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Dr. Daniel L Kelly

Fellow Emeritus (Botany)
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Dr. Daniel L Kelly

Fellow Emeritus (Botany)

My researches commenced in the area of phytosociology, with papers spanning the spectrum of Irish native woodland communities. My floristic expertise extends to bryophytes and lichens as well as vascular plants. My year in France and four years in Jamaica expanded my horizons in both teaching and research. I have produced substantial studies on native forest vegetation in Jamaica and Venezuela. My interests in tree regeneration and forest dynamics have led me to establish detailed study plots in Irish and neotropical forests, with long-term monitoring planned or in progress. My interest in the biology of oak has led to a long-term experimental study of sessile oak (Quercus petraea) regeneration, and to collaboration with molecular systematists in elucidating the phylogeography of Irish oak. I have a special interest in epiphytic plant communities, both in Ireland and the New World Tropics. I spent a sabbatical term at Universidad de Los Andes, Merida, Venezuela, and shorter periods working at the Albrecht-von-Haller-Institut fuer Pflanzenwissenschaften, University of Goettingen, Germany; the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, U.K. and the Natural History Museum, London, U.K. I have co-supervised a major project on biodiversity in Irish plantation forestry (BIOFOREST), and have just obtained funding approval for a major follow-up project. My research has sought to promote the conservation of native vegetation and flora, focusing on the problems of invasive alien species, grazing management and deforestation. My interest in conservation extends to the broader landscape, and I am also involved in studies on the biodiversity of hedges and of semi-natural grasslands.
  Biodiversity   epiphytes   plant community ecology   Woodlands ecology
Project Title
 Managing for biodiversity in a range of Irish forest types
To assess the biodiversity of second rotation plantation forests; to make comparisons of diversity among different forest types, planted and semi-natural; to identify indicators of biodiversity for different forest types; to identify measures which may be used to enhance biodiversity in different forest types; and to compare Irish and British forest biodiversity.
Funding Agency
COFORD Forest Research Programme 2006-2012
Project Title
 Grazing effects on plant and mollusc diversity in woodland and grassland habitats
This project examines the impacts of grazing on biodiversity in semi-natural grassland, scrub and woodland on limestone, focussed in the Burren region (Co. Clare). A network of experimental exclosures have been established. Responses are being monitored among the communities of vascular plants, bryophytes and molluscs.
Funding Agency
Environmental Protection Agency
Person Months
Project Title
 Species composition and diversity of woodlands and hedgerows in the County of Fingal
The project involves an extensive survey of hedge and broadleaved woodland vegetation in Fingal (northern Co. Dublin). We assess the contribution of each habitat to biodiversity in the county. We test the hypothesis that hedges form important refugia for woodland and other scarce species. Outputs will include recommendations for management of both hedges and woodland.
Funding Agency
Fingal County Council
Person Months
Project Title
 Conservation and molecular characterisation of veteran oak (Quercus spp.) and ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.) trees.
Irish veteran trees represent a rare and endangered genetic resource. This project aims to analyse the genetic variation in veteran oak and ash for the first time, and to promote the conservation of these genotypes through a range of vegetative propagation methodologies.
Funding Agency
Project Type
Person Months
Project Title
 Biodiversity survey of Cusuco National Park, Honduras
A multidisciplinary team is carrying out a survey of montane rain forest and associated habitats in Cusuco National Park, N.W. Honduras. The participating botanists have focussed on establishing and recording a network of permanent plots. These will provide an inventory of the forest composition; an assessment of the pattern of plant communities assocated with different habitats; and a baseline against which to monitor change
Funding Agency
Operation Wallacea

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Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
French Fluent Medium Fluent
German Medium Medium Medium
Irish Basic Basic Basic
Spanish Medium Medium Medium
Details Date From Date To
Editor of Watsonia (Journal of the Botanical Society of the British Isles) 1997
President, Dublin Naturalists' Field Club 1989 1991
Chairman, Irish Branch, Botanical Society of the British Isles 1981 1984
Member, British Ecological Society
Member, An Taisce
Member, Association for Tropical Biology & Conservation
Member, British Bryological Society
Peter W. Moonlight & Daniel L. Kelly, Two New Critically Endangered Species of Begonia sect. Gireoudia (Begoniaceae) from Mesoamerica, Novon, A Journal for Botanical Nomenclature, 32, 2024, p1 - 7, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Mamelak, A.N. and Little, A.S. and Gardner, P.A. and Almeida, J.P. and Recinos, P. and Soni, P. and Kshettry, V.R. and Jane, J.A. and Barkhoudarian, G. and Kelly, D.F. and Dodd, R. and Mukherjee, D. and Gersey, Z.C. and Fukuhara, N. and Nishioka, H. and Kim, E.-H. and Litré, C.-F. and Sina, E. and Mazer, M.W. and Cui, Y. and Bonert, V., A Prospective, Multicenter, Observational Study of Surgical vs Nonsurgical Management for Pituitary Apoplexy, The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism, 109, (2), 2024, pe711-e725 , Notes: [cited By 1], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Kesari, S. and Wagle, N. and Carrillo, J.A. and Sharma, A. and Nguyen, M. and Truong, J. and Gill, J.M. and Nersesian, R. and Nomura, N. and Rahbarlayegh, E. and Barkhoudarian, G. and Sivakumar, W. and Kelly, D.F. and Krauss, H. and Bustos, M.A. and Hoon, D.S.B. and Anker, L. and Singh, A.S. and Sankhala, K.K. and Juarez, T.M., Pilot Study of High-Dose Pemetrexed in Patients with Progressive Chordoma, Clinical Cancer Research, 30, (2), 2024, p323-333 , Notes: [cited By 0], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Ortega, M.A. and Cayuela, L. and Griffith, D.M. and Camacho, A. and Coronado, I.M. and del Castillo, R.F. and Figueroa-Rangel, B.L. and Fonseca, W. and Garibaldi, C. and Kelly, D.L. and Letcher, S.G. and Meave, J.A. and Merino-Martín, L. and Meza, V.H. and Ochoa-Gaona, S. and Olvera-Vargas, M. and Ramírez-Marcial, N. and Tun-Dzul, F.J. and Valdez-Hernández, M. and Velázquez, E. and White, D.A. and Williams-Linera, G. and Zahawi, R.A. and Muñoz, J., Climate change increases threat to plant diversity in tropical forests of Central America and southern Mexico, PLoS ONE, 19, (2 FEBRUARY), 2024, Notes: [cited By 1], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Campbell, C. and Kelly, D.L. and Smyth, N. and Lockhart, N. and Holyoak, D.T. and Long, D., Investigation of the Copper Requirements of the Metallophyte Liverworts Cephaloziella nicholsonii Douin and C. massalongoi (Spruce) MÃŒll.Frib, Plants, 12, (12), 2023, Notes: [cited By 0], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Raison, C.L. and Sanacora, G. and Woolley, J. and Heinzerling, K. and Dunlop, B.W. and Brown, R.T. and Kakar, R. and Hassman, M. and Trivedi, R.P. and Robison, R. and Gukasyan, N. and Nayak, S.M. and Hu, X. and O'Donnell, K.C. and Kelmendi, B. and Sloshower, J. and Penn, A.D. and Bradley, E. and Kelly, D.F. and Mletzko, T. and Nicholas, C.R. and Hutson, P.R. and Tarpley, G. and Utzinger, M. and Lenoch, K. and Warchol, K. and Gapasin, T. and Davis, M.C. and Nelson-Douthit, C. and Wilson, S. and Brown, C. and Linton, W. and Ross, S. and Griffiths, R.R., Single-Dose Psilocybin Treatment for Major Depressive Disorder A Randomized Clinical Trial, JAMA, 330, (9), 2023, p843-853 , Notes: [cited By 18], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Kelly, D.F. and Heinzerling, K. and Sharma, A. and Gowrinathan, S. and Sergi, K. and Mallari, R.J., Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy and Psychedelic Science: A Review and Perspective on Opportunities in Neurosurgery and Neuro-Oncology, Neurosurgery, 92, (4), 2023, p680-694 , Notes: [cited By 2], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Liu, N.-A. and Ben-Shlomo, A. and Carmichael, J.D. and Wang, C. and Swerdloff, R.S. and Heaney, A.P. and Barkhoudarian, G. and Kelly, D. and Noureddin, M. and Lu, L. and Desai, M. and Stolyarov, Y. and Yuen, K. and Mamelak, A.N. and Mirocha, J. and Tighiouart, M. and Melmed, S., Treatment of Cushing Disease With Pituitary-Targeting Seliciclib, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 108, (3), 2023, p726-735 , Notes: [cited By 7], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Sivakumar, W. and Guan, J. and Langevin, J.-P. and Barkhoudarian, G. and Kelly, D.F. and Martin, N., Enhanced recovery after brain tumor surgery: pilot protocol implementation in a large healthcare system, Neurosurgical Focus, 55, (6), 2023, Notes: [cited By 1], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Heinzerling, K.G. and Sergi, K. and Linton, M. and Rich, R. and Youssef, B. and Bentancourt, I. and Bramen, J. and Siddarth, P. and Schwartzberg, L. and Kelly, D.F., Nature-themed video intervention may improve cardiovascular safety of psilocybin-assisted therapy for alcohol use disorder, Frontiers in Psychiatry, 14, (1215972), 2023, Notes: [cited By 0], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI

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O'Halloran, J, Irwin, S, Kelly, DL, Kelly, TC, Mitchell, FJG, Coote, L, Oxbrough, A, Wilson, MW, Martin, RD, Moore, K, Sweeney, O, Dietzsch, AC, Walsh, A, Keady, S, French, V, Fox, H, Kopke, K, Butler, F, Neville, P, Management of biodiversity in a range of Irish forest types, Dublin, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, 2011, 391, Report, PUBLISHED
Iremonger, S., O'Halloran, J., Kelly, D.L., Wilson, M.W., Smith, G.F., Gittings, T., Giller, P.S., Mitchell, F.J.G., Oxbrough, A., Coote, L., French, L., O'Donoghue, D., McKee, A.-M., Pithon, J., O'Sullivan, A., Neville, P., O'Donnell, V., Cummins, V., Kelly, T.C., Dowding, P., Biodiversity in Irish Plantation Forests (BIOFOREST Project): Final Report, Environmental Protection Agency, Johnstown Castle, Co. Wexford, Ireland., Environmental Protection Agency & National Council for Forest Research & Development, Ireland, 2007, 1, 51, Report, PUBLISHED
Kelly, D.L., A Teacher: Oisin Kelly, Old Columban Society Bulletin, 61, 2006, p5 - 6, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Smith, G.F., Gittings, T., Wilson, M., Oxbrough, A., Iremonger, S., O'Donoghue, S., McKee, A.-M., O'Halloran, J., Kelly, D.L., Pithon, J., O'Sullivan, A., Neville, P., Mitchell, F.J.G., Giller, P., O'Donnell, V. & Kelly, T. , Biodiversity Assessment of Afforestation Sites. BIOFOREST Project 3.1.1. Final Report, COFORD (National Council for Forest Research and Development) and the Environmental Protection Agency., University College Cork; Trinity College Dublin; Coillte, 2006, Report, PUBLISHED
Iremonger, S., Gittings, T., Smith, G.F., Wilson, M., Oxbrough, A., Coote, L., Pithon, J., O'Donoghue, S., McKee, A.-M., O'Halloran, J., Kelly, D.L., Giller, P., O'Sullivan, A., Neville, P., Mitchell, F.J.G., O'Donnell, V., Kelly, T. & Dowding, P., Investigation of experimental methods to enhance biodiversity in plantation forests. BIOFOREST Project 3.1.3. Final Report , COFORD (National Council for Forest Research and Development) and the Environmental Protection Agency, Dublin, University College Cork; Trinity College Dublin; Coillte, 2006, Report, PUBLISHED
Iremonger, S., Gittings, T., Smith, G.F., Wilson, M., Oxbrough, A., Coote, L., Pithon, J., O'Donoghue, S., McKee, A.-M., O'Halloran, J., Kelly, D.L., Giller, P., O'Sullivan, A., Neville, P., Mitchell, F.J.G., O'Donnell, V., Kelly, T. & Dowding, P., Investigation of experimental methods to enhance biodiversity in plantation forests. BIOFOREST Project 3.1.3. Final Report , COFORD (National Council for Forest Research and Development) and the Environmental Protection Agency, University College Cork; Trinity College Dublin; Coillte, 2006, Report, PUBLISHED
Gittings, T., Smith, G., Wilson, M., French, L., Oxbrough, A., O'Donoghue, S., Pithon, J., O'Donnell, V., McKee, A.-M., Iremonger, S., O'Halloran, J., Kelly, D., Mitchell, F. & Giller, P, . (2005). Assessment of Biodiversity at Different Stages of the Forest Cycle. BIOFOREST Project 3.1.2. Final Report , COFORD (National Council for Forest Research and Development) and the Environmental Protection Agency, University College Cork; Trinity College Dublin; Coillte, 2005, Report, PUBLISHED
Kelly, D.L., Review of Guide to the Plants of Central French Guiana. Part 3. Mosses. Memoirs of The New York Botanical Garden 76, by Buck, W.R. , The Bryologist, 2005, Notes: [The New York Botanical Garden Press, Bronx, NY], Review, PUBLISHED
Kelleher, C.T., Martin, J.R., Hodkinson, T.R., Kelly, D.L. & Douglas, G.C., Investigating genetic variation of Irish oak populations using chloroplast DNA analysis End of Project Report 4450. Horticulture and Farm Forestry Series No. 31, Teagasc (Agriculture and Food Development Authority), 2003, Report, PUBLISHED
Kelly, D.L., Review of New Atlas of the British and Irish Flora, by Preston, C.D., Pearman, D.A. & Dines, T.D. , Irish Naturalists' Journal, 27, 2003, p242-246 , Review, PUBLISHED


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Award Date
Senior Visiting Fellowship, Royal Irish Academy 1997
Species named in my honour: Eugenia kellyana Proctor 1982
Dr Daniel Kelly's research area lies in woodland and forest ecology. Current work with colleagues and students in Ireland includes biodiversity in Irish plantation forestry (ground flora and epiphytes), tree regeneration and the effects of large herbivores on native woodland vegetation. He also has a particular interest in bryophytes (mosses and liverworts). He is an Editor of Watsonia (journal of the Botanical Society of the British Isles). His other field of research is in the New World Tropics, and he has organised and led expeditions in Jamaica, Venezuela, Guyana and Honduras. The focus of his tropical interests is on forest biodiversity, structure and dynamics and epiphytic plant communities.