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Dr. Vivion Crowley

Clinical Senior Lecturer (Clinical Medicine)
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Dr. Vivion Crowley

Clinical Senior Lecturer (Clinical Medicine)

  Diabetes & Obesity   Insulin Resistance
Details Date
Member, Diabetes & Metabolic Health Research - Extended Group, Proposed participants in trans-institutional diabetes research consortium (includes fundamental diabetes research, clinical manifestations & complications as well as nutritional health aspects
Member, Diabetes & Metabolic Health Research Focus Group, Trans-institutional research consortium focused around diabetes, obesity & metabolic syndrome
Ryan, J, M. Crowley, V E. Hensey, O Broderick, J M. McGahey, A Gormley, J., Habitual physical activity and cardiometabolic risk factors in adults with cerebral palsy , Research in Developmental Disabilities , 35 , (9 ), 2014, p1995 - 2002 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI  URL
Lithander FE, Herlihy LK, Walsh DM, Burke E, Crowley V, Mahmud A, Postprandial effect of dietary fat quantity and quality on arterial stiffness and wave reflection: a randomised controlled trial., Nutrition journal, 12, 2013, p93 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
O'Dwyer MJ, Dempsey F, Crowley V, Kelleher DP, McManus R, Ryan T., Septic shock is correlated with asymmetrical dimethyl arginine levels, which may be influenced by a polymorphism in the dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase II gene: a prospective observational study., Critical Care, 10, (5), 2006, pR139 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
P. W. Franks, I. Barroso, J. Luan, U. Ekelund, V. E. Crowley, S. Brage, M. S. Sandhu, R. W. Jakes, R. P. Middelberg, A. H. Harding, A. J. Schafer, S. O'Rahilly and N. J. Wareham, PGC-1alpha genotype modifies the association of volitional energy expenditure with [OV0312]O2max, Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 35, (12), 2003, p1998-2004 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
V. E. Crowley, G. S. Yeo and S. O'Rahilly, Obesity therapy: altering the energy intake-and-expenditure balance sheet, Nature reviews Drug discovery, 1, (4), 2002, p276-86 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
J. E. Digby, V. E. Crowley, C. P. Sewter, J. P. Whitehead, J. B. Prins and S. O'Rahilly, Depot-related and thiazolidinedione-responsive expression of uncoupling protein 2 (UCP2) in human adipocytes, International journal of obesity and related metabolic disorders, 24, (5), 2000, p585-92 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
I. Barroso, M. Gurnell, V. E. Crowley, M. Agostini, J. W. Schwabe, M. A. Soos, G. L. Maslen, T. D. Williams, H. Lewis, A. J. Schafer, V. K. Chatterjee and S. O'Rahilly, Dominant negative mutations in human PPARgamma associated with severe insulin resistance, diabetes mellitus and hypertension, Nature, 402, (6764), 1999, p880-3 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
V. E. Crowley, A. D. Higham, D. G. Thompson, A. O. Olukoga and M. F. Stewart, Biochemical investigation of unexplained diarrhoea, Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 89, (4), 1996, p214P-5P , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
A. O. Olukoga, V. E. Crowley, M. F. Stewart and O. Weinkove, Fibrate monotherapy and profound hypoalphalipoproteinaemia, Postgraduate medical journal, 72, (845), 1996, p189 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
V. E. Crowley and A. O. Olukogu, The chemical pathology of AIDS, Annals of clinical biochemistry, 32 ( Pt 5), 1995, p511-2 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL

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