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Dr. Evelyn Mahon

Fellow Emeritus (Sch Office - Social Work & Social Policy)
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Dr. Evelyn Mahon

Fellow Emeritus (Sch Office - Social Work & Social Policy)


Dr Evelyn Mahon was educated at NUIG, the London School of Economics, and University of London. She Lectured at the University of Limerick until 1991 when she joined the Department of Sociology at TCD. Her early research interests and publications were in women's movements, gender equity in the workplace, and feminist theory.She was Director and co-Author of 'Women and Crisis Pregnancy (1998) the first study of abortion among Irish women ;Director of a HRB funded longitudinal study of couples undergoing infertility treatment in Ireland (2014) . In 2011, completed Post_Separation_Parenintg.pdf. (2011) a study of separation and divorce agreements made in the Family Law Circuit Courts funded by Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs .She was Irish partner in FLOWS-eu a FP7 research project on the impact of local welfare systems on women's participation in the labour force (2010-2014) and is currently working on COST Action IS1409 on Gender and health impacts of policies extending working life in western countries (2015-2018) Dr Mahon founded the M.Sc. in Applied Social Research in TCD in1997 and remained its Director until 2010. She also supervised many PH.D students. She retired as an Associate Professor in the School of Social Work and Social Policy in 2014 but remains a Fellow Emerita of the School.
  Abortion   Assisted Reproduction   Changing Fathers   Children's Rights   Divorce & Separation   Divorce and new family formations   Families & Social Change   Lone Mothers & Welfare   Women & Employment
Project Title
 The Impact of local welfare systems on female labour force participation (FLOWS0
Jan 1011
April 2014
The aim of the project was to explore the impact of local welfare systems including childcare and eldercare services on women's participation in the labour force in 11 Europeand cities. it examined local policy making processes and their impact on women's decision making in relation to employment
Funding Agency
Euopean Commission
Project Type
Collaborative Research Programme
Person Months
Project Title
 Infertility in Ireland
This is a longitudinal study of couples undergoing fertility treatment. The researcher is Noelle Cotter.
Funding Agency
Health Research Board
Project Title
 Education and Training Provision for Teenage Mothers
Part of a team led by Dr. N. Dawsonp.
Funding Agency
Project Title
 Consultant to the EU Commission
Completed a national evaluation of "Women's Participation in European Social Funded" training for DGV.
Project Title
 Pathways to and Effects of Methadone Maintenance in Dublin City
Funding Agency

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Details Date
CONVENOR, "Gender Inequality and the European Regions", European Science Foundation, Trinity College in July 3-6th. 1997. The programme included sessions on male violence; gender and cultural representation and changing gender identities and sexualities. 1997
CONVENOR, "New Forms of Patriarchy", European Sociological Association, University of Essex, 27-30 August. 1997
Member of the European Science Foundation funded Network on "Gender Inequalities in the Regions." 1996-Present
Research Network on Gender, Politics and the State (RNGS), convenors are Prof. D.Stetson -McBride and Prof. A.Mazur (USA) 1994-Present
JOINT CONVENOR of "Workshop on Families, Labour Markets and Gender Roles", (with E. Drew and R. Emerek) funded by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions. 1994
Chairwoman of the European Association of Women Political Scientists. 1989-91
Consultant [with Dearbhal Ní Cheartaigh] to the Educational Department, RTE, for their series on Women's Studies. 1988-89
Irish representative on the Council of Europe's European Network for Women's Studies. 1987-92
EXECUTIVE MEMBER/CHAIR, SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF IRELAND. For the year 1987-88, I was chairperson of the editorial board of the quarterly bulletin of the Association and produced four issues during that period. 1987-89
WOMEN'S STUDIES ASSOCIATION OF IRELAND. I was a founding member and former secretary of the Women's Studies Association of Ireland. I was chairperson of the Limerick branch from 1987-88 and one of three editors of the Women's Studies Review. 1987-88
THIRD INTERNATIONAL INTERDISCIPLINARY CONGRESS. I was a member of the Scientific Council for the Third International Interdisciplinary Congress on Women held in Trinity College Dublin in July 1987. 1987
Member of a working group on the Commission on Assisted Human Reproduction.
Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
French Basic Basic Basic
Details Date From Date To
Member of European Sociological Association
Member of WISE, European Women's Studies Association
Member of the British Sociological Association
The Incomplete Revolution :Development of Childcare Policies in Ireland in, editor(s)D. Kutsar and M.Kuronen , Local Welfare Policy Making in European Cities , London, Springer International , 2015, pp149 - - 160, [Evelyn Mahon and Jemimah Bailey ], Notes: [DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-16163-1], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED  DOI
S.Tappert and E.Mahon, "It is an individual choice":experiences of highly qualified stay-at- home mothers in Dublin , Revue suisse de travail social , 17, (1), 2015, p106 - 126, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Evelyn Mahon and Noelle Cotter , Assisted reproductive technology- IVF treatment in Ireland: A study of couples with successful outcomes , Human Fertility , Vol 17, (3 ), 2014, p165 - 169, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Mahon Evelyn and Elena Moore, Post-Separation Parenting , Dublin , Government Publicatations , Jan , 2011, 1, 90, Notes: [Post-Separation Parenting: A study of separation and divorce agreements made in the Family Law Circuit Courts of Ireland and their implications for parent-child contact and family lives. The study and report was funded by the Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs], Report, PUBLISHED  DOI
Abortion Debates in Ireland: An Ongoing Issue in, editor(s)Dorothy McBride Stetson , Abortion Politics, Women's Movements, and the Democratic State, 2001, [Mahon, E.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Introduction in, editor(s)E. Drew, R. Emerek and E. Mahon , Work and the Family in Europe, London and New York, Routledge, 1998, pp1 - 8, [E. Drew, R. Emerek and E. Mahon], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Changing gender roles, state, work and family lives in, editor(s)E. Drew, R. Emerek and E. Mahon , Women, Work and the Family in Europe, London and New York, Routledge, 1998, pp153 - 158, [Mahon, E.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Class, mothers and equal opportunities to work in, editor(s)E. Drew, R. Emerek and E. Mahon , Women, Work and the Family in Europe, London and New York, Routledge, 1998, pp170 - 181, [Mahon, E.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
State feminism in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland in, editor(s)Y. Galligan, E.Ward and R.Wilford , Women and Politics in Ireland, 1998, [Mahon, E., Morgan V.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Mahon, E, C.Conlon and L.Dillon , Women and Crisis Pregnancy in Ireland , Dublin , Dept of Health , 1998, Notes: [Currently abortion legislation is a topical and divisive topic in Ireland as it is still illegal to have an abortion in Ireland ], Report, PUBLISHED

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Evelyn Mahon, Catherine Conlon, Lucy Dillon, Women and crisis pregnancy : a report presented to the Department of Health and Children, Dublin, Stationery Office, 1998, 565pp, Book, PUBLISHED
Mahon, E., Drew E., Emerek R., Women, Work and the Family in Europe, Routledge, 1998, Book, PUBLISHED
Mahon, E., Conlon C., Dillon L., Women and Crisis Pregnancy, Dublin, Stationery Office, 1998, Book, PUBLISHED
Mahon, E., Tovey H., Peillon M., Oscail foundation course: Introduction to Irish Society, DCU, Oscail, 1995, Book, PUBLISHED
Mahon, E., Gender Contracts and Social Cohesion Policies, Gender and the Use of Time: European Forum 1994-1995, Florence: European University Institute, 1994, pp1 - 21, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Mahon, E., The Barriers and Difficulties Women Experience in Getting to the Decision-Making Level, From Participation to Partnership, Dublin: Council for the Status of Women, 1991, pp16 - 23, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Mahon, E., Motherhood and a Career Break, Proceedings of the British Psychological Association Women and Work Conference, London: P - 1988, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED


Award Date
Fellow of Trinity College Dublin 2003
Berkeley Scholar, Trinity College, Dublin. 2000
Visiting Fellow, J.F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard. 1999
Awarded an ERASMUS travel grant in Women's Studies to investigate the development of Women's Studies in the Netherlands, Greece and Britain and to initiate plans for student mobility. 1990
FUNDED POLICY ORIENTATED RESEARCH I am an active researcher and have been highly successful in obtaining research funds through competitive tenders. Since 1995, I have generated almost £550,000 of research funding from both EU funding and government funding. The largest and most important of these was £220,000 for a research project on WOMEN AND CRISIS PREGNANCY. The report Women and Crisis Pregnancy was published by the department of Health and was covered extensively by the media, regularly referred to as 'the Trinity report'. This was my greatest research challenge to date and I was very pleased with its reception. It also led to the establishment of the Crisis Pregnancy Agency. ACADEMIC CONTRIBUTION TO EXTERNAL COMMITTEES: I was an assessor for the Humanities and Social Research Councils Scholarship scheme. I served on the Epidemiology, Health of the Population and Primary Care Committee of the Health Research Board. I am a member of the Department of Education's Gender Equality Unit's Research Committee, Chairperson of the Research Committee of the Homeless Agency, a member of the Committee of the National Social Work Qualification Board. At the invitation of HRB, I made a critical response to their policy document Making Knowledge Work for Health, at a national conference on health strategies in Dublin Castle. INVITED KEYNOTE SPEAKER: I have been an invited keynote speaker at conferences organised by the following: Women in Management in the Civil Service Network; Network Ireland, The National Women's Council, The Health Research Board, Irish Medical Organisation. CONFERENCES PAPERS: Since the publication of the Women and Crisis Pregnancy study, I have addressed the annual conferences of CURA and LIFE; a conference on teenage pregnancies organised by the South Eastern Health Board and a North-South conference on Policies for Lone Parent. INTERNATIONAL REPUTATION: I am well known internationally and was the only Irish academic asked to convene a session at the European Sociological Association conference in 1996 in Essex. I was also an invited discussant to the session organised by Research Committee 19 of the 14th world Congress of Sociology on Poverty, Social Welfare and Social Policy which took place on Friday July 31st 1998 in Montreal. The theme of the session was "A new division of Labour: Family Policy, Work and Care in Different Welfare Systems." I have chaired a session on Comparative Policy Research at the American Political Science Association conference in September 1998. This is part of my on-going work with the Research Network on Gender, Politics and the State (RNGS). We have already produced an edited collection entitled Comparative State Feminism (1995), and further publications are in press.