McCarron M, Sheerin F, Roche L, Ryan A M, Griffiths C, Keenan P, Doody O, D'Eath M, Burke E and McCallion P., Shaping the future of Intellectual Disability Nursing in Ireland., Dublin, Health Services Executive, 2018, p1 - 150,
Notes: [Informs development of Intellectual disability nursing and services for people with an intellectual disability.],
García Iriarte, E., O'Donoghue, M., Keenan, P., & Feely, M., A Literature Review to Inform the Development of a National Framework for Person-Centred Planning in Disability Services, Dublin , HSE & NDA on behalf of National New Directions Implementation Group, February, 2017, p1 - 116,
Sheerin F, Griffiths C, DeVries J, Keenan P ,, An Evaluation of a Community Living Initiative in West Dublin., , Dublin, Ireland., 2014, 1-39,
Notes: [[This report is of relevance to policy makers concerned with the closing of large congregated settings for people with intellectual disabilities and their relocation to small community based living units.], ],
KEENAN, P., Person-centred Practice in Intellectual Disabilities - A Review of the International Literature, Person-centred Practice in Intellectual Disabilities - An International Perspective, The Grand Hall, Stewarts Care Ltd, Palmerstown, Dublin 20, 21st November 2011, 2012,
Conference Paper,
Griffiths C, Crofton C, Horan P, Keenan P, Fleming S Sheerin F., Intellectual Disability Nurses' views on the future of nurse education in Ireland. , Moving Forward -The Role of Intellectual Nursing in emerging care configurations for People with Intellectual Disabilities., St Patricks Centre, Kilkenny, 25th September , 2012,
Meeting Abstract,
Griffiths C, Crofton C, Horan P, Keenan P, Fleming S & Sheerin F., A survey of the views of Registered Nurses in Intellectual Disability in response to the Review of the Intellectual Disability Undergraduate Nursing programme., Dublin, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, June, 2012, 1-20,
Sheerin, F., Keenan, P., Lawler, D., Begley, C., Higgins, A., Lalor, J., Alexander, J., Nicholl, H., Tuohy, T. and Kavanagh, R.,, Mothers with Intellectual Disabilities, Parenting and Intellectual Disability, Trinity College Dublin, 23rd June, 2011, Inclusion Ireland/TCD,
Invited Talk,
McCarron, M., Keenan, P. Sheerin, F., Griffiths, C., Fleming, S., Horan, P., Doyle, C., Byrne, K., McCallion, P., Swinburne, J., Fahey-McCarthy, E., Foran, S., Murray, M., Mulryan, N., Glinchey, E., Burke, E. & Andrews, V. , The Intellectual Disability Team at the School of Nursing and Midwifery Trinity College Dublin: A Snapshot of Research and Academic Activities. , 20th Roundtable of the Ageing and Intellectual Disability Special Interest Research Group, International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disabilities. Future Directions for Ageing Well: A roadmap for Ageing in Persons with Intellectual Disability., Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland., 7th & 8th September , 2011,
Sheerin, F., Redmond, R., Horan, P. and Keenan, P., Social supports impede progress, 2007, -,
Notes: [],
Keenan, P. , Representations of Disability in Contemporary English Language Poetry, The Frontline of Learning Disability, 1, (65), 2006, p28 - 29,
Journal Article,