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Dr. Paul Delaney

Associate Professor (English)
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Dr. Paul Delaney

Associate Professor (English)

I am an Associate Professor in the School of English and a Fellow of Trinity College Dublin. My research engages with 20th and 21st century Irish literature, and focuses especially on post-independence Irish writing and on short fiction. I am the author of two monographs, 'Anthologisation and Irish Short Fiction: "Magnitudes of Telling"' (Routledge, in press [2025]), and 'Seán O'Faoláin: Literature, Inheritance and the 1930s' (Irish Academic Press, 2014). Other books include the edited collections, 'David Marcus: Editing Ireland', with Deirdre Madden (The Stinging Fly Press, 2024), 'The Edinburgh Companion to the Short Story in English', with Adrian Hunter (Edinburgh University Press, 2019), 'William Trevor: Revaluations', with Michael Parker (Manchester University Press, 2013), and 'Reading Colm Tóibín' (Liffey Press, 2008). I also co-edited the short-story anthology 'Dublin Tales' (Oxford University Press, 2023), with Eve Patten. I have written extensively on Irish literary culture, publishing in peer-reviewed journals, bibliographies, and critical collections. This includes chapters and essays on a variety of topics such as Irish short fiction, post-independence literature, Irish working-class writing, literary biography, and representations of and by the Traveller community. A full list of my publications can be found in 'Publications and Other Research Outputs'.
Details Date From Date To
Joint Editor (with Sinéad Sturgeon), 'Irish Literature and Culture', The Literary Encyclopedia, 2021 2024
Books Editor, Irish University Review 2017 2021
Management Board, Irish University Review 2015 2021
Editorial Board, Irish University Review 2009 present
Member, ENSFR (European Network for Short Fiction Research)
Member, IASIL (International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures)
Paul Delaney and Deirdre Madden, eds, David Marcus: Editing Ireland, The Stinging Fly Press, 2024, 300pp, Book, PUBLISHED
''Occasional, even casual': Padraic Colum, legacy curation, and short fiction' in, editor(s)Keith O'Sullivan and Pádraic Whyte , The Writings of Padraic Colum: 'That Queer Thing Genius', Routledge, 2024, pp93 - 106, [Paul Delaney], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Paul Delaney and Eve Patten, eds, Dublin Tales, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2023, 1-325pp, Book, PUBLISHED
'"Simply because it happened before": Walter Macken's historical fiction' in, editor(s)Sandra Heinen and Katharina Rennhak , Walter Macken: Critical Perspectives, Cork, Cork University Press, 2022, pp87 - 104, [Paul Delaney], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Paul Delaney, ''Frank O'Connor'', Oxford Bibliographies in British and Irish Literature, New York, Oxford University Press, 2021, -, Bibliography, filmography, etc., PUBLISHED
'Literary biography in transition' in, editor(s)Eve Patten , Irish Literature in Transition, 1940-1980, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2020, pp309 - 328, [Paul Delaney], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Paul Delaney and Adrian Hunter, eds, The Edinburgh Companion to the Short Story in English, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2019, 388pp, Book, PUBLISHED
Paul Delaney, '"I wanted them not to be lost": Immigration and Irish Short Fiction', Canadian Journal of Irish Studies, 42, 2019, p74 - 99, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Paul Delaney, '"Rising again": Revision, Trauma, and Frank O'Connor's "Guests of the Nation"', New Hibernia Review/Iris Éireannach Nua, 23, (3), 2019, p35 - 54, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
'"A system that inflicts suffering upon the many": Early twentieth-century working-class fiction' in, editor(s)Michael Pierse , A History of Irish Working-Class Writing, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2017, pp257 - 270, [Paul Delaney], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED

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Award Date
Election to Fellowship, Trinity College Dublin 2016
Provost Award for Teaching Excellence, Trinity College Dublin 2012
British Council Chevening Scholar 1997
20th-century and contemporary Irish literature, especially post-independence Irish culture and short fiction.