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Tá Gaeilge agam. Tá Gaeilge agam.       
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Dr. Eoin Mac Cárthaigh

Associate Professor (Irish)
Tá Gaeilge agam. Tá Gaeilge agam.       
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Dr. Eoin Mac Cárthaigh

Associate Professor (Irish)

Eoin Mac Cárthaigh, Gofraidh Óg Mac an Bhaird cecinit: 9. Táinig tairngeire Chiaráin, Ériu, 74, 2024, p93 - 112, Notes: [This is the ninth and final instalment in a series of editions of poems attributed to Gofraidh Óg (son of Gofraidh son of Brian) Mac an Bhaird, who flourished in the 1640s and 1650s. Authorship in this case is not certain. The poem was composed in 1649 in the false belief that Eóin Ó Cuileannáin, Bishop of Raphoe, had died. It was previously edited from the same manuscript (Stonyhurst A II 20) by Fr John MacErlean S.J. over a century ago.], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
Eoin Mac Cárthaigh, Varium: Éanainmneacha agus éanseanchas i bhfilíocht na scol III, Ériu, 74, 2024, p253 - 266, Notes: [Éanainmneacha agus éanseanchas (Birdnames and birdlore in Irish bardic poetry) III: badhbh / feannóg / fuinche (hooded crow), bran / fiach (raven)], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
Eoin Mac Cárthaigh & Pádraig de Paor (eag.), Máirtín Ó Cadhain 2020, Baile Átha Cliath, Cló Léann na Gaeilge, 2023, 1 - 167pp, Notes: [Cnuasach aistí le scoláirí éagsúla ar shaol is ar shaothar Mháirtín Uí Chadhain, leathchéad bliain tar éis a bháis.], Book, PUBLISHED
Eleanor Knott (1886-1975) in, editor(s)Christina Cleary, Chantal Kobel , Essays in Memory of Eleanor Knott, Dublin, Department of Irish and Celtic Languages, TCD, 2023, pp1 - 13, [Eoin Mac Cárthaigh], Notes: [In aguisín: Litir dhírbheathaisnéiseach a scríobh Eleanor Knott. / Appendix: Autobiographical letter written by Eleanor Knott.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Eoin Mac Cárthaigh, Gofraidh Óg Mac an Bhaird cecinit: 8. Tarla leónadh don leith tuaidh, Ériu, 73, 2023, p63 - 87, Notes: [This elegy on Maghnas (son of Niall Garbh son of Conn) Ó Domhnaill, who died in the Battle of Benburb in 1646, is the eighth in a series of editions of poems attributed to Gofraidh Óg (son of Gofraidh son of Brian) Mac an Bhaird. Though ascribed indirectly to Gofraidh Óg in the only independent manuscript witness, Stonyhurst College MS A II 20, it was probably not composed by him.], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Eoin Mac Cárthaigh, Gofraidh Óg Mac an Bhaird cecinit: 7: Treóin an cheannais clann Dálaigh, Ériu, 72, 2022, p119 - 165, Notes: [This is the seventh in a series of editions of the poems of Gofraidh Óg (son of Gofraidh son of Brian) Mac an Bhaird, who flourished in the 1640s and 1650s. It is in praise of An Calbhach Ruadh (son of Maghnas son of Conn Óg son of Conn) Ó Domhnaill and, in supplementary quatrains, of his wife, Eibhilín daughter of Báitéar Mac Suibhne. A quatrain in praise of Donnchadh (son of Niall son of Donnchadh) Mac Suibhne is also appended. An apologue likens An Calbhach"s struggle to that of Conn Céadchathach, forced at first to concede territory to hostile forces but ultimately triumph¬ing and winning all. The poem was previously edited by Owen McKernan in Éigse in the 1940s. It is edited anew here from Stonyhurst College MS A II 20, with readings from National Library of Ireland MSS G 167 and G 299, Trinity College Dublin MS H 6. 7 (1411) and British Library MS Egerton 112, and with a full discussion of these and other extant witnesses.], Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Eoin Mac Cárthaigh, Varia II: Éanainmneacha agus éanseanchas i bhfilíocht na scol II, Ériu, 72, 2022, p227 - 236, Notes: [Éanainmneacha agus éanseanchas (Birdnames and birdlore in Irish bardic poetry) II: cadhan (brent goose), caoi (cuckoo), druid/truid (starling), faoile(ann) (gull), lon (blackbird), ulchobhchán (owl)], Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Cosán corrach Eleanor Knott MRIA (1886-1975) / Eleanor Knott MRIA (1886-1975): "And there were other barriers" in, editor(s)Ute Frevert, Ernst Osterkamp, Günter Stock , Women in European Academies: From Patronae Scientiarum to Path-Breakers, Berlin/Boston, De Gruyter, 2021, pp239 - 266, [Eoin Mac Cárthaigh], Notes: [Discourses on Intellectual Europe iml./vol. 3. Caibidil i nGaeilge le haistriúchán Béarla / Chapter in Irish with English translation by author.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED  DOI
Lámhscríbhinní Stonyhurst ar a gcamchuairt in, editor(s)Radvan Markus, Máirín Nic Eoin, Deirdre Nic Mhathúna, Éadaoin Ní Mhuircheartaigh, Brian Ó Conchubhair, Pádraig Ó Liatháin , Ar an imeall i lár an domhain: ag trasnú tairseacha staire, teanga, litríochta agus cultúir, Indreabhán, Co. na Gaillimhe, Leabhar Breac, 2021, pp84 - 97, [Eoin Mac Cárthaigh], Notes: [Iniúchadh ar stair na dtrí lámhscríbhinn in A II 20 i gColáiste Stonyhurst, Lancashire, Sasana. / A study of the provenance of the three Irish manuscripts in Stonyhurst College A II 20.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Eoin Mac Cárthaigh, Alasdair mac Colla anns a' Ghaeilge, Cànan & Cultar / Language & culture. Rannsachadh na Gàidhlig 10, Dùn Èideann / Edinburgh, August 2018, edited by Wilson McLeod, Anja Gunderloch, Rob Dunbar , Aberdeen University Press, 2021, pp47 - 58, Notes: [An investigation of the few Irish language sources for the life and legacy of Alasdair MacDhòmhnaill / Alasdair mac Colla Chiotaich / Alexander Macdonald (died 1647). The commentary is in Scottish Gaelic.], Conference Paper, PUBLISHED

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Eoin Mac Cárthaigh, The O'Donnells at war in the 1640s and early 1650s, 2022, - 1-21, Notes: [Paimfléad/Pamphlet. Léacht Chuimhneacháin an Bhreathnaigh 7 / Paul Walsh Memorial Lecture 7.], Miscellaneous, PUBLISHED
The making of Tadhg Dall's editor in, editor(s)Pádraigín Riggs , Tadhg Dall Ó hUiginn: His historical and literary context, London, Irish Texts Society, 2010, pp22 - 37, [Eoin Mac Cárthaigh], Notes: [Volume 21, Irish Texts Society subsidiary series], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Eoin Mac Cárthaigh, Eleanor Knott, Léachtaí Cholm Cille, 35, 2005, p40 - 68, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Placing Cathal Ó Searcaigh in, editor(s)J. Doan and F. Sewell , On the side of light: Critical essays on the poetry of Cathal Ó Searcaigh, Galway, Arlen House, 2002, pp13 - 35, [Eoin Mac Cárthaigh], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED