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Professor Anna Davies

Professor (Geography)

Anna directs the Environmental Governance Research Group and is on the steering committee for the Trinity Centre for Future Cities. Anna is a Member of the Royal Irish Academy (2017), a Fellow of the International Science Council (2022) and was the founder and inaugural Chair of Future Earth Ireland. A previous Chair of The Planning and Environment Research Group of the Royal Geographical Society, she has been the Secretary of the European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production was a founding member of the Future Earth Knowledge Action Network for Systems of Sustainable Consumption and Production, initially co-Chairing the working group on social change beyond consumerism. In addition, Anna has advised the Irish Government as a member of the National Climate Change Advisory Council (2015-2021), an independent member of the National Economic and Social Council (2011-2016) and was a member of the Expert Group for the Citizen's Assembly on Climate Change (2017-2018). Internationally, Anna was elected to the Board of the International Science Council (2019-2021) and has been a member of expert groups relating to the role of higher education in achieving the SDGs (UNESCO, EGU2030 2022) and in relation to transitioning to sustainable food systems (SAPEA, 2020). Currently Chair of the Board, Anna has been on the management board of the social enterprise The Rediscovery Centre, a social enterprise dedicated to providing community employment and training via innovative reuse of unwanted or discarded materials since 2008. Anna has produced more than 100 reports, policy statements, peer reviewed books, book chapters and journal articles, including articles in leading international peer-review journals such as Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, the Annals of American Association of Geography and Geoforum. In 2012, she was awarded a prize from the Geography Society of Ireland for her contribution to Society and Community. In 2018 she was awarded Irish Researcher of the Year by the Irish Research Council (IRC). In 2020, Anna was awarded the ERC Engagement Award for her SHARECITY ERC project funded by the European Union under the Horizon2020 programme and in 2023 she was awarded the IRC Impact Award. Anna currently leads CULTIVATE an Horizon Europe Innovation Action and WeAdapt an SFI-funded Discover project which has developed the Climate Smart educational platform.
  Biodiversity and Conservation   Climate Change   Environmental Planning   Environmental planning and sustainable development   Environmental Policy   Environmental politics   Public Policy   Socio economic issues   Sociology of Food Consumption, Production, Organics & Other Alternative Foods   Waste Management   Waste Management, Recycling

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Details Date
Co-Chair AICBRN (All Ireland Climate and Biodiversity Research Network) 2022
Editorial Board, Royal Geographical Society Book Series 2017-
Member of Expert Advisory Group for National Citizen's Assembly on Climate Change 2017
Editorial Board Journal of Environmental Policy and planning 2018
National Expert Advisory Council on Climate Change 2015-
Evaluator, ERC Consolidator Awards (2017), Advanced Awards (2015) 2015-
Chair, Future Earth Ireland, RIA 2015-2018
Editorial Board, Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society August 2014
OECD Expert witness, Workshop, OECD, Paris - Future of Food September 2014
OECD - Subject Expert. Long term scenarios for food and agriculture 03/12/2013
Expert Reviewer: Swedish Environmental Protection Agency 23/01/2014
Expert Reviewer: FORMAS: Swedish Research Council: Use of Natural Resources 2013-present
Domain Expert to EU COST Domain ISCH Individuals, Societies, Cultures and Health 2011-14
Chair: Future Earth Organising Committee, RIA 01/01/2014-present
National Economic & Social Council Member (Independent member appointed by Taoiseach) 2011-present
Royal Irish Academy Geographical Sciences Committee 2009-present
Editorial board of Local Environment: the international journal of justice and sustainability 2002 - Present
Board of Directors, The Rediscovery Centre, Ballymun 2010
Editorial Board - Geography Compass (Blackwell International Online Journal) 2006-present
Assessor of research grant proposals and participated in grant-awarding panels for: Economic and Social Research Council (UK) 2004-present
Expert Review Panel - Irish Fulbright Post-Graduate Award Scheme (Ireland-USA) 2004-2006
Assessed research grant proposals and participated in grant-awarding panels for the following bodies: IRCHSS Small Project Grants (Ireland) 2004
Expert Validation Panel: DIT Planning and Sustainable Development Masters Courses 2004
External Selection Board: Lectureships/Head of Discipline DIT - Faculty of Built Environment 2004
Reviewer for Environmental Values 2002 - Present
Reviewer for Local Environment 2002 - Present
Reviewer for Irish Geography 2002 - Present
Reviewer for Environment and Planning A 2002 - Present
Reviewer for Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning 2002 - Present
Reviewer for The Geography Journal 2002 - Present
Expert Reviewer: Swedish Environmental Protection Agency 23/01/2014
Editorial Board One Earth 2018
Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
Details Date From Date To
Member, Royal Irish Academy 2017
Royal Irish Academy, Geographical and Geosciences Committee 2014 2017
Chair, Future Earth Organising Committee, Royal Irish Academy January 2014 2018
Royal Irish Academy, Geographical Sciences Committee 2009 2012
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), UK 1998 present
Geography Society of Ireland 2001 present
Planning and Environment Research Group, RGS 1999 present
Chair Planning and Environment Research Group, RGS 2007 2009
Secretary, Planning Environment Research Group 2006 2007
Membership Secretary of the Planning and Environment Research Group of the Royal Geographical Society 2003 2006
ERSCP 2014-present
Davies, A.R., Hugel, S., Ryan, G., Norman, A., Climate Smart: geography, place and climate change adaptation education, Geography, 109, (1), 2024, p27 - 35, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Rut, Monika; Davies, A.R., Food sharing in a pandemic: Urban infrastructures, prefigurative practices and lessons for the future, Cities, 145, 2024, 607, p627 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
DAVIES, A.R., Donald, B., Grey, M., The Power of Platforms: precarity and place, Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy & Society, 16, (2), 2023, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  URL
Devine-Wright, H., & DAVIES, A.R., What role for citizens? Evolving engagement in quadruple helix smart district initiatives, Urban Planning, 8, (2), 2023, p70 - 80, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  URL
Ana Moragues-Faus, Jill K. Clark, Jane Battersby, Anna Davies, Routledge Handbook of Urban Food Governance, 1st, London, 2022, 1-506pp, Book, PUBLISHED  URL
Towards Urban Food Governance for More Sustainable and Just Futures in, editor(s)A Moragues-Faus, JK Clark, J Battersby, A Davies , Routledge Handbook of Urban Food Governance, London, Routledge, 2022, pp1 - 19, [A Moragues-Faus, JK Clark, J Battersby, A Davies ], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED  URL
Mackensie and Davies, Assessing the sustainability impacts of food sharing initiatives: User testing The Toolshed SIA , Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 6, 2022, p1 - 19, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
DAVIES, A.R. Rut, M., Feeney, J., Seeds of change? Social practices of urban community seed sharing initiatives for just transitions to sustainability, Local Environment, 27, (6), 2022, p1 - 16, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text
Louise Fitzgerald; Anna Davies, Creating fairer futures for sustainability transitions, Geography Compass, 16, (10), 2022, p1 - 13, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
Morrow, O., and DAVIES, A.R., Creating careful circularities: Community composting in New York City, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 47, (2), 2022, p529 - 546 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text

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Alwynne McGeever, Anna R. Davies , SHARECITY Briefing Note 4: SHARE IT, 2021, -, Miscellaneous, PUBLISHED
Anna R. Davies, Marion Weymes , SHARECITY Briefing Note 3: Goals & Impacts, 2018, -, Miscellaneous, PUBLISHED
Marion Weymes, Anna R. Davies, SHARECITY Working Paper 3: Disruptive technologies? Scaling relational geographies of ICT-mediated surplus food redistribution. , 2018, Working Paper, PUBLISHED
Anna R. Davies, Marion Weymes, SHARECITY Briefing Note 1: The SHARECITY100 Database, 2017, -, Miscellaneous, PUBLISHED
Anna R. Davies, Marion Weymes , SHARECITY Briefing Note 2: The SHARECITY Profiles, 2017, -, Miscellaneous, PUBLISHED
Anna R. Davies, SHARECITY Working Paper 1: Typologies of Food Sharing, 2016, Working Paper, PUBLISHED
Anna R. Davies, SHARECITY Working Paper 2: Urban Food Sharing Scoping Database. , 2016, Working Paper, PUBLISHED
Anna Davies, '2015', Research Profile, 2015, -, Broadcast, PUBLISHED
DAVIES, A.R., United we stand? Environmental justice and anti-incineration campaigning in Galway, Ireland. Planning and Environment Research Group Special Session on Environmental Justice, International Geographical Union Conference, Glasgow, 2004, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
DAVIES. A.R., Waste Management in Ireland, Department of Geography, University College Cork, 2004, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED


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Award Date
Excellence in Research Supervision, Trinity College Dublin 2022
Finalist, 10th International Educational Games Competition at ECGBL with iAdapt 2022
ERC Award for Public Engagement, European Research Council 2020
Irish Researcher of the Year 2018
Membership, Royal Irish Academy 2017
Geography Society of Ireland: Award Services to Society, Community and Environment 2013
Fellowship, Trinity College Dublin 2007
MA (jure officii) Trinity College Dublin 2005
Visiting Fellowship, University of Auckland, New Zealand 2005
IRCHSS Research Fellowship 2004
Carnegie Council for Ethics and International Affairs Fellowship 2000
Overseas Researcher Award, Royal Geographical Society and Institute of British Geographers 2002
Earthwatch/Guinness Earth Science Fellowship 1995
My research examines socio-political and spatial aspects of sustainability and environmental governance. Completed projects have included work on unsustainable food systems, climate change adaptation, public participation in environmental planning and sustainable development, values and valuation of the environment, the politics of climate change, biodiversity, waste management, sustainability enterprise and sustainable production and consumption. Empirical work on these issues has been conducted in a number of locations across Europe, New Zealand, Ireland and the UK.