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Professor Michael Shevlin

Professor (Education)
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Professor Michael Shevlin

Professor (Education)

  Special Needs Education
Details Date
Editorial Advisory Board of Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs (international publication).
Advisory Board of Sunfield Research Institute (Birmingham, UK)
Advisor to Sage Publications on new handbook-The Handbook of Special Education 2004-5
Advisor to Equality Authority on educational issues concerning young people with disabilities.
Advisor to Down Syndrome Ireland in research project on inclusion.
Advisor to Down Syndrome Ireland in research project on access to higher education for people with learning difficulties.
N.C.E.A. Extern Examiner (Special Education) St. Nicholas Montessori College, Dublin 2000-3.
The Centre for the Study of Developmental Disabilities: University College Dublin (Member of the Advisory Group and contributor to postgraduate course) 1998-2005.
The Open Training College (Member of Academic Council). 1999-2002
National Association for Adult Literacy Blanchardstown. Education Consultant. 2002-4
Special Olympics Ireland. Education Consultant. 2001-2003
An Post Disability Awareness. Education Consultant. 2002
The Drake Music Project: enabling disabled people to make music through technology (Trustee). 1998-2005
The Puffin House Trust: providing a breakaway scheme for people with learning difficulties (Trustee). 1999-2005
Board of Management of a special school. 1993-2000
Details Date From Date To
National Council for Special Education 2004 2008
North-South committee on special education in Initial Teacher Education 2004 2004
Appeals Committee-Exclusion of pupils from schools (Department of Education and Science) 2002 Present
CEDR network to examine the impact of disadvantage in education 2002 2003
Arts & Disability sub committee of Arts Council 1996 1997
Special Education Review Committee 1991 1993
Michael Shevlin Richard Rose, Including Voices: Respecting the Experiences of People from Marginalised Communities, Volume 23, Leeds, UK, Emerald Publishing Ltd., 2024, 1 - 241pp, Book, PUBLISHED
Denise De Souza, Zelinna Pablo, Debashis Sarker, Maria Theresa von Fürstenberg, Alejandra Rios Urzua, Des Aston, Jennifer Banks, Donatella Camedda, Michael Shevlin, Critical Networks: Embedding Programmes for individuals with Intellectual Impairments in University Contexts in Australia, Chile and Ireland, Disability and Society, 2024, p1 - 24, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Ringwood, B., Banks, J., & Shevlin, M., Breaking new ground? An analysis of the use of embedded occupational therapy in a postsecondary education programme for students with intellectual disabilities., British Journal of Learning Disabilities,, 52, 2024, p422 - 431, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Falling between Two Stools? Post-secondary Transition Planning for Students with Intellectual Disabilities in the Republic of Ireland in, editor(s)Kate Scorgie, Chris Forlin , Transition Programs for Children and Youth with Diverse Needs. International Perspectives on Inclusive Education., Bingley, Emerald Publishing Limited, 2022, pp143-158 , [Banks, Joanne, Aston, Des, Shevlin, Michael], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
Rose, Richard Shevlin, Michael, Establishing Pathways to Inclusion, London, Routledge, 2021, 1 - 196pp, Book, PUBLISHED
Aston, Des, Banks, Joanne, Shevlin, Michael, Post-School Transitions for Students with Intellectual Disabilities in the Republic of Ireland, Trinity College Dublin, February, 2021, Report, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  URL
Effective Practices for Helping Students Transition to Work in, Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education, Oxford University Press, 2020, [Shevlin, M., Kubiak, J., O'Donovan, M., Devitt, M., Ringwood, B., Aston, D., & McGuckin, C.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI  URL
McCoy, S., Shevlin, M., Rose, R., Secondary school transitions for students with special educational needs in Ireland., European Journal of Special Needs Education, 35, (2), 2020, p154 - 170, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Buchner, T., Shevlin, M., Inclusive Education, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Students with Intellectual Disabilities in European countries, Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 2020, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Scanlon, G., Barnes Holmes, Y., Shevlin, M., & Mc Guckin, C., Transition for pupils with Special Educational Needs: Implications for inclusion, practice, and policy., 1st., Oxford: UK., Peter Lang, 2019, 1 - 214pp, Book, PUBLISHED

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Aston, Des, Banks, Joanne and Shevlin, Michael, Transitions to postschool settings for students with intellectual disabilities in Ireland, IASSIDD, Inclusive Education Special Interest Research Group, International Perspectives on Transitions in Education and Students with Intellectual Disabilities, Online, 16.12.2020, 2020, Oral Presentation, PRESENTED
Des Aston, Establishing Transition Pathways to Postsecondary Education for People with Intellectual Disabilities, Journey to Oz -Travelling Together Towards Inclusive Education, Dublin, 20.03.2019, AHEAD, 2019, Oral Presentation, PRESENTED


RECENT RESEARCH: . Creating a safe school environment Comenius / European (1997-9) . Teacher attitudes towards integration of young people with disabilities 1998-9 . Hidden Voices: the school experiences of young people with disabilities 1999-2000. . Access and inclusion issues for students with disabilities in third level education (commissioned by AHEAD as part of European funded project) 2000-1 . Canada-European Community Co-operation Agreement 2001-2003 . UNESCO Participation Programme 2001-3 Support for the families of Children with Developmental Disabilities . In collaboration with the Centre for Special Needs Education (University College, Northampton) Encouraging Voices Project: Ensuring that the voice of the child, particularly those previously marginalized, becomes integral to the education process. CURRENT RESEARCH: . In collaboration with NUI Maynooth and University College Dublin Student teacher profiles and experiences of teacher education - becoming teachers: a comparative study of the profiles of five Higher Diploma in Education cohorts. 2001-6. . In collaboration with Stranmillis College, Belfast: Initial Teacher Education and the conceptualisation of Special Educational Needs. 2004-ongoing. . In collaboration with the Centre for Special Needs Education (University College, Northampton): Exploring Voices of Disabled People in Education.