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Profile Photo

Mr. Kevin Kelly

Associate Professor (Mechanical, Manuf & Biomedical Eng)
Profile Photo

Mr. Kevin Kelly

Associate Professor (Mechanical, Manuf & Biomedical Eng)

  Artificial Intelligence   CHATTER   Complex/Intelligent Systems   Computer Science/Engineering   Computer vision and robotics   Computer-Aided Engineering   Databases, database management, data mining   DRILLING   Dropout Prevention   Engineering Education   Engineering Innovation Processes   Equal Educational Opportunity   HUMAN ROBOT INTERFACE   Industrial Systems Engineering   Innovation   INTELLIGENT   Intelligent agents   MACHINE DYNAMICS   MACHINING SIMULATION   Manufacturing (Mechanical Engineering)   Manufacturing Engineering   Manufacturing Processes (Industrial Engineeri   Microengineering, micromachining   MOBILE ROBOT APPLICATION   Mobile Robotics   MONITORING   Numerical analysis   Product design   PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT   Production Engineering   Quality Control (Engineering)   ROBOT   ROBOTICS   Statistics   Stochastic Processes   SURFACE TOPOGRAPHY   Systems analysis and models development   Systems control, Modelling, Neural networks
Details Date
Joint Chairman of the 26th International Manufacturing Conference IMC26 - Energy Efficient and Low Carbon Manufacturing, September 2-4, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland 2009
Journal reviewer for IMechE Journal of Engineering Manufacture 2007
Committee member of the Irish Manufacturing Council - IMC 2006
President of Irish Manufacturing Council 2010
Member of Expert Group on Future Skills Needs in Manufacturing (Forfas) 2013
Details Date From Date To
President of Irish Manufacturing Council 2010 2016
Engineering School Liaison for CDIO (Conceive, Design, Implement, Operate) Organisation 2010 current
Engineering School Liaison for Irish Manufacturing Council 2003 current
Engineering School Co-ordinator for Stanford Global Design Alliance 2013 current
Management Council Member, SUGAR Global Innovation Network 2016 Present
Nappi V., Kelly K., Implementing and assessing a performance framework for the innovation measurement in a European manufacturer, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 73, (11), 2023, p69 - 95, p69-95 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Luiz Fernando C. S. Durão, Hannah McMullin, Kevin Kelly, Eduardo Zancul, Manufacturing Execution System as an Integration Backbone for Industry 4.0, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, IFIP International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management, Brazil, 2021, edited by Canciglieri Junior O., Noël F., Rivest L., Bouras A. , 639, Springer, 2022, pp461 - 473, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED  URL
Nappi, Vanessa, Kelly, Kevin, Review of key performance indicators for measuring innovation process performance, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 26, (1/2), 2022, p85 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Nappi, V; Kelly, K, Measuring knowledge management in the innovation process: a systematic literature review, International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies, 2021, Journal Article, IN_PRESS
Vanessa Nappi, Kevin Kelly, Proposing a performance framework for innovation measurement: an exploratory case-based research, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 2021, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
M. F. Cullinan, K. Kelly, and C. McGinn, Dynamic characterization and phenomenologi-cal modelling of sleeve pneumatic artificial muscles, ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems,Measurement and Control, 2020, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Michael F. Cullinan, Conor McGinn, and Kevin Kelly, Sleeve Pneumatic Artificial Muscles for Antagonistically Actuated Joints, IEEE Transactions, 2019 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Palais des congres de Montreal, Montreal, Canada, May 20-24, 2019, 2019, pp8360 - 8366, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  URL
Salaken S.M., Nahavandi S., McGinn C., Hossny M., Kelly K., Abobakr A., Nahavandi D., Iskander J., Development of a cloud-based computational framework for an empathetic robot, 2019, pp102 - 108, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED  DOI
Ballatore, Maria Giulia, Barman, Linda, De Borger, Jelle, Ehlermann, Julia, Fryers, Robbie, Kelly, Kevin, Misiewicz, Julia, Naimi-Akbar, Ida, Tabacco, Anita, Increasing gender diversity in STEM, ACM, 2019, pp216-222 , Conference Paper, PUBLISHED  DOI
C. McGinn, M. F. Cullinan, M. Otubela, and K. Kelly, Meet stevie: A socially assistive robot developed through application of a Design-Thinking approach, Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, Special issue on Special issue on Elderly Care Robotics Technology and Ethics, 2019, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI

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Kevin Kelly, The Importance of Global Networks in Innovation, Renewal of the International Lhoist Berghmans Innovation Chair UCL, Catholic University of Louvain, 31st January, 2018, Dr. Anne-Laure Cadji, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Kevin Kelly, Les facteurs fondamentaux de succès d'un projet d'innovation, Pilote d'équipe Innovation - Le parcours pédagogique, L'Institut Européen de Stratégies Créatives et d'Innovation, Paris, 31st August 2018, 2018, L'Institut Européen de Stratégies Créatives et d'Innovation, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Kevin Kelly, Assessment strategies in engineering group projects, Keynote Address, 33rd International Manufacturing Conference, University of Limerick, 29th August, 2016, Dr. Peter Tiernan, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Kevin Kelly, Robotic design and innovation, Robotic Benchmarking Symposium, National Insitute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Gaithersburg, US, 29th February, 2016, Dr. Elena Messina, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Kevin Kelly, A Healthier Gender Balance in Engineering, 32nd International Manufacturing Conference, Queens University Belfast, 2nd-4th September, 2015, Irish Manufacturing Council, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Kevin Kelly, Attracting More Female Students into Engineering, Worldwide Fall Meeting CDIO, Queens University Belfast, November 12th, 2015, Paul Hermon, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Kevin Kelly, Positive Experiences with Engineering Summer School for Girls, CLUSTER Anniversary Symposium on Engineering Education, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 22nd October, 2015, CLUSTER, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Kevin Kelly, The Power of Prototyping, Luzern University of Applied Sciences and Arts, March 12th, 2015, Isabelle Hauser, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Kevin Kelly, Getting your Hands Dirty - Prototyping Essentials, Catholic University of Louvain, 20th October, 2015, Dr. Anne-Laure Cadji, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Kevin Kelly, Predicting Progression in Engineering Programs, Designing Education Lab, Stanford University, May 10th, 2013, Prof. Sheri Sheppard, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED


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Award Date
Engineers Ireland Technological Innovation of the Year November 2014
Provost's Teaching Award May 2016
Trinity College Global Engagement Award May 2016
Universal Design Grand Challenge Award - People's Choice (Supervisor) May 2016
Registrars Civic Engagement Award 10th April 2018
Robotics, Design Innovation, Engineering Education, Manufacturing and Design, Machining Process Modelling, Surface Generation processes, Tool Condition Monitoring