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Professor Trevor Hodkinson

Professor (Botany)
Profile Photo

Professor Trevor Hodkinson

Professor (Botany)

PhD University of Birmingham, UK, 1991-1995 Post Doc Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, UK, 1995-1997 Lecturer in Botany, Trinity College Dublin 1997-2006 Senior Lecturer in Botany, Trinity College Dublin 2006-2011 Professor in Botany, Trinity College Dublin 2016-onwards
  Biodiversity   Biodiversity and Conservation   Chloroplasts   Cytogenetics   Ecological Evolution, Dynamics   Endophytes   Forest Genetics   Forest Sciences   Genetic Mapping, Gene Sequence   Genetics   Genomes, Genomics   Molecular Biology   Molecular Genetics   Molecular systematics   Plant biology   Plant systematics   Plant-fungal interactions   Tissue Culture
Project Title
 Detect PNP: Detecting Plant Nursery Pathogens Using High Throughput Sequencing Technology
Provide methods for the detection of microbial pathogens in plant nurseries using high-throughput DNA sequencing technologies. Focus is on hardy ornamental nursery stock and fungal and bacterial non-quarantine pathogens of Rhododendron and Prunus including Phytopthora and Pseudomonas Results will guide inspection staff for the detection and regulation of plant pathogens and aid in plant pathogen surveillance in general.
Funding Agency
Research Call Programme
Project Title
 Nexcelsior - ash dieback disease
Managing the impact of ash dieback disease
Funding Agency
Research Call Programme
Project Type
Collaborative Research
Project Title
Evolving grass weed challenges and their impact on the adoption of carbon smart tillage systems. Herbicide resistance in grasses
Funding Agency
Research Call Programme
Project Title
 Resist AMR
Antimicrobial resistance in the environment
Funding Agency
Prendergast Award
Project Type
Structured PhD Programme
Project Title
Biostimulants and biofertilisers for crops
Funding Agency
Research Call Programme

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Details Date
Editor Flora of Thailand Grasses (Poaceae) 2023 onwards
Editorial Board for the Nordic Journal of Botany 2018-2020
Editorial Board for Plant Ecology and Diversity 2008 -2018
Editorial board for Journal of Plant Research, Japan 2002-2009
European Expert Evaluator, Framework VII (Knowledge Based Bioeconomy, RTD Programme) 2010-
European Expert Evaluator, Framework VI (INCO-Dev-2) 2004-2008
European Expert Evaluator, Framework V (Energy, Environment & Sustainable Development and Quality of Life RTD Programmes) 1999-2002
Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
Details Date From Date To
Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland (BSBI)
Zuntini AR, Carruthers, T, Maurin O et al., Phylogenomics and the rise of the angiosperms., Nature, 2024, p , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
Grass Phylogeny Working Group III*, A nuclear phylogenomic tree of grasses (Poaceae) recovers current classification despite gene tree incongruence, New Phytologist, 2024, p1 - 17, Notes: [], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
Suwanphakdee C, Sutthinon P, Hodkinson TR, Characterization of anatomical characters of Peperomia (Piperaceae) from Asia for taxonomy, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2024, pboad075 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
Arthan W, Hodkinson TR, Xia N, Wong KM, O-Chakull W, Teerawatananon A, Sungkaew S, Taxonomic revision of the genus Chimonocalamus (Arundinarieae, Bambusoideae, Poaceae) in Thailand, Phytotaxa, 636, (4), 2024, p279 - 286, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
Banchong Y, Leepasert T, Jarupund P, Hodkinson TR, Boylan F, Suwanphakdee C., Chemotaxonomy of Southeast Asian Peperomia (Piperaceae) Using High-Performance Thin-Layer Chromatography Colour Scale Fingerprint Imaging and Gas Chromatography"Mass Spectrometry, Plants, 13, (19), 2024, p2751 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
Quill Luke , Ferreira Diogo , Joyce Brian , Coleman Gabriel , Harper Carla , Martins Marta , Hodkinson Trevor , Trimble Daniel , Gill Laurence , O"Connell David W., An integrated mitigation approach to diffuse agricultural water pollution"a scoping review, Frontiers in Environmental Science, 12, 2024, p1 - 17, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
Sarapan A, Chamchumroon V, Hodkinson TR, et al., Taxonomic revision of Disporum (Colchicaceae) from Thailand including four new species., Blumea, 69, (2), 2024, p139 - 160, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
Suwanphakdee C, DA Simpson, TR Hodkinson, Piperaceae, Flora of Thailand 16 (3), 875-965, 16, (3), 2024, p875 - 965, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
Suwanphakdee C, DA Simpson, TR Hodkinson, Piper, Flora of Thailand, 16, (3), 2024, p896-964 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
Suwanphakdee C, Hodkinson TR, Peperomia, 16, (3), 2024, p876 - 896, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL

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CT Kelleher, TR Hodkinson, DL Kelly, GC Douglas, Irish oak - genetic diversity and the Iberian connection, Coford Connects , 18, 2010, p1 - 4, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Douglas GC, Fernandez, JF, Hodkinson TR, Frascaria-Lacoste N, Thomasset M, Keeping Irish trees pure, Science Spin, 31, 2009, p10 - 11, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
S Barth, S McGrath, A Fröhlich, TR Hodkinson , The importance of diversity, T Research, 2, 2007, p22 - 23, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Douglas GC, Abbott J, Hodkinson TR, Genetic quality determination in vegetatively propagated plants using microsatellites, European COST Action 843, Heraklion Crete, 2004, pp18 - 21, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Kelleher CT, Martin JR, Hodkinson TR, Kelly DL, Douglas G, Investigating genetic variation of Irish oak populations using chloroplast DNA analysis, Teagasc, Horticulture and Farm Forestry Series, 31, 2003, p1 - 23, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Hook, I., Visdal-Johnsen, L. & Hodkinson, T., Diversity of morphological and chemical characteristics of yew species, Phytochemical Society of Europe (Young Scientists), Gargnano., 2002, Notes: [Abstract P39], Conference Paper, PRESENTED
Flannery ML, Mitchell FJG, Hodkinson TR, Kavanagh T, Dowding P, Coyne S, Burke JI, Environmental risk assessment of genetically modified crops, In Research Report 2001: Crops Research Centre, Oak Park, 2002, p64 - 66, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Hodkinson TR, Discovering new botanical riches in a Guyanese rainforest: Department of Botany Summer Field Course 2001, Trinity Today, 7, 2002, p18 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Kelleher CT, Walsh D, Hodkinson TR, Kelly DL, Douglas G, Genetic variation of Irish oak: first ever in-depth analysis of genetic variation in native Irish trees, COFORD Forestry and Wood Update, 2, (6), 2002, p4 - 5, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Savolainen V, Salamin N & Hodkinson TR, Supertrees, Kew Scientist, 21, 2002, p5 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED


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Award Date
Trinity College Innovation Award - Inventors Category 2022
Award for Best New Technology. Enterprise Ireland Innovation Arena at the National Ploughing Championships. 2018
Fellowship of Trinity College Dublin 2005
Most-Cited Paper Award 2005, Journal of Plant Research (as first author) 2005
Winner of the Ernst Mayr Award, Society of Systematic Botanists (as second author) 2004
Winner of annual Journal of Plant Research Best Paper Award, 50,000 Yen (as first author) 2001
My research is mainly focussed in fields known as molecular systematics, genetic resource characterisation and endophyte biology. I have specialist knowledge of the grass family and of forest tree genetics. I collaborate with a number of national (Department of Agriculture, Teagasc) and international institutions (Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK; University of Lausanne).