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Professor Laurence Gill

Professor (Civil Struct & Env. Eng.)
Profile Photo

Professor Laurence Gill

Professor (Civil Struct & Env. Eng.)

Professor Laurence Gill is Chair of Environmental Engineering in the School of Engineering, Trinity College Dublin. His research interests involve studying the fate and transport of both air and water-borne pollutants in the natural and built environment, as well as the development of passive treatment processes. Much of the work involves extensive field studies which are then used to develop mathematical models to gain further insight into the processes. Prior to joining at Trinity College in 1999, he spent several years working in the UK water industry on the design of water and wastewater treatment processes for urban populations.
  Chemicals Transport   Civil Engineering   Coastal & Ocean Engineering   Coastal Engineering & Processes   Development in Africa   Earth science and hydrology   Energy and Climate Change   Energy Environmental Sciences   Energy from biomass (see Forestry also)   Environmental aspects of transportation   Environmental engineering   Environmental Impacts of Transport   Environmental Science   Fresh water pollution   Geothermal Engineering   Groundwater   Groundwater vulnerability and contamination   Hydraulics   Hydrogeology   Hydrology   Hydrology of limestone terrains   Ocean and Ocean Energy Systems   On-Site Wastewater Treatment   Photochemistry   Pollution   Process Development Engineering   Process Engineering   Renewable energies   River pollution   Sanitary Engineering   Sewage sludge   Solar   Solar Disinfection   Solar, Collectors/Concentrators   Solar, Heat Storage   Solar, Photochemical Conversion   Solar, Thermal Power Systems   Tidal and Wave Energy   Time Frequency and Wavelet Analysis   Treatment Processes   Waste Management, Recycling   Waste water treatment   Water & Sanitation   Water engineering   Water Monitoring, Quality, Treatment   Water Resources Engineering   Water Supply   Water Treatment   Wetland Ecosystems   Wetlands
Project Title
 Wastewater treatment efficiency of subsoils and stratified sand filters
Oct 2001
Dec 2004
Funding Agency
Environmental Protection Agency
Project Type
Medium scale (fieldwork and modelling)
Project Title
 Tracer Study Investigations into Reactor Mixing Characterisation
Oct 2001
July 2005
Funding Agency
Libyan Government
Project Type
Laboratory experimental & mathemtical modelling
Project Title
 An Examination of the Parameters Involved in the Design of a Continuous Flow Solar Disinfection Process
Oct 2002
Jan 2006
Funding Agency
Project Title
 The Hydrodynamics of Grit Particles Moving Round a Bend using Computational Fluid Dynamics
Oct 2003
Funding Agency
Project Title
 Relative exposure to air pollution whilst commuting to work between transport modes
Jan 2003
Funding Agency

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Details Date
Member of south Galway Flood Alleviation Committee (OPW, Galway CoCo) 2017
Expert advisor to Irish Water on the Kilfenora Wastewater Treatment Works upgrade 2019
External examiner for 9 PhDs 2014
External examiner for Newcastle University MSc Environmental Engineering 2020
Reviewer for research proposals for Swedish EPA 2021
Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
French Medium Basic Medium
Spanish Medium Basic Medium
Details Date From Date To
Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers 1999 present
Member of the European Geosciences Union 2016 present
Member of the International Association of Hydrogeologists 2014 present
The Environmental Impacts of On-Site Domestic Wastewater Treatment Systems: Evaluating Embodied and Operational Life Cycle Performance in, Elgar Encyclopaedia of Water Policy, Economics and Management, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024, pp261 - 264, [Gallagher J., Gill L.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED  DOI
Ahmad S., Bates A., Wang M., Martini F., Regan S., McElwain J., Gill L., Small-scale spatial relationships between peat properties and surface microtopography in minerotrophic peatlands depend on management regimes, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 14th - 19th April, 2024, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED  URL
Vucinic L., O'Connell D., Dubber, Behan P., Crowley Q., Coxon C., Gill L., Understanding the impacts of human wastewater effluent pollution on karst springs using chemical contamination fingerprinting techniques, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14th-19th April, 2024, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED  DOI
Gill L.W., Walsh N., McAuliffe F., Expressing karst hydrogeology through choral music - the conception and realization of Inception Horizon, Eurokarst 2024, Rome, Italy, 10th - 14th June, 2024, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED  URL
Morrissey P., Naughton O., McCormack T., Johnston P.M., Gill L.W., A methodology for groundwater flood frequency analysis within karst aquifers, World Groundwater Congress IAH2024, Davos, Switzerland, 8th -13th September, 2024, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED  URL
Gill L.W., Walsh N., McAuliffe F., Ravbar N., Inception Horizon - the formulation and performance of choral music as a method of engaging the public and elucidating its perception of karst hydrogeology, World Groundwater Congress IAH2024, Davos, Switzerland, 8th -13th September, 2024, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED  URL
Gill L.W., Regan S., Johnston P.M., Coxon C., Bijkerk E., Bhatnagar S., An approach to developing ecohydrological metrics for vegetation communities in different karst groundwater dependent wetland systems, World Groundwater Congress IAH2024, Davos, Switzerland, 8th -13th September, 2024, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED  URL
Gill L.W., Peatland restoration - ongoing research, 44th Annual Groundwater Conference, IAH Irish Group, Tullamore, Ireland, 16th-17th April, 2024, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED  URL
Monleon A.J.C, Gill L.W, Pepper mild mottle virus as an effective tool in microbial source tracking for deficient domestic on-site water treatment systems, Science of the Total Environment, 939, 2024, p173229 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
Dubber D., Brophy L., O'Connell D., Behan P., Moloney M., Danaher M., Evans C., Geary P., Misstear B., Gill L.W., Using sterol profiles supported with other chemical microbial source tracking methods to identify human faecal contamination from septic tanks in rural catchments., Environmental Pollution, 341, 2024, p122884-, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI

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Ruhhee Tabbussum, Bidroha Basu and Laurence Gill, Neural Network Driven Early Warning System for Groundwater Flooding: A Comprehensive Approach in Lowland Karst Areas, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14 -19 Apr 2024, 2024, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Jeannin P-Y, Kavousi A., Reimann T., Charlier J-B., Pardo-Igúzquiza E., Johannet A., Lüthi M., Gill L., Wunsch A., Woehling T., Karst Modelling Challenge: what is coming next?, 2024, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Misstear B., Gill L., The hydrogeology of sacred wells: insights from Ireland, Hydrogeology Journal, 32, 2024, p1561 - 1565, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Gill L.W., Scanlon B., 'Protection of Groundwater and Wetland Ecosystems in Ireland and linkages to the Arts', The Water Resources Podcast, National Academy of Engineering, USA, National Academy of Engineering, USA, 2023, -, Broadcast, PUBLISHED
Coyle A., Curneen S., Gill L.W., Modification of willow evapotranspiration on-site wastewater treatment system designs following multi-annual monitoring programme of full-scale systems, Environ 2023 - 33rd Irish Environmental Researchers Colloquium, 3 - 5 April, 2023, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Gill L.W., Earth System Change Challenge - Connected Waters in Irish Catchments, iCRAG2021 Resources of a Sustainable Society, online, 2nd December , 2021, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Draper S., McElwain J., Gill L., Inspiring Ideas @Trinity Climate Change - a multidisciplinary challenge, Inspiring Ideas @Trinity , Trinity College Dublin , 24th February , 2021, Trinity Development & Alumni, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
Duran L., Gill L., Distributed numerical model of a karst aquifer: Manorhamilton spring (County Leitrim), GSI Groundwater Newsletter, 59, 2021, p11 - 14, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Cantoni E., Gill L., Misstear B.D.R., An assessment of climate change impacts on Irish groundwater, GSI Groundwater Newsletter, 59, 2021, p15 - 18, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Mooney D., Richards K.G, Danaher M., Grant J., Gill L.W., Mellander P-E., Coxon C.E., Investigating veterinary antiparasitic drugs as emerging contaminants in Irish groundwater, GSI Groundwater Newsletter, 59, 2021, p19 - 22, Journal Article, PUBLISHED


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Award Date
Invited Member of the IAH Karst Commission 2020
Project Exemplar 2015 award from InterTradeIreland collaboration with CDEnviro Ltd. 2015
Fellow of Trinity College Dublin 2013
Enterprise Ireland Commercialisation Award 2011
Institution of Civil Engineers prize (Lancaster University) 1990