David Limond, Strange angel: William Norman Illingworth [1902-1980] and Sangreal School " Towards a History of Conservative Alternative Schools in Twentieth-Century Britain", History of Educaton Review, 2025, p1-14 ,
Notes: [https://doi.org/10.1108/HER-08-2024-0036],
Journal Article,
"A normal and useful method of class control?" Policy on corporal punishment in Irish schools c1974-1985 in, editor(s)Brendan Walsh , Education Policy in Ireland Since 1922, Springer, 2022, pp341 - 369, [David Limond],
Book Chapter,
David Limond, The one thing common is that they have nothing in common: Some Aspects of the Unique Electoral Politics of Dublin University in Irish Legislative Assemblies c1919-1979, Electoral Politics, 2, (8), 2022, p1-25 ,
Journal Article,
'"Dochum glorie De agus onora na hEireann": Revising History in Ireland' in, editor(s)Christopher Berg and Theodore Christou , The Palgrave Handbook of History and Social Studies Education, New York/London, Palgrave, 2020, pp387 - 414, [David Limond],
Book Chapter,
TARA - Full Text
Advanced Education for Working People: The Catholic Workers' College, a Case Study in, editor(s)Brendan Walsh , Essays in the History of Irish Education, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, pp339 - 358, [David Limond],
Book Chapter,
David Limond, The Jesuits, Mary and Joseph: The Catholic Workers' College Dublin - 1951-1966, Catholic Historical Review, 102, (2), 2016, p318 - 339,
Journal Article,
David Limond, The OWLS of Minerva: A Model for Green Education?, Prospero, 23, (3), 2016, p11 - 15,
Journal Article,
Prospects for a Private, Indigenous and For-Profit University in Dublin in, editor(s)Andrew Loxley, Aidan Seery and John Walsh , Higher Education in Ireland: Practices, Policies and Possibilities, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2014, pp110 - 122, [David Limond],
Book Chapter,
The Gods of the Market-Place Tumble: Against Neo-Liberalism, for Intellectualism and Towards New Universities for Ireland in, editor(s)Brendan Walsh , Degrees of Nonsense: The Demise of the University in Ireland, Dublin, Glasnevin Publishing, 2012, pp88 - 107, [David Limond],
Book Chapter,
David Limond, Silencing the Other Black Paper Authors, History of Education Review, 44, (1), 2012, p52 - 65,
Journal Article,