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Ms. Mandy Lee

Assistant Prof/Course Co-ordinator (Public Health & Primary Care)
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Ms. Mandy Lee

Assistant Prof/Course Co-ordinator (Public Health & Primary Care)

I am an Assistant Professor at the Centre for Health Policy and Management, School of Medicine, Trinity College Dublin. My research interests are in people-centredness, narrative medicine, and research ethics.
  Ethnography   Health Care Reform   Health policy   Health Services Delivery   Health Systems Integration   Narrative analysis   Organisation and Management Research   Research Ethics and Governance   Research Methods   Social Sciences--Humanistic Emphasis   Sociological influences on health   Sociology of illness and health
Project Title
 "We Persist, Therefore We Have Hope: Trauma and Resilience of Hongkongers through Their Art since 2019"
"We Persist, Therefore We Have Hope: Trauma and Resilience of Hongkongers through Their Art since 2019" is an art exhibition and discussion panel event organised by academics from the School of Medicine, the School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies, and the School of Creative Arts, working in partnership with members of the Hong Kong community. Bringing together transdisciplinary perspectives across narrative medicine, resistance studies and creative arts practice, the proposed exhibition and discussion panels will be the inaugural event of the "protest art" theme to be pursued by the Centre for Resistance Studies (CRS) in the coming years, as well as informing the critical early stage of a PhD investigation that examines Hong Kongers' communal trauma and resilience through narrative methods. Viewing protest art as a "repertoire of contention", we explore questions of trauma, resilience, solidarity, and resistance, and how these inform Hong Kongers' emerging identity as a distinct ethnic community. Through dialogue with artists/activists, this event will contribute to the development of the CRS archive of resistance narratives.
Funding Agency
Trinity Long Room Hub Research Incentive Scheme 2021-2023
Project Type
Art exhibition, discussion panel events and artists' dialogues
Project Title
 Systematic Integrative Review of International Best Practices of Waiting Time and Waiting List Reporting Models for Elective Treatment
April 2017
April 2019
Funding Agency
National Treatment Purchase Fund
Project Type
Desk research
Person Months
Project Title
 'People-Centred' Healthcare Interface Management: A Cross-Settings Investigation of Users' and Providers' Experience of Service Delivery within the Cardiac Care Continuum in Ireland
2008 (part-time from Sept. 2004)
Funding Agency
Trinity Ussher Fellowship (2002/2003); IRCHSS Government of Ireland Scholarshp (2003/2004)
Project Type
Person Months

Details Date
Member, Stakeholder Advisory Forum, Digital Preservation of Reproductive Health Resources: Archiving the 8th, Digital Repository Ireland. 2022
Founding Member, Health Policy and Management-Centre for Global Health (HPM-CGH) Research Ethics Committee 2009-Present
Co-founding member of the Research and Development Sub-group for the National Health and Social Care Professions Office, Health Service Executive. 2011-Present
Member (Representing Health Policy and Management), Faculty of Health Sciences Research Ethics Committee 2005-2009
Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
Chinese Fluent Fluent Fluent
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
Details Date From Date To
Reviewer for Journal of Health Organization and Management (JHOM) 2012 2015
Reviewer for BMC Health Services Research 2012 2015
Member of U.S. Academy of Management (AOM) 2002 2020
Member of European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS) 2002 2018
Member of International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA) 2006 2018
Reviewer for Organizational Research Methods (ORM) 2009 2010
Reviewer for Educational Action Research (EAR) 2007 2009
Member of the Irish Academy of Management (IAM) 2002 2008
Member of Cochrane Collaboration Qualitative Research Methods Group 2003 2007
Lee, Mandy, "Home is wherever Hongkongers are": Narratives of emigration and exile by pro-democracy Hongkongers., Sociological Association of Ireland Annual Conference 2022, Technological University of the Shannon, Limerick, Ireland, 13-14 May, 2022, 2022, Oral Presentation, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  URL
Lee, Mandy; Martin-Carroll, Margaret; Von Mollendorff, Wendy; Condon, Claire; Kavanagh, Matthew; Thomas, Steve, Common patterns in the public reporting of waiting time and waiting list information: findings from a sample of OECD jurisdictions, Health Policy, 125, (8), 2021, p1002 - 1012, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Lee, Mandy, On the incorporation of universal human rights values into an "everyday" healthcare ethics: a spiritual perspective., 6th International Spirituality in Healthcare Conference: "The Spiritual Imperative in Healthcare: Securing Foundations", Trinity College Dublin, 17 June 2021, 2021, Oral Presentation, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  URL  URL
Lee, Mandy, Failing Better: Developing community engagement, resilience and resistance in the face of regime power. On Hongkongers' anti-extradition protests through the lenses of action learning., 9th International Action Research Colloquium, Dublin, Ireland, 26-28 June, 2019, 2019, Oral Presentation, PRESENTED  URL
Hunter, Ruth; Gough, Aisling; O'Kane, Niamh; McKeown, Gary; Fitzpatrick, Aine; Walker, Tom; McKinley, Michelle; Lee, Mandy; Kee, Frank, Ethical issues in social media research for public health, American Journal of Public Health, 108, (3), 2018, p343 - 348, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Murphy, Seán Joseph; Lee, Mandy; Burke, Sara., Integrating Care On A Cross-Border Basis: Priorities Of Key Actors In The Irish Context, International Journal of Integrated Care, 17, (5), 2017, p482 - 482, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Lee, Mandy, "Relational vs individual rights? Applying a relational autonomy lens to evaluating research ethics applications involving social network analysis", RECSNA Conference (Recent ethical challenges in social network analysis RECSNA17), Paris, France, 5-6 December, 2017, 2017, Oral Presentation, PRESENTED  URL  URL
Lee, Mandy, Making a Case and Space for Action Research: Reflections on the Journey to Create Tolerance, Acceptance, and Appreciation for Action Research in Health and Social Care for Research Ethics Committees at the School of Medicine, Trinity College Dublin, 7th International Action Research Colloquium, Dublin, Ireland, 29-30 June, 2017, 2017, Oral Presentation, PRESENTED  TARA - Full Text  URL
Caffrey, Orla; Lee, Mandy; Normand, Charles, Exploring how multimorbidity care is managed for an older Irish patient population within clinician networks: Preliminary findings from an SNA survey, Third European Conference on Social Networks, Mainz, Germany, 26-29 September 2017, 2017, Oral Presentation, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  URL
Keenan, Gary; Lee, Mandy, Investigating the Implementation of a National Pilot Project on Wait List Management using Pooled Inpatient and Day Case Surgical Waiting List between a Level 4 Hospital and a Level 3 Hospital in Ireland: Patient Experiences and Provider Perspectives, 17th International Conference on Integrated Care, Dublin, Ireland, 8-10 May, 2017, 2017, Poster, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  URL

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Mandy Lee, Introduction to Research Ethics Principles (as part of Tusla Child and Family Agency Research Ethics Committee Induction Programme), Tusla National Child and Family Agency Research Ethics Committee Induction Programme, Dublin, Ireland, 30 March, 2021, 2021, Tusla Child and Family Agency, Notes: [Lead Facilitator of the Research Ethics Principles workshop as part of Tusla Child and Family Agency Research Ethics Committee Induction Programme. ], Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
Mandy Lee, Margaret Martin-Carroll, Wendy Von Mollendorff, Steve Thomas, Review of International Best Practices of Waiting List and Waiting Time Reporting Models for Elective Treatments in Acute Care , Ireland, National Treatment Purchase Fund, April, 2019, Report, PUBLISHED
Mandy Lee, Applying for Research Ethical Approval: Draft Protocols Practice Workshop, HSE Health and Social Care Professionals 5th National Research Conference "Translating Health and Social Care Professions Research into Policy and Practice", Dublin Castle, Dublin, Ireland, 14 November, 2018, 2018, HSE HSCP Research and Development Sub-Group, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
How to apply social network analysis concepts in health and social care. in, editor(s)Byrne, Michael , How to Conduct Research for Service Improvement: A Guidebook for Health and Social Care Professionals. (2nd Edition), Dublin, Ireland, Health Service Executive, 2015, pp134 - 143, [Lee, Mandy; Ackermann, Pauline; Finn, Breedge; Murphy, Deirdre; O'Doherty, Aileen], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
How to match research designs to organisational issues in health and social care in, editor(s)Byrne, Michael , How to Conduct Research for Service Improvement: A Guidebook for Health and Social Care Professionals. (2nd Edition), Dublin, Ireland, Health Service Executive, 2015, pp16 - 30, [Lee, Mandy], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
How to engage with stakeholders through qualitative research. in, editor(s)Byrne, Michael , How to Conduct Research for Service Improvement: A Guidebook for Health and Social Care Professionals. (2nd Edition), Dublin, Ireland, Health Service Executive, 2015, pp68 - 75, [Lee, Mandy], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
How to match research designs to organisational issues in health and social care in, editor(s)Michael Byrne , How to Conduct Research for Service Improvement: A Guidebook for Health and Social Care Professionals, Dublin, Health Service Executive, 2013, pp18 - 33, [Mandy S. Lee], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
How to conduct qualitative research in health and social care settings in, editor(s)Byrne, Michael , How to Conduct Research for Service Improvement: A Guidebook for Health and Social Care Professionals, Dublin, Health Service Executive, 2013, pp59 - 77, [Mandy S. Lee], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Mandy S. Lee, Introduction to Service Evaluation Research in Health & Social Care, IICMS (Institute of Clinical Measurement Scientists) CPD (Continuous Professional Development) Website Launch and Research Day, Stewarts' Hospital, Palmerstown, Dublin, 20th September, 2013, IICMS, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Mandy S. Lee, How to Apply for Ethics Approval for Health Services Research Projects, IICMS (Irish Institute of Clinical Measurement Scientists) CPD (Continous Professional Development) Website Launch and Research Day, Stewarts Hospital, Palmerstown, Dublin, 20th September, 2013, IICMS, Invited Talk, PRESENTED


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Award Date
Trinity Long Room Hub Research Incentive Scheme 2021-2023 (Co-PI) 2021
National Treatment Purchase Fund Commissioned Review on International Best Practices of Waiting Time and Waiting List Reporting Models for Elective Treatment (Co-PI) 2017-2019
TCD New Lecturer Start-Up Fund 2005
IRCHSS Government of Ireland Post-graduate Scholarship 2003-2004
Outstanding Reviewer Award (Health Care Management Division, U.S. Academy of Management Conference) August, 2003
Trinity College Dublin Ussher International Postgraduate Fellowship 2002-2003
New York University-Trinity College Dublin One Year Non-Degree Graduate Exchange Programme (MBA International Management Program) - Full Scholarship 1999-2000
people-centredness, research ethics, narrative medicine