 2021, Engaging Dementia, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Daly L., White P., Harris E., Neenan K., Duignan E., Maguire A.M. and O'Regan M. , Nurses' Experiences and Needs when Communicating with Patients with Non-malignant Life-limiting Illnesses., Naas General Hospital Quality Improvement, Audit and Research Day, NGH, 14th December 2021, 2021, Poster, PRESENTED
Fenlon-Carroll A., Harris E., Murphy A., White P. & Daly L. , Developing Enhanced Care in Naas General Hospital. A collaborative, multi-method study., Naas General Hospital Quality Improvement, Audit and Research Day, NGH, 14th December 2021, 2021, Poster, PRESENTED


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Award Date
International Journal of Older Person Nursing, Editorial Board Member Award 2022
Poster Prize Winner at the 'Sowing the Seeds' 1st International Spirituality in Healthcare Conference, Trinity College Dublin 25th June 2015
Master of Arts (Jure Officii) 2008
Poster Prize for Corroon, A.M., Nolan, L., Adams, A. and Mooney, M., Laying the Foundations: on-line learning support for postgraduate nursing students, "Teaching and Learning in the Changing World of Higher Education". 3rd AISHE Conference, National University of Ireland, Maynooth 2007
Deans List for Academic Achievement, Faculty of Medicine, University College Dublin 1998
Second Year Scholarship in Nursing Studies, University College Dublin 1999
Award for outstanding patient care for 2nd year student nurse, the Mary Aikenhead School of Nursing, St Vincent's Hospital Elm Park, Dublin 4 1991-1992
First place in student nursing examinations, The Mary Aikenhead School of Nursing, St Vincent's University Hospital, Elm Park, Dublin 4. 1990-1991
First place in student nursing examinations, The Mary Aikenhead School of Nursing, St Vincent's University Hospital, Elm Park, Dublin 4. 1991-1992
The key foci of my research include: 1.Dementia care (major focus), 2.Care of the older person (major focus), 3.Ethics in practice 4.Supporting sexuality and spirituality in later life. I have an established national profile in dementia and later life care recognised by my peers, health service colleagues and researchers. While my early research related to understanding experiences of service users, families and professionals in these areas, my research has evolved to focus on developing, implementing and evaluating related innovations in care. I aim to engage in research across the continuum of care that generates evidence to inform service transformation to enhance person oriented quality care supporting health and well-being. As my profile evidences, my research primarily fits both within the Trinity Centre for Practice and Healthcare Innovation (TCPHI), within which I am a Principal Investigator for the postdoctoral researcher contract with one of the linked sites, and also the TCD Ageing Research theme. I have a particular strength in collaborative research team working and am continuously asked to join research teams for my: research foci, ability to lead, manage and complete project work packages to deadline, and for support in relation to the ethics and pragmatic feasibility of studies. My experience includes postdoctoral and research assistant supervision. To date, I have been successful in securing funding of over €1,128,000 as Co-applicant or Principal Investigator. The research I conduct is funded and unfunded. A number of the unfunded projects are pro bono with clinical colleagues and are consistent with the TCPHI model of building research capacity within nursing colleagues to impact on health systems and service delivery. I have research skills across a diversity of research paradigms and methodologies with particular expertise in interpretive approaches e.g. grounded theory, and in qualitative systematic review and mixed method evaluation research. I am trained in Joanna Briggs Institute systematic reviews. My research experience informs my research supervision activities.