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Dr. Joseph Mc Donagh

Associate Professor (Trinity Business School)
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Dr. Joseph Mc Donagh

Associate Professor (Trinity Business School)

Details Date From Date To
Fellow of the British Computer Society 2008
Member of the British Computer Society 1991 2007
Co-Inquiring in a Digital Age: Enhancing the Practice of Strategy Work in Government Organisations through Action Research in, editor(s)Galliers, R.D. & Kawalek, P. , The Cambridge Handbook of Qualitative Digital Research, Cambridge, United Kingdom, Cambridge University Press, 2023, pp172 - 189, [McDonagh, J., Coghlan, D. & Coughlan, P.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Conducting Processual Research on Organizational Change in, editor(s)Szabla, D.B., Coghlan, D., Pasmore, W.A., & Kim, J.Y. , Research Methods on Organization Change, United Kingdom, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023, pp47 - 68, [Saxena, D. & McDonagh, J.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Principles for Productive Inquiry in ICT-enabled Change into Organisations in, editor(s)Szabla, D.B., Coghlan, D., Pasmore, W.A., & Kim, J.Y. , Research Methods in Organizational Change, United Kingdom, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023, pp221 - 241, [McDonagh, J.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Hughes, J., Orr, K., & McDonagh, J., Practice Makes Perfect? Translating the Strategic Information Systems Planning Literature Through a Strategy-as-Practice Lens: A Systematic Review and Research Agenda, International Journal of Management Reviews, 2023, Journal Article, SUBMITTED
Ahvari, H., Ekhlassi, A., & McDonagh, J. , Investigating the Effect of Motives, Social Capital, and Human Capital on Commercialization of Self-Developed Products by User Innovators: A Study of a Crowdfunding Platform, International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 2023, p2250036-1 - 2250036-22, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
McDonagh, J., Inquiring Together into the Dynamics of ICT-Enabled Change in Organisations - The Case of the Clinical Scholar-in-Residence (CSiR) , Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 2023, Journal Article, SUBMITTED
Aligning Strategy and Digital Technology in Government Organizations: A Call to Action in, editor(s)Shani, A.B. & Noumair, D.A. , Research in Organizational Change and Development, Volume 29, United Kingdom, Emerald Publishing, 2022, pp235 - 260, [McDonagh, J.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
McDonagh, J., Aligning Strategy and Digital Technology in Government Organizations: A Call for Action, 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management: Creating a Better World Together, Seattle, Washington, USA., 5-9 August, 2022, Conference Paper, SUBMITTED
Saxena, D. & McDonagh, J., Communication Breakdowns During Business Process Change Projects: Insights from a Socio-technical Case Study, International Journal of Project Management, 40, (3), 2022, p181 - 191, Notes: [], Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Saxena, D., Muzellec, L., & McDonagh, J. , From Bureaucracy to Citizen-Centricity: How the citizen-journey should inform the Digital Transformation of Public Services, International Journal of Electronic Government Research, 18, (1), 2022, p1 - 17, Journal Article, PUBLISHED

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McDonagh, J., The Evolution and Development of the Strategic HR Advisory Group, Version 1.3, Dublin, Ireland, Department of Public Expenditure and Reform, March, 2020, p1 - 17, Report, PUBLISHED
McDonagh, J., ICT Strategy (2018-2020): Mid-Term Review, Version 1.8, Dublin, Ireland, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, September, 2019, p1 - 60, Report, PUBLISHED
McDonagh, J., Strategic Review of LESS Business Case and LESS Business Plan, Rome, Italy, United Nations Systems, World Food Programme, April, 2013, 1, 46, Report, PUBLISHED
McDonagh, J., Information Technology Strategy (2012-2019) - Final Report, Rome, Italy, United Nations System, Food and Agriculture Organization, February, 2011, 1, 55, Report, PUBLISHED
McDonagh, J., Maximizing the Business Value of ICT Resources and Capabilities: A Blueprint for Reform, New York, USA, United Nations System, Chief Executives Board for Coordination, August, 2010, 1, 38, Report, PUBLISHED
McDonagh, J., Maximizing the Business Value of Information Technology: Key Strategic Themes, Dublin, Ireland, Irish Blood Transfusion Service, May, 2010, 1, 27, Report, PUBLISHED
McDonagh, J., Embracing the Challenge of Transformational Change: A Blueprint for ICT Enabled Reform, Belfast, Northern Ireland, Department of Finance and Personnel, September, 2009, 1, 28, Report, PUBLISHED
McDonagh, J., Managing the Transition to ICT Shared Services: A Blueprint for Change, Belfast, Northern Ireland, Department of Finance and Personnel, June, 2009, 1, 12, Report, PUBLISHED
McDonagh, J., Shaping and Effective Statement of IT Strategy (2010-2015): A Blueprint for Change, Geneva, Switzerland, United Nations System, International Labour Organization, June, 2009, 1, 11, Report, PUBLISHED
McDonagh, J., Maximizing the Business Value of Information Technology: A Blueprint for Change, Geneva, Switzerland, United Nations System, International Labour Organization, August, 2009, 1, 22, Report, PUBLISHED


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Principal interest in the process of leading large-scale change in complex systems of organizations, particularly change enabled by the deployment of modern ICT systems. Specific research themes include the diverse roles of managerial groups (e.g. executive management, senior management, middle management, ICT management) in leading large-scale change; integrating organizational strategy, change, and ICT; and collaborative approaches to inquiry and change.