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Profile Photo

Professor Nicholas Grene

Fellow Emeritus (English)
Profile Photo

Professor Nicholas Grene

Fellow Emeritus (English)


Born in the United States, educated in Ireland and the UK; married with four children.
  17th Century drama   Anglo-Irish literature, poetry   Indian literature in English   Irish writing, poetry, Drama, cinema   Shakespeare
Project Title
 Irish Theatrical Diaspora
September 2007
August 2010
An international research network committed to the study of the production and reception of Irish drama inside and outside Ireland
Funding Agency
Government of Ireland Thematic Research Project Grant
Project Type
The Internationalization of Irish Drama 1975-2005
Person Months

Details Date
Vice-chair (Ireland), International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures, 2001-9 Trustee, Ireland Chair of Poetry, 2010-
Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
French Fluent Basic Basic
Details Date From Date To
Member of the Royal Irish Academy; Vice-chair (Ireland), International Association from the Study of Irish Literatures
Nicholas Grene, Irish Theatre in the Twenty-First Century, First, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2024, 1 - 243pp, Book, PUBLISHED
Nicholas Grene, Derek Mahon: A Retrospective, First, Liverpool, Liverpool University Press, 2024, 1 - 355pp, Book, PUBLISHED
Mahon's Class Unease in, editor(s)Nicholas Grene, Tom Walker , Derek Mahon: A Retrospective, Liverpool, Liverpool University Press, 2024, pp253 - 268, [Nicholas Grene], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Lady Gregory: Patronage, collaboration, mythopoeia in, editor(s)Lauren Arrington Matthew Campbell , The Oxford Handbook of W.B. Yeats, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2023, pp58 - 70, [Nicholas Grene], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Nicholas Grene, Farming in Modern Irish Literature, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2021, 1-238pp, Book, PUBLISHED
Nicholas Grene, Hibernicizing the Russians, InVerbis:Lingue Letterature Culture, XI, (2), 2021, p93 - 105, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Shakespeare in Ireland: 1916 to 2016 in, editor(s)Christy Desmet, Sujata Iyengar, Miriam Jacobson , The Routledge Handbook of Shakespeare and Global Appropriation, London and New York, Routledge, 2020, pp254 - 266, [Nicholas Grene], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
R.K. Narayan:The Elusive World of Malgudi in, editor(s)Kenneth Seigneurie , A Companion to World Literature, Wiley, 2020, pp3189 - 3197, [Nicholas Grene], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
London Irish: Wilde, Shaw and Yeats in, editor(s)Marjorie Howes , Irish Literature in Transition 1880-1940, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2020, pp246 - 261, [Nicholas Grene], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Nicholas Grene, Can we still take Shaw seriously?, SHAW: the Journal of Bernard Shaw Studies, 40, (2), 2020, p176 - 187, Journal Article, PUBLISHED

Page 1 of 8
Samuel Beckett: Waiting for the End in, editor(s)Gerald Dawe, Darryl Jones and Nora Pelizzari , Beautiful Strangers: Ireland and the World of the 1950s, Oxford et al, Peter Lang, 2013, pp21 - 34, [Nicholas Grene], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
J.M. Synge: Playwright and Traveller in, editor(s)Micheal de Mordha , Ceiliuradh an Bhlascaoid 14: John Millington Synge, Baile Atha Cliath, Coisceim, 2012, pp55 - 73, [Nicholas Grene], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Nicholas Grene, Nothing Quite Like It: an American-Irish Childhood, Bantry, Somerville Press, 2011, Book, PUBLISHED
Nicholas Grene, Seeing differently: the vision of Hubert Butler, Journal of the Butler Society, 5, (2), 2011, p206 - 224, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Trends and Gaps in Irish Studies in, editor(s)Christina Hunt Mahony, Laura Izarra, Elizabeth Malcolm, John P. Harrington, Ondrej Pilny, Catriona Crowe , The Future of Irish Studies: the Report of the Irish Forum, Prague, Irish Forum; Centre for Irish Studies, Charles University, 2006, pp8 - 15, [Nicholas Grene, Patrick Crotty], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Introduction in, Tom Murphy, Plays: 5, London, Methuen, 2006, ppix - xiii, [Nicholas Grene], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Nicholas Grene, Talking about Tom Murphy, Dublin, Carysfort Press, 2002, Book, PUBLISHED


Award Date
Robert Gardiner Memorial Scholarship, University of Cambridge 1969-72
Life Member, Clare Hall, Cambridge 1989
Andrew W. Mellon Award Fellow, Huntington Library, Pasadena, California 1994
Drama and theatre, especially Shakespeare, Synge, Shaw and modern Irish drama; poetry of Yeats. Most recent publications include a book on Indian novelist R.K. Narayan.