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Professor Ivana Catherine Bacik

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Professor Ivana Catherine Bacik



Ivana Bacik LLB LLM (LOND), F.T.C.D., Barrister-at-Law. Ivana Bacik is the Reid Professor of Criminal Law, Criminology and Penology (1996). She has a Law degree from Trinity College Dublin and an LL.M. from the London School of Economics. She is a barrister, and teaches courses in Criminal law; Criminology; and Feminist Criminology at Trinity. She is also a Senator for Dublin University. Her research interests include criminal law and criminology, constitutional law, feminist theories and law, human rights and equality issues in law.
  Constitutional Law   Criminal Law   Criminology, Equality and Human Rights law, feminist theory
Project Title
 Varieties of Democracy
October 2013
December 2013
An international multi-disciplinary research project aimed at constructing a global index of democracy and governance
Funding Agency
University of Gothenburg/Swedish government
Varieties of Democracy
Project Type
international governance
Project Title
 Changing Ireland Changing Law
1 January 2015
31 December 2016
In 2015, Dr Mary Rogan and I were awarded Irish Research Council funding for 'Changing Ireland, Changing Law' (CICL), under the IRC 'Engaging Civic Society' stream of its New Foundations scheme, to promote public discussion and reflection on how law and social change interact in Ireland. Additional funding was also secured from the TCD Equality Fund and Arts & Social Sciences Benefactions Fund.
Funding Agency
Irish Research Council
New Foundations Scheme
Project Type
Seminars and publication

Details Date
Editor, Irish Criminal Law Journal 1997 - 2003
Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
French Medium Medium Medium
Irish Basic Basic Medium
Spanish Basic Basic Basic
Details Date From Date To
Member, King's Inns, Dublin, 1994 - present Member, Middle Temple, London, 1992 - present Member, British Society of Criminology, 2003 - present Member, American Society of Criminology, 2004 - present Member, Irish Women Lawyers Association, 2003 - present
The Offences Against the State Acts: Reflections from Practice and the Legislature in, editor(s)Mark Coen , The Offences Against the State Act 1939 at 80: A Model Counter-Terrorism Act?, Hart Publishing, 2021, pp203 - 219, [Ivana Bacik], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Ivana Bacik, '#MeToo, consent and prostitution - The Irish law reform experience, Women's Studies International Forum, 86, 2021, p1 - 8, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
A Changing Landscape: Ireland and the #MeToo Movement' in, editor(s)Noel, A. and Oppenheimer, D. (Eds) , The Global #MeToo Movement: how social media propelled a historic movement and the law responded, USA, Full Court Press, 2020, pp139 - 146, [Ivana Bacik], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Bacik, Ivana, 'Legislating for the Nordic Model: Insights for Ireland, Part 1, Irish Law Times, 38, (17), 2020, p254 - 258, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Bacik, Ivana, 'Legislating for the Nordic Model: Insights for Ireland, Part 2, Irish Law Times, 38, (18), 2020, p270 - 274, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Bacik, Ivana, ""If Consent is Bought, It Is Not Freely Chosen": Compromised Consent in Prostituted Sex in Ireland, Dignity: A Journal on Sexual Exploitation and Violence, 5, (3), 2020, p1 - 10, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Electoral Amendment (Political Funding) Act 2012 - Commentary' in, editor(s)Erika Rackley and Rosemary Auchmuty , Women's Legal Landmarks, Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2019, pp589 - 596, [Bacik, Ivana], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Prostitution Law in, editor(s)Lynsey Black and Peter Dunne , Law and Gender in Modern Ireland, Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2019, pp21 - 38, [Ivana Bacik ], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
, ''Changing Ireland, Changing Law': Access to Justice and Understanding the Lived Experience' in, editor(s)Cahillane, Laura and Schweppe, Jennifer (Eds) , Case Studies in Legal Research Methodologies: Reflections on Theory and Practice, Dublin, Clarus Press, 2019, pp81 - 98, [Bacik, Ivana and Rogan, Mary], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
McCarthy-Jones, S., Bulfin, A., Nixon, E., O'Keane, V., Bacik, I. & McElvaney, R., Associations Between Forced and "Persuaded" First Intercourse and Later Health Outcomes in Women, Violence Against Women, 25, (5), 2019, p528 - 548, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI

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Bacik, Ivana, Book Review, Juno Mac and Molly Smith, Revolting Prostitutes: the fight for sex workers' rights. , Dublin Review of Books, (114), 2019, p1-4 , Review Article, PUBLISHED
Bacik, I. and Prendergast, D. (eds), Criminal Law and Practice Review, Dublin, Clarus Press, 2014, 1 - 166pp, Book, PUBLISHED
Reconstructive Potential in the Constitutional Convention in, editor(s)Dorgan, Theo , Foundation Stone: Notes Towards a Constitution for a 21st Century Republic, Dublin, New Island, 2014, pp42 - 65, [Bacik], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Legislative Developments in Criminal Law and Procedure' in, editor(s)Bacik, I. and Prendergast, D. , Criminal Law and Practice Review, Dublin, Clarus Press, 2014, pp45 - 56, [Bacik, I.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Bacik, I., 'Legislative Structures for Hospital Governance - Current Issues' , Administration, 62, 2014, p29 - 40, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Bacik, Varieties of Democracy, Dublin, University of Gothenburg, 2013, Report, SUBMITTED
Drew, Bacik, Coen, Report on Fundamental Rights Protection in Ireland, Dublin, EU Fundamental Rights Agency, 2012, Report, SUBMITTED
Valiulis, Redmond, Bacik, Rogan, Woods, O'Driscoll, Brooke Hughes, Interdisciplinary Report on Prostitution in Ireland, Dublin, Irish Human Rights Commission, April, 2009, 1, 260, Report, PUBLISHED
Bacik, Ivana, Report on Prostitution and Human Rights, Dublin, Irish Human Rights Commission, Centre for Gender and Women's Studies, Trinity Colllege Dublin, 2007, Report, PUBLISHED
Bacik, Ivana; Heffernan, Liz; Brazil, Trish and Woods, Report on Services and Legislation Providing Support for Victims of Crime, Dublin, Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform, 2007, Report, PUBLISHED


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Award Date
Elected to Fellowship, Trinity College Dublin 2005
Trinity College Dublin Entrance Exhibitionship and Sizarship 1985
British Academy Studentship Award to L.S.E. 1990
London School of Economics Bursary & Maintenance Award 1990
Middle Temple Major Benefactors Award 1991
Middle Temple Pupillage Award 1992
Provost's Teaching Award May 2006
Criminal Law, Criminology, Constitutional law, Equality and Human Rights law, Feminist Theory and Law