Alexandros A Polymeris 1 2, Mattia Branca 3, P N Sylaja 4, Else Charlotte Sandset 5 6, Diana Aguiar de Sousa 7 8, Götz Thomalla 9, Maurizio Paciaroni 10 11, Thomas Gattringer 12, Daniel Strbian 13, Sven Trelle 3, Patrik Michel 14, Krassen Nedeltchev 15, Leo H Bonati 1 16, George Ntaios 17, Masatoshi Koga 18, Zuzana Gdovinova 19, Robin Lemmens 20 21, Natan M Bornstein 22, Peter Kelly 23 24 25, Martina B Goeldlin 26, Stefanie Abend 26, Magdy Selim 2, Mira Katan 1, Thomas Horvath 26, Jesse Dawson 27, Urs Fischer 26; ELAN Investigators, Net Benefit of Early Anticoagulation for Stroke With Atrial Fibrillation: Post Hoc Analysis of the ELAN Randomized Clinical Trial, JAMA Network Open, 8, (1), 2025, pe2456307 ,
Journal Article,
Joseph Harbison, John Stearne (1624-1669). Founder of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland and first Professor of Medicine in Trinity College Dublin, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 2025,
Journal Article,
Meabh Kelly, Olga Brych, Joan McCormack, Tim Cassidy, Ronan Collins, Joseph Harbison, THROMBOLYSIS RATES ACCORDING TO AGE AND SEX: AN ANALYSIS USING DATA FROM THE IRISH NATIONAL AUDIT OF STROKE, European Stroke Journal, European Stroke Organization Conference, Basel, 17-19th May 2024, 9, ((IS)), 2024, pp406-,
Conference Paper,
Harbison J, Collins R, McCormack J, Brych O, Fallon C, Cassidy T., Response to: Impact of prehospital care and door-to-computed tomography scan time on stroke outcomes., QJM : monthly journal of the Association of Physicians, 117, (4), 2024, p309-310 ,
Journal Article,
Goeldlin MB, Hakim A, Branca M, Abend S, Kneihsl M, Valenzuela Pinilla W, Fenzl S, Rezny-Kasprzak B, Rohner R, Strbian D, Paciaroni M, Thomalla G, Michel P, Nedeltchev K, Gattringer T, Sandset EC, Bonati L, Aguiar de Sousa D, Sylaja PN, Ntaios G, Koga M, Gdovinova Z, Lemmens R, Bornstein NM, Kelly P, Katan M, Horvath T, Dawson J, Fischer U, ELAN Investigators., Early vs Late Anticoagulation in Minor, Moderate, and Major Ischemic Stroke With Atrial Fibrillation: Post Hoc Analysis of the ELAN Randomized Clinical Trial., JAMA neurology, 81, (7), 2024, p693-702 ,
Journal Article,
Loughlin E, Gabr A, Galvin R, McCormack J, Brych O, O'Donnell MJ, Collins R, Thornton J, Harbison J, O'Connor M., The impact of hospital presentation time on stroke outcomes: A nationally representative Irish cohort study., PloS one, 19, (7), 2024, pe0304536 ,
Journal Article,
Harbison J, McCormack J, Brych O, Collins R, Cassidy T., Hospital overcrowding and care of stroke patients: Irish national audit of stroke., BMC health services research, 24, (1), 2024, p1075 ,
Journal Article,
Harbison J, McCormack J, Brych O, Collins R, O'Connell N, Kelly PJ, Cassidy T., Anticoagulation Usage and Thrombolytic Therapy in Subjects with Atrial Fibrillation Associated Ischaemic Stroke., International journal of stroke : official journal of the International Stroke Society, 2024, p17474930241303836 ,
Journal Article,
Gorey S, McCabe JJ, Collins S, McAuley K, Inzitari R, Harbison J, Marnane M, Williams DJ, Kelly PJ., Intra-individual reproducibility of early and late C-reactive protein and interleukin-6 in patients with non-severe ischaemic stroke and carotid atherosclerosis., Cerebrovascular diseases extra, 2024, p1-22 ,
Journal Article,
Meabh Kelly*, Olga Brych, Joan McCormack, Tim Cassidy, Ronan Collins, Joseph Harbison, INFLUENCE OF SEX ON PREVALENCE AND MANAGEMENT OF STROKE-ASSOCIATED ATRIAL FIBRILLATION: THE IRISH NATIONAL AUDIT OF STROKE, European Stroke Journal, European Stroke Organisation Conference, Basel, 15"17 May 2024, 9, ((IS)), 2024, pp207-,
Meeting Abstract,