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Dr. Rocco Lupoi

Associate Professor (Mechanical, Manuf & Biomedical Eng)
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Dr. Rocco Lupoi

Associate Professor (Mechanical, Manuf & Biomedical Eng)

I graduated as mechanical engineer in 2004 from Polytechnic University of Turin, and obtained my PhD degree with great success from the University of Bath (UK) in 2008. My PhD project was covered by an article with dedicated front cover in EUREKA magazine (May 2005) with title Devices that absorb energy on demand. I really enjoyed research, and formed a clear passion for the development of new manufacturing processes. As such, I was hired as post-doctoral researcher in Cambridge University (UK) in 2008 to carry out ground-breaking work in a new field, now known as Additive Manufacturing. In Cambridge I published key papers, submitted a patent (now granted), and formed a spin-off company with co-workers (Laser Fusion Tech.) to commercialize the processes I had developed. Despite the commercial attraction, academic research remained my true passion; in summer 2012 I accepted the post of Assistant Professor in Trinity College Dublin and I started to develop my own group. In 2013 I became Marie Curie Fellow (CIG scheme), and in 2014 I was awarded of a key grant from the European Space Agency (Technology Research Programme - TRP). I was the very first PI in Trinity to have secured an award of this size from ESA. The project was featured in the national innovation news page of the Irish Times, 19th of January 2015. As an independent PI, I am now a funded investigator in AMBER (the national research centre for advanced materials and bioengineering) and I-Form (the national centre for Advanced Manufacturing). I am now an Associate Member of the international academy of production engineering (CIRP). In summary, I am an emerging leader in Additive Manufacturing with established collaborations in Europe (Ireland, UK, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, France) and the rest of the World (China, US, Canada). In recognition to my research career, I was elected Fellow of Trinity College Dublin (FTCD) in 2019 and nominated Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining (FIMMM) in 2022. According to the October 2023 data-update for "Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators" led by Stanford University and published by Elsevier, I rank within the top 2% scientists internationally.
  Additive Manufacturing   COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS   ENERGY   Energy Absorbing Materials   ENERGY-ABSORPTION   Hydraulics engineering   Industrial Engineering   LASER   LASER CLADDING   LASER MACHINING   Manufacturing (Mechanical Engineering)   Manufacturing Engineering   Materials Engineering   Materials technology, engineering   Mechanical Engineering   Physics   Process Development Engineering   Process Engineering   Production Engineering   Structural Engineering
Project Title
 Active Projects
For any information on active and past research projects, please consult my group webpage at this link:

Details Date
Nature Scientific Data - Reviewer Current
Acta Materialia - Reviewer Current
Materials Research Letters - Reviewer Current
Journal of Nuclear Materials - Reviewer Current
Journal of Materials Processing technology - Reviewer Current
Additive Manufacturing - Reviewer Current
Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE) - Reviewer Current
Optics and Laser Technology - Reviewer Current
ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering - Reviewer Current
Journal of Thermal Spray Technology - Reviewer Current
Fuel Processing Technology - Reviewer Current
Applied Surface Science - Reviewer Current
Proposals reviewer for calls by research funding bodies in Ireland, France and Canada Current
CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology - Reviewer Current
Springer and SpringerPlus - Reviewer Current
Materials & Design - Reviewer Current
International Academy for Production Engineering, CIRP-E events - part of Scientific Commitee Current
Associate Editor for De Gruyter - Current
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering - Reviewer Current
Surface & Coating Technology - Reviewer Current
International Journal of Thermal Sciences - Reviewer Current
Scientific Research and Essays - Reviewer Current
Chemical Engineering Science - Reviewer Current
Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
Greek Basic Basic Basic
Italian Fluent Fluent Fluent
Details Date From Date To
Fellow of of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (FIMMM) April 2022 Current
Nominated Associate Member of the International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP) March 2019 Current
Committee member on the national standards authority of Ireland (NSAI) 2017 Current
Funded Investigator of I-Form ( 2017 Current
PI of Science and Technology in Advanced Manufacturing (STAM) Current
Funded Investigator of AMBER -
Member of the Italian Professional Body for Engineers (Albo degli Ingegneri), Chartered Engineer level 2012 Current
Member of the Irish Manufacturing Council (IMC) October 2012 Current
Only member in Ireland of the Cold Spray Society, a group of world leading experts in the field run by the School of Mines in Paris January 2013 Current
Pengfei Yu, Nazanin Sheibanian, Gopinath Perumal, Raffaella Sesana, Dermot Brabazon, Yingchun Xie, Shuo Yin, Rocco Lupoi, Enhancing the Longevity of Magnesium Implants with Cold-Sprayed Ta/Ag Coatings: Optimization of Corrosion and Wear Resistance, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2025, Journal Article, ACCEPTED
Fatemeh Zarei, Amir Ardeshiri Lordejani, Siyuan Ruan, Shuo Yin, Mario Guagliano, Rocco Lupoi and Sara Bagherifard, Evaluating the Application of Cold Spray Technology for the Deposition of Copper"Graphene Composite Coatings, Coatings, 15, 2025, p1 - 16, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Rocco Lupoi, Shuo Yin, Oscillatory nature in melt-gas-powder interactions during laser powder bed fusion process revealed by CFD-DEM coupled modelling, Virtual and Physical Prototyping, 2025, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Tao Chen, Pengfei Yu, Yusi Li, Yan Chen, Chao Yang, Rocco Lupoi, Shuo Yin, Xinyu Zhang, High speed impact induced dehydrogenation of titanium hydride and formation of cellular structure via cold spray, Scripta Materialia, 256, 2025, p116443 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Asli Coban, Arnoldas Sasnauskas, Wenyou Zhang, William M. Abbott, Rocco Lupoi, Ramesh P. Babu, LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT (LCA) OF A NEWLY DESIGNED METAL ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING PROCESS: MAPS (METAL ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING USING POWDER SHEETS), AMC 2024, Turkey, 2024, pp1 - 3, Notes: [], Conference Paper, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text
Xinyu Ye, Xionghui Gui, Wanqing Wang, Chengjie Ge, Shuo Yin, Rocco Lupoi, Wenya Li, Xinkun Suo, Hydrophobic/hydrophilic surfaces constructed using laser spraying: A new route, Surfaces and Interfaces, 22, 2024, p105422 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Wenyou Zhang, Silvia Marola, Seán McConnell, Zhe Cai, JanMell Dugenio, Ming Li, William M. Abbott, Asli Coban, Arnoldas Sasnauskas , Shuo Yin, Ramesh Padamati Babu, Wajira Mirihanage, Riccardo Casati, Rocco Lupoi, Demonstration and benchmarking of a novel powder sheet additive manufacturing approach with austenitic steel, Materials & Design, 245, 2024, p113301 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Pengfei Yu, Gopinath Perumal, Katelyn J. Genoud, Jack Maughan, Fergal J. O"Brien, Dermot Brabazon, Yingchun Xie, Jianfeng Wang, Shuo Yin , Rocco Lupoi, Cold Sprayed Ta-Ag Composites: Mechanistic Insight into Enhanced Corrosion Resistance and Antibacterial Ability, Corrosion Science, 237, 2024, p112284 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Sesana, R. and Corsaro, L. and Sheibanian, N. and Ãzbilen, S. and Lupoi, R., WEAR CHARACTERIZATION OF COLD SPRAYED HEA COATINGS BY MEANS OF ACTIVE-PASSIVE THERMOGRAPHY AND TRIBOMETER, Lubricants, 12, (6), 2024, p1 - 15, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Giacomo Cappelli, Arnoldas Sasnauskas, Shuo Yin, Rocco Lupoi, Erosion Behavior of Cold-Sprayed Coatings Made of CoCrFeMnNi HEA and Tungsten Carbide Nanoparticles in a Nickel Matrix, Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 2024, p1 - 18, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI

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Hyunjong Lee, Apostolos Koutsioukis, Rocco Lupoi, Davoud Jafari, Valeria Nicolosi, Bernard J. Geurts, Wessel W. Wits, Measurements of the effective thermal conductivity of composite metal powders for additive manufacturing, Euromat 2023, Frankfurt (Germany), 3-7 September 2023, 2023, Notes: [], Poster, PUBLISHED
Koutsioukis Apostolos, Siyuan Ruan, Yan Chen, Rocco Lupoi, Valeria Nicolosi, Ultrasonication of Graphene/Copper composites for Additive Manufacturing , Graphene 2023, Manchester (UK), 27-30 June 2023 , 2023, Notes: [], Poster, PUBLISHED
M. Meyer and R. Lupoi, Supersonic Spray Advanced Modelling SSAM, 19th Annual Sir Bernard Crossland Symposium & Postgraduate Workshop, Queen's University Belfast, 2016, Poster, PUBLISHED
R.Lupoi and F.Osman, Revolutionary devices to dissipate energy in mechanical systems, PGA 2006 , Bath (UK), 2006, Poster, PUBLISHED


Award Date
Journal of Thermal Spray volume 31 best paper award 2023
Nominated Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining (FIMMM) 2022
Elected Fellow of Trinity College Dublin 2019
Accelerated Advancement Award 2016
SFI - TIDA award 2016-2017
Enterprise Ireland - Commercialization Fund 2015-2017
European Space Agency (ESA) major grant award, Technology Research Programme (TRP) 2015-2019
Irish Research Council - New Foundation Award 2014
Marie Curie Fellowship (CIG) 2013-2017
Certificate for professional engineering practice, Chartered Status 2006
Silver medal for professional achievements in the AMPT 2005 conference. Prize given in Wisla, Poland (2005) 2005
A scholarship for PhD studies at the University of Bath 2004-2007
An Erasmus scholarship, Politecnico di Torino (Italy) 2002-2003
Additive Manufacturing; Cold Spray; Materials Characterization; Lasers and Material Laser Processing; Friction Welding and Friction Stir Welding; Supersonic flows and applications; Fluid mechanics, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and applications; Solid Mechanics (Crashworthiness and Energy Absorbers); Components and systems design for engineering applications, product development