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Professor Keith Tipton

Fellow Emeritus (Biochemistry)
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Professor Keith Tipton

Fellow Emeritus (Biochemistry)

  Biochemistry   Biochemistry, metabolism   Bioinformatics   Biosystematics   DEGENERATION   Depression   Design and synthesis of drugs   Drug Metabolism   ENZYME INHIBITION   ENZYME KINETICS   Enzymology   ETHANOL   Neurodegenerative Diseases/Disorders   Neurophysiology   NEUROPROTECTION
Details Date
Molecular Enzymology Group (Chairman), (Biochemical Society) 1995-1997
Neurochemical Group (Chairman) (Biochemical Society) 1998-1990
Publications Board, (Biochemical Society) 1982-89
Institute of Biology of Ireland (Chairman) 1985-87
Institute of Biology of Ireland (President) 1988-90
Biochemical Society (Committee) 1982-1986
International Society for Neurochemistry (Publications Committee) 1985-1992
International Union of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology: Special Interest Group on Enzymology (Chairman ) 1991-
Irish Society for Toxicology (Vice-president) 2001
Irish Society for Toxicology (President) 2002-3
Beilstein International Committee on Standards for Reporting of Enzymology Data 2004-
IUBMB-IUPAC Joint Committee on Biochemical Nomenclature (responsible for Enzyme Nomenclature, Classification & Bioinformatics) 1985-
Medical Research Council (U.K.) Neurosciences Grants Committee 1992-1997
Multiple Sclerosis Society of Ireland: Research Committee 1988- 1999
Member of the International Advisory Committee to the HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee 1999-
European Society for Neurochemistry (Council) 1989-1994
Health Research Board (Neurosciences & Mental Health Committee) 1994-2002
Details Date From Date To
International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (IUBMB)
Irish Neurosciences Discussion Group
Hungarian Pharmacological Society (Honorary Member)
Kennedy, C. Brewer, L. Williams, D., Drug interactions, Drug Metabolism Reviews, 48, (7), 2020, p450 - 455, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Martignoni M; Benedetti M; Davey GP; Tipton KF; McDonald A, Degradation of thymic humoral factor 2 in human, rat and mouse blood: an experimental and theoretical study, BBA - Proteins and Proteomics, 2020, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
McDonald A.G., Tipton K.F. and Davey G.P., A mechanism for bistability in glycosylation, PLOS Computational Biology, 14, (8), 2018, pe1006348-, Notes: [DOI: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006348], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
McDonald, A.G, Tipton, K.F. and Davey, G.P. , A knowledge-based system for display and prediction of O-glycosylation network behaviour in response to enzyme knockouts, PLOS Computational Biology, 12, (4), 2016, pe1004844-, Notes: [DOI: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004844], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
Kelly JA, Boyle NT, Cole N, Slator GR, Colivicchi MA, Stefanini C, Gobbo OL, Scalabrino GA, Ryan SM, Elamin M, Walsh C, Vajda A, Goggin MM, Campbell M, Mash DC, O'Mara SM, Brayden DJ, Callanan JJ, Tipton KF, Della Corte L, Hunter J, O'Boyle KM, Williams CH, Hardiman O, First-in-class thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH)-based compound binds to a pharmacologically distinct TRH receptor subtype in human brain and is effective in neurodegenerative models., Neuropharmacology, 89C, 2015, p193-203 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Andrew G. McDonald and Keith F. Tipton, The effects of tyramine and 4-aminophenol on the oscillating peroxidase-oxidase reaction, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 118, (1), 2014, p18 - 25, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
McDonald, A.G., Hayes, J.M., Bezak, T., Głuchowska, S.A., Cosgrave, E.F.J., Struwe, W.B., Stroop, C.J.M., Kok, H., van den Lar, T., Rudd, P.M., Tipton, K.F. and Davey, G.P., Galactosyltransferase 4 is a major control point for glycan branching in N-linked glycosylation, Journal of Cell Science, 127, 2014, p5014 - 5026, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Monitoring extracellular amino acid neurotransmitters and hROS by in vivo microdialysis in rats: a practical approach. in, G Giovanni & V. Di Matteo , Microdialysis Techniques in Neuroscience, Neuromethods, New York, USA, Humana Press, 2013, pp225-248 , [M.A. Colivicchi, C. Stefanini, W. Freinbichler, C. Ballini, L. Bianchi, K.F. Tipton and L. Della Corte.], Notes: [ 75], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Andrew G. McDonald and Keith F. Tipton, Fifty-five years of Enzyme classification: advances and difficulties, FEBS Journal, 2013, Notes: [doi: 10.1111/febs.12530], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Enzymes: Irreversible Inhibition. in, A.G. McDonald and K.F. Tipton, Keith F. , Encyclopedia of the Life Sciences (eLS)., Chichester., John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2012, [A.G. McDonald and K.F. Tipton.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED

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Biochemical Journal , London, The Biochemical Society - Portland Press, [Editorial Board], -2004, Editorial Board, PUBLISHED
Biochemical Pharmacology [1970-2004], , [eds.], Notes: [1970-2004], Editorial Board, PUBLISHED


Award Date
M.R.I.A. Royal Irish Academy 1984
RIA Biochemistry Medal, Royal Irish Academy 1989
Enzymology: regulation, kinetics, inhibition, isolation, applications. Enzyme bioinformatics: metabolic analysis and simulation. Systems biology. Neurochemistry: depression, degenerative diseases and 'neuroprotection'. Biochemical Pharmacology: drug design, ethanol.