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Professor Jane Grimson

Fellow Emeritus (Computer Science)
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Professor Jane Grimson

Fellow Emeritus (Computer Science)


Professor Jane Grimson is a computer engineering graduate from the University of Dublin, Trinity College, and holds a Masters and Doctorate in Computer Science from the Universities of Toronto and Edinburgh, respectively. She returned to Trinity College as a lecturer in Computer Science in 1980, is a former Dean of Engineering and of Research, and served as Vice-Provost from 2001-2005. She is a Past-President of the Institution of Engineers of Ireland, the Irish Academy of Engineering, the Irish Computer Society, and the Healthcare Informatics Society of Ireland. She is currently Chair of the Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering and Technology. She is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, the Irish Academy of Engineering, Engineers Ireland, the Irish Computer Society, and the Royal Academy of Medicine of Ireland. She is also a member of the Royal Irish Academy. . She holds a personal chair in Health Informatics and is currently on a partial secondment to the recently established Health Information and Quality Authority in Ireland as Director of Health Information.
Details Date
CEC ad-hoc committee on Distributed Databases 1984-1985
Proceedings Co-Editor and Member of the Local Organising Committee, 3rd IFIP International Conference on Computer Security, Dublin, August 1985 1985
Conference Chair, 2nd International Conference on Databases in Parallel and Distributed Systems, Dublin, July 1990 1990
General Chair, 19th International conference on Very Large Data Bases, Dublin, August 1993 1993
Member, Irish Council for Science, Technology and Innovation 1997-2001
Member of Visiting Panel, EU JRC, Ispra, Italy 1997
Chair, Technology Foresight Panel on Materials and Manufacturing Processes 1998-1999
President, Institution of Engineers of Ireland 1999-2000
President, Healthcare Informatics Society of Ireland 1999-2002
President, Irish Computer Society 2001-2004
Director, ERCIM Ireland 2000-2002
Member of the Executive Board of the European Science Foundation 2000 - present
President, Irish Academy of Engineering 2002
Member of the European Research Advisory Board 2001- 2004
Member of Science Foundation Ireland Board 2003 - 2005
Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
French Medium Medium Medium
German Medium Medium Medium
Details Date From Date To
Fellow, Irish Academy of Engineering
Member, Healthcare Informatics Society of Ireland
Fellow, Irish Computer Society
Fellow, Institution of Engineers of Ireland
Fellow, Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland
Member, Institution of Electronic and Electrical Engineers
Member, Association for Computing machinery
Chair, Irish Council for Science, Technology and Innovation 2005 present
Annariina Koivu, Nicolas Mavengere, Mikko Ruohonen, Lucy Hederman, Jane Grimson, Exploring the Information and ICT Skills of Health Professionals in Low- and Middle-Income Countries, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, March 2016, 2016, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED  DOI
Hicks, P., Grimson, J. Smith, O., With a little help from my friends: experiences of building a virtual community for children with cancer, The Journal of Community Informatics: Special Issue: Community Informatics for Improving Health, 9, (2), 2013, p1 - 15, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  URL
Brian Waldron, Jane Grimson, Simone Carton, Alberto Blanco-Campal, Effectiveness of an unmodified personal digital assistant as a compensatory strategy for prospective memory failures in adults with an ABI, The Irish Journal of Psychology, 33, (1), 2012, p29-42 , Notes: [Published on-line 27 Feb 2012. Print version to follow ], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Zarabzadeh A, Hayati F, Watson RWG, Bradley G, Grimson J, Implementation of an RFID-based biological sample identification and tracking system, 2011 IEEE Conference on RFID Technologies and Applications, Sitges, Spain, 15-16 September 2011, 2011, pp236 - 243, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED  DOI
Melanie Spaeth, Jane Grimson, Applying the archetype approach to the database of a biobank information management system, International Journal of Medical Informatics, 80, (3), 2011, p205 - 226, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Ronan McDonnell and Jane Grimson, Identifying requirements and features for communications systems between older people in care settings, The 23RD IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS 2010), Perth, WA, Australia, October 2010, IEEE, 2010, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Varley J, Norman Delanty, Charles Normand, Imelda Coyne, Louise McQuaid, Claire Collins, Michael Boland, Jane Grimson, Mary Fitzsimons, Epilepsy in Ireland: Towards the primary-tertiary care continuum, Seizure, 19, (1), 2010, p47 - 52, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Mc Quaid L, Breen P, Grimson J, Normand C, Dunne M, Delanty N, Kalra D, Fitzsimons M, Socio-technical considerations in epilepsy electronic patient record implementation., International Journal of Medical Informatics, 79, (5), 2010, p349-360 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Diversity in engineering: tinkering, tailoring, transforming in, editor(s)Hyldgaaard Christensen, Bernard Delahousse and Martin Meganck , Engineering in Context, Denmark, Academica, 2009, pp197 - 220, [Jane Grimson and Caroline Rougheen], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text
Breen P, Mc Quaid L, Grimson J, Delanty N, Dunne M, Dunleavy B, Normand C, Fitzsimons M, Integrating clinical theory and practice in an epilepsy-specific electronic patient record., Studies in health technology and informatics, 150, 2009, p145 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED

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Jane Grimson (Chair), Bertil Andersson, Catherine Cesarsky, Ulrike Felt, Norbert Kroó, Zita Kučinskienė, Gretty Mirdal, Niamh Brennan (Rapporteur), Scientific publication: policy on open access (European Research Advisory Board Final Report), EURAB 06.049, Brussels, EURAB, December, 2006, p1 - 14, Notes: [This report formed the basis of the European Commission's Open Access mandates in Framework 7 and paved the way for the Horizon 2020 publications mandate. Its recommendations were adopted by all Irish research funding agencies shortly after its publication.], Report, PUBLISHED
Grimson, J., The internet is good for your health, Proc. 21st Annual EAP Conference, September 2000, EAP Institute, 2000, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Grimson, J., Medical Informatics Europe, Medical Informatics Europe, MIE2000, Hanover, Germany, 2000, Invited Talk, IN_PRESS
Grimson, W., Toussaint, P., Kalra, D., Hurlen, P., Andersen, E., Spahni, S., O'Moore, R. and Grimson, J., ODP specification of synapses, EU Telematics for Health programme, HC1046, 1999, Report, PUBLISHED
Grimson, J., Wilson, M., Kalra, D., Grimson, W., O'Moore, R., Hurlen, P., Sottile, P-A. and Weier, O., Final report of the synapses project, EU Telematics for Health programme, HC1046, 1999, Report, PUBLISHED
Wilson, M. and Grimson, J., Proceedings of the final workshop, EU Telematics for Health programme, HC1046, 1998, Report, PUBLISHED
O'Moore, R., Kirkham, C., Grimson, J. and Grimson, W., Role of validation centers and user groups, EU Telematics for Health programme, HC1046, 1997, Report, PUBLISHED
Austin, T., Given, P., Brennan, B., Felton, E., Given, P., Grimson, W., Grimson, J., Integration and test report, EU Telematics for Health programme, HC1046, 1997, Report, PUBLISHED
Austin, T., Given, P., Grimson, W., Grimson, J. et al., Programmers guide, EU Telematics for Health programme, HC1046, 1997, Report, PUBLISHED
Grimson, J. et al., Quality manual, EU Telematics Applications for Health programme, HC1046, 1996, Report, PUBLISHED


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Award Date
Elected Fellow of the Irish Academy of Engineering 1998
Elected Fellow of the Royal Academy of Medicine, Ireland 1996
Elected Fellow of the Institution of Engineers of Ireland 1991
Elected Fellow of the Irish Computer Society 1991
Elected Fellow of Trinity College Dublin 1991
Elected Fellow of the British Computer Society 1989
University of Edinburgh postgraduate fellowship 1972-1975
Trinity College Postgraduate Fellowship, University of Toronto 1970-1971
Research Assistantship in Computer Science, University of Toronto 1970-1971
University of Dublin Gold Medal 1970
Alexander and Fitzgerald Prizes (first place in first year) 1970
Collen Prize in Computer Science 1970
Marmaduke Backhouse Prize (joint first place in first year) 1967
Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering 2005
O'Moore Medal 2007
As will be evident from Jane Grimson's publications list, her research has covered a broad and diverse range of topics. However there has been a strong underlying focus on Knowledge and Data Engineering in general, and in particular, on supporting the development of advanced, distributed information systems. Much of the research has been applied in a novel and innovative fashion to the health domain with the result that the main emphasis of her work in recent years falls under the broad heading of Health Informatics. Health Informatics is a strongly inter-disciplinary subject and much of the research has involved working directly with clinicians and healthcare professionals. A guiding principle of much of the work has been on protecting investment in existing legacy systems while at the same time incorporating novel solutions and approaches. System integration issues in health therefore form a central theme as does the closely associated work in Electronic Healthcare Records, both of which leverage earlier research in distributed and federated databases. The core of her research philosophy can be summed up as seeking to develop ways to effectively manage data, information and knowledge in complex, heterogeneous and distributed environments.