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Dr. Gerard Mc Hugh

Associate Professor (Trinity Business School)


Associate Vice President Global Relation (Trinity Global)

Campbell, Norah, Gerard McHugh and Paul Ennis, Climate Change is Not a Problem: Speculative Realism at the End of Organisation, Organization Studies, 10, (1), 2018, p1 - 20, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
OOO: oooh! in, editor(s)Robin Canniford and Domen Bajde , Assembling Consumption: Researching actors, networks and markets, London, Routledge, 2015, pp92 - 102, [Norah Campbell and Gerard McHugh], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Corporate Philanthropy at a Time of (economic) Crisis - the Irish Experience in, editor(s)Kathryn Haynes, Alan Murray, Jesse Dillard , Corporate Social Responsibility: A Research Handbook, Abingdon, Oxford, Routledge, 2013, pp255 - 271, [Gemma Donnelly-Cox, Andrew O'Regan and Gerard McHugh], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Quinn, Jim & Gerard McHugh, Trade Associations and Industry Evolution: Industry Level Strategists?, Conference Proceedings, European Academy of Management Annual Conference, Oslo, May 17th - 20th , 2006, Conference Paper, PRESENTED
Gerard McHugh, John Fahy and Patrick Butler, Accountants Behaving Badly: A Marketing Perspective, Irish Marketing Review, 1998, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
The audit environment - Chapter 1 in, editor(s)Gerard McHugh and David Rowe , Financial reporting and auditing: bridging the expectations gap, Dublin, Oak Tree Press, 1996, pp1 - 17, [Gerard McHugh], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Gerard McHugh and Valerie Ni Fhaolain, Making Corporate Reports More Valuable: an assessment of the first operating and financial reviews published by Irish companies, Irish Banking Review, 1996, p15-27 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Gerard McHugh, The Unbearable Weight of Company Auditing, Irish Banking Review, 1995, p33-40 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Brian Lucey, Patrick McCabe and Gerard McHugh, Capital Budgeting in Practices in Ireland, Irish Business and Administrative Research, 16, 1995, p101 - 114, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Brian Lucey, Patrick McCabe and Gerard McHugh, An analysis of the Investment appraisal practices of Irish Companies, Irish Business and Administrative Research, 16, 1995, Journal Article, PUBLISHED

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Gerard McHugh and David Rowe, Financial Reporting and Auditing: Bridging the Expectations Gap: Perspectives on auditing, financial reporting and corporate governance in Ireland in the 1990s, Dublin, Oak Tree Press, 1996, 209pp, Book, PUBLISHED
The Audit Environment, Ch.1 in, editor(s)Gerard McHugh and David Rowe , Financial Reporting and Auditing: Bridging the Expectations Gap, Dublin, Oak Tree Press, 1996, pp1 - 17, [Gerard McHugh and David Rowe], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Fraud and the Auditor, Ch. 3 in, editor(s)Gerard McHugh and David Rowe , Financial Reporting and Auditing: Bridging the Expectations Gap, Dublin, Oak Tree Press, 1996, pp55 - 69, [Gerard McHugh and Eugene McMahon], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Accounting for organizational change in, editor(s)Technology and Organizational Research Unit occasi , The changing culture of organization studies, Staffordshire Polytechnic, 1991, [Gerard McHugh], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Richard M.S. Wilson and Gerard McHugh, Financial Analysis: a managerial introduction, London, Cassell, 1987, 310pp, Notes: [reprinted 1990, 1993 1996], Book, PUBLISHED