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Dr. James Levine

Associate Professor (Philosophy)
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Dr. James Levine

Associate Professor (Philosophy)

Limits, Limitations, and the Status of Metaphysics: Russell and Kant vs Wittgenstein and Hegel in, editor(s)James Conant and Jonas Held , The Palgrave Handbook of German Idealism and Analytic Philosophy, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2025, [James Levine], Book Chapter, ACCEPTED
James Levine, Idealism and Quantification, First Idealism Summit, Chapel Hill, North Caroline, April 2024, 2024, Conference Paper, PRESENTED
James Levine, Pragmatism vs Naturalism in Quine's Philosophical Development, Tenth Annual Conference of the Society for the Study of Analytical Philosophy, Shanxi University, China (presentation by Zoom), July 2022, 2022, Conference Paper, PRESENTED
James Levine, The Analysis of Mind and Russell's Rebellion against Moore, The Analysis of Mind Centenary: History and Future of Russellian Monism, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, June 2022, 2022, Conference Paper, PRESENTED
"Russell and Idealism" in, editor(s)Russell Wahl , The Bloomsbury Companion to Bertrand Russell, London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2019, pp17 - 58, [James Levine], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
"Russell, Pragmatism, and the Priority of Use over Meaning" in, editor(s)Maria Baghramian and Sarin Marchetti , Pragmatism and the European Traditions, New York and London, Routledge, 2018, pp110 - 154, [James Levine], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
"Russell and Wittgenstein on Occam's Razor" in, editor(s)Landon D. C. Elkind & Gregory Landini , The Philosophy of Logical Atomism-A Centenary Reappraisal, Cham, Switzerland, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, pp305 - 334, [James Levine], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
"The Place of Vagueness in Russell's Philosophical Development" in, editor(s)Sorin Costreie , Early Analytic Philosophy-New Perspectives on the Tradition, Cham, Switzerland, Springer, 2016, pp161 - 212, [James Levine], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
James Levine, "Prior, Berkeley, and the Barcan Formula", Synthese, 193, (11), 2016, p3551 - 3565, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
James Levine, "Analysis, Mathematics, and Logic in Russell's Early Philosophy", Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies, 36, (2), 2016, p163 - 190, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL

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James Levine, Assessing Quine's Philosophy in Light of his Philosophical Development, The Origins and Legacy of Quine's Naturalism, University of Glasgow, December 2019, 2019, Conference Paper, PRESENTED
James Levine, On Quine's Naturalism (and Russell's), Themes from Alan Weir, University of Glasgow, December 2018, 2018, Conference Paper, PRESENTED
James Levine, Formal Concepts and Showing in the Early and Middle Wittgenstein, 2018, Conference Paper, PRESENTED