McCarron, M., Daly, L.,Allen, A., Dennehy, H., Buttery, N., Corr, C., McCallion, P., Kennelly, S.,Dunne, P.,and McGlinchey, E., 'Post-diagnostic Dementia Support Guidelines for People with an Intellectual Disability', Launch of the Post Diagnostic Dementia Support Guidelines for People with an Intellectual Disability, Trinity Centre for Ageing and Intellectual Disability, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, 2024, -,
Daly, L., Now and Then! Health Social Care for Older Adults in the Community " An Overview of Policy, Demography, Service and Related Considerations in the Irish Context, HKU/Penn Comparative Elder Care Course, Online, 20th June 2024, 2024,
Invited Talk,
McCarron, M., Daly, L., McCallion, P., Allen, A.P., Buttery, N., Dennehy, H., Kennelly, S., Corr, C., Dunne, P., McGlinchey, E., Post-Diagnostic Dementia Support Guidelines for People with an Intellectual Disability, 17, Trinity College Dublin, March, 2024,
McCarron, M., Allen, A.P., Buttery, N., Dennehy, H., Kennelly, S., Corr, C., Dunne, P., Daly, L., McCallion P., McGlinchey, E., Voices of Experience: Building Post-Diagnostic Dementia Support Guidelines for People with an Intellectual Disability. Brief Report, 5, Trinity College Dublin, January, 2024,
Daly L, Providing Nursing Students with International Experiences " Issues and Strategies Keynote, Oslo Met Moves National Summit, Oslo Met University, Norway, 17th-19th April, 2023, Department of Nursing and Health Promotion Oslo Met University,
Invited Talk,
Daly L., O'Brien F., Connolly D., Harris E., Anthony A.M. and Grogan F., The Impact of COVID-19 on Nurses" Experiences of Communicating with and Supporting Patients and Family/Informal Carers Communication: A Qualitative Exploration, Trinity Centre for Practice and Healthcare Innovation, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity Coll, April, 2023, p1 - 86,
Daly, L, Choosing Nursing as a Career, Introduction to Nursing (Transition Year Programme), St James's Hospital, 7th December, 2021,
Invited Talk,
Daly L., The Steering Committee. My experiences: a personal reflection on tips and points to consider, Engaging Dementia How to set up a Dementia Café Workshop, Virtual Event, 25th January, 2021, Engaging Dementia,
Invited Talk,
Daly L., White P., Harris E., Neenan K., Duignan E., Maguire A.M. and O'Regan M. , Nurses' Experiences and Needs when Communicating with Patients with Non-malignant Life-limiting Illnesses., Naas General Hospital Quality Improvement, Audit and Research Day, NGH, 14th December 2021, 2021,
Fenlon-Carroll A., Harris E., Murphy A., White P. & Daly L. , Developing Enhanced Care in Naas General Hospital. A collaborative, multi-method study., Naas General Hospital Quality Improvement, Audit and Research Day, NGH, 14th December 2021, 2021,