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Professor Christine Morris

Professor in (Classics)
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Professor Christine Morris

Professor in (Classics)

  Aegean bronze age   Ancient art   Archaeology   Archaeology of cyprus   Cognitive archaeology   Cultural Heritage   Digital Humanities   Gender dimensions in health and illness   Greek Archaeology   History of Medicine   minoan archaeology   Museums   reception studies   Religious Studies
Project Title
 Two book length publications of peak sanctuary material from the Cretan Bronze Age
October 2012
September 2013
The project comprises the preparation and publication of two closely linked books on the archaeology of Cretan Bronze Age peak sanctuaries. These are a co-edited volume of papers on peak sanctuaries under contract to Cambridge University Press, and a co-authored volume on the clay figurines from the Prinias peak sanctuary. Both publications will make primary, unpublished material available to the scholarly community, and will introduce and innovative digitally-based methods of representing and interpreting this material.
Funding Agency
Irish Research Council
Project Type
Advanced Collaborative Research Project
Person Months
Project Title
 An intra-site GIS analysis of the archaeological ritual assemblage from the Atsipadhes peak sanctuary in Crete
The aim of this project is to create an interactive system between the archaeological ritual assemblage from the Minoan peak sanctuary (c.1900-1700 BC) of Atsipadhes Korakias in western Crete and a G(eographical) I(nformation) S(ystem). This will create an effective research tool for intra-site analysis, that is the study of spatial organisation and patterns of ritual activity in relation to the topography and excavated features of the site, as well as producing high-quality data presentation for publication. The primary archaeological data comprises topographic plans of the site, trench plans and a database of over 5,000 figurine fragments, all plotted during excavation. The project will also provide an innovative model which can be used and developed further for other archaeological sites since the use of GIS for intra-site analysis (as opposed its more familiar use for regional studies) is still relatively rare. Despite the fact that these Bronze Age mountain shrines, with their disposed offerings of figurines and pottery, are recognised as a primary location of cult in the Minoan ritual landscape, and are also intimately connected to the emerging power of early state elites in the second millennium BC, the only other peak sanctuary published in any detail is Petsophas in Eastern Crete in 1903. Unsurprisingly, the nature of ritual activity on these sites is poorly understood and scholarly interpretations (and assumptions) depend on old and limited primary data. Atsipadhes is the only peak sanctuary to have been fully excavated (in 1989) to modern standards with all its finds plotted in situ; it therefore provides a unique opportunity to make a major contribution to our understanding of Cretan Bronze Age ritual. As well as being of central importance within Mediterranean archaeology, the project will also contribute significantly to archaeological methodology (methods of spatial analysis), the cross-cultural study of figurines, and comparative religious/ritual studies.
Funding Agency
IRCHSS small thematic grant
Project Title
 3D digital scanning of clay figurines from Cretan Bronze Age peak sanctuaries.
Description of project Collaborators: Christine Morris; Alan Peatfield (UCD); Will Megarry (UCD) This project will take place in two museums in Crete: Rethymnon Museum where the Atsipadhes material is stored; and Iraklion Museum where material from other peak sanctuaries, in particular, Petsophas, is curated). Permission to do the work during the summer of 2011 has been given by the Directors of both museums. Aims and objectives. The aim of the project is to bring a portable 3D scanner to the museums to scan selected figurines. Preliminary work in establishing the optimum scanning methods (using a very small set of comparable material) has already been completed in Dublin during 2010 in collaboration with colleagues in the School of Archaeology, UCD (which also provided the seed funding to purchase the scanning equipment). Traditionally, artefacts such as figurines are studied and then represented in publications (or in oral presentations) through photographs and/or technical drawings. This project seeks to explore how 3D scanning can complement and enhance these methods with the technology currently available. The overall aim will be to produce high quality scanned images which can be used effectively in an interactive online environment (VRE) where the images can be rotated by the viewer. The images will also enhance the traditional publication and be useful for oral presentations. Research question. Put simply, the project will investigate the strengths and weaknesses of 3D imaging for the recording, analysis and publication of portable clay figurines, as well as producing the 3D images of this type of material for the first time. Methodology (investigative and analytic methods, theoretical frameworks) The investigative/analytic method is 3D scanning, to take place in two Cretan museums on collections of clay figurines from two different sites in western and eastern Crete. As the styles, fabrics and condition/fragmentation of the figurines from the two sites are different, scanning samples of both sets of material is highly desirable. On the practical side, performance (in Greek museum conditions, i.e.heat and dust to contend with), speed and accuracy will be evaluated in order to establish best and most effective practice for such work, given that the material is often fragmentary and may have damaged/abraded surfaces. The project will also make an interesting case study for exploring wider methodological issues concerning digital representation in archaeology. It proposes to contribute to this by considering traditional modes of representation in relation to the opportunities offered by newer technologies. Beyond the purely practical issues of time, skill and accuracy, there are deeper questions of how the different methods of representation impact on how the material is studied (so the interaction between archaeologist and artefact) and on how it is represented and disseminated in publications for both a specialist and more general audience. For this aspect of the work there will be input and discussion between the two archaeologists involved in the figurine study, the archaeological illustator who has drawn much of the Atsipadhes material, and an archaeologist who has expertise with the scanning equipment.
Funding Agency
Arts and Social Sciences Benefaction Fund; Seed funding from UCD for equipment
Project Type
Archaeology; Digital Humanities
Project Title
 'Unlocking' Sacred Landscapes: Spatial Analysis of Ritual and Cult in the Mediterranean
The primary aim of this project was the establishment of an international network ('Unlocking Sacred Landscapes) through the organisation of an archaeological workshop on 'Spatial Analysis of Ritual and Cult in the Mediterranean', organised by Christine Morris and Giorgos Papantoniou. We included papers with a strong methodological focus on spatial analysis and using case studies from across the Mediterranean, ranging from the Bronze Age to the Medieval period. These papers investigated the interaction between political and religious structures, as expressed in sacred landscapes and space. In addition, moving beyond elite and political structures, focus was also given to human experience of the numinous in the creation of personal spiritual identities. The workshop is currently under publication in the form of an edited collective volume.
Funding Agency
Irish Research Council
New Foundations Scheme
Project Type
Network; workshop; publication

Details Date
Chair, Irish Institute of Hellenic Studies at Athens 2024-
Chair, Irish Institute of Hellenic Studies at Athens 2003-7
Royal Irish Academy, Standing Committee for Archaeology 2022
TCD representative, Irish Institute of Hellenic Studies at Athens 2000-present
Treasurer, Irish Institute of Hellenic Studies at Athens 2000-2002
Member, Organising Committee of the World Archaeology Congress 2008 (Dublin) 2007-8
Irish representative, Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae
Royal Irish Academy, member National Committee for Greek and Latin Studies
Details Date From Date To
Archaeology and Gender in Europe (AGE), working group within the European Association of Archeologists 2008 present
Coroplastic Studies Interest Group (affiliated to the Archaeological Institute of America) 2009 present
Irish Institute of Hellenic Studies at Athens (member) 2000 present
British School at Athens (Member) 1982 present
Cypriot Aphrodite and British colonial discourse: a re-appraisal, in, editor(s)T. Kiely, A. Reeve and L. Crewe (eds) , Empire and excavation: critical perspectives on archaeology in British-period Cyprus, 1878-1960, Leiden, Sidestone Press, 2024, [C E Morris, G. Papantoniou,], Book Chapter, IN_PRESS
Embracing the Goddess: Evans and the Minoan feminine divine in, editor(s)Stephanie Budin and Caroline Tully eds , Shaking the Tree, Breaking the Bough: A Century of James Frazer's Golden Bough., London, Routledge, 2024, [Christine E Morris], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Christine Morris, Matriarchy, Gimbutas and figurines. Entanglements with the Goddess, Response to S. Cvecek,Enthrone, Dethrone, Rethrone? The multiple lives of matrilineal kinship in Aegean prehistory, Archaeological Dialogues,, 30, 2024, p20 - 23, Journal Article, IN_PRESS
Aphrodite's Sisters in, editor(s)G.S. Bonaci & N. Petroni , Mediterranean Goddesses., Malta, APS Mdina Art Biennale, 2023, pp53 - 73, [T. Stylianou-Lambert, C.E. Morris, A. Heraclidou, G. Papantoniou,], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
In touch with the Minoans: gestural performance and experience in Bronze Age Crete in, editor(s)Amy Gardner & Carl Walsh , Tracing Gestures: The Art and Archaeology of Bodily Communication, London, Bloomsbury, 2022, pp13-30 , [Christine Morris, Lucy Goodison], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Christine Morris, Giorgos Papantoniou, Theopisti Stylianou-Lambert, Antigone Heraclidou, 'Aphrodite's Sisters', Creating Diasporic Worlds, London, Cyprus House, London, 2022, -, Exhibition, EXHIBITED
Bodies in ecstasy: shamanic elements in Minoan religion in, editor(s)Diana Stein, Sarah Kielt Costello, Karen Polinger Foster , The Routledge Companion to Ecstatic Experience in the Ancient World, London, Routledge, 2021, pp264 - 283, [Christine Morris, Alan Peatfield], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED  DOI
Laerke Recht, Christine Morris, Chariot kraters and horse-human relations in Late Bronze Age Greece and Cyprus, Annual of the British School at Athens, 116, 2021, p95 - 132, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Images from a usable past: the Classical themes of Irish Coinage, 1928-2002 in, editor(s)Donncha O'Rourke & Isabelle Torrance , Classics and Irish Politics 1916-2016 , Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2020, pp393-406 , [Christine Morris], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
The usable past: Minoans reimagined in, editor(s)Brent Davis & Robert Laffineur , Neoteros: Studies in Bronze Age Aegean Art and Archaeology in Honor of Professor John G. Younger on the Occasion of his Retirement. Aegaeum 44., Leuven/Liège, Peeters, 2020, [Christine Morris], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED

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Christine Morris, 'Make your own votive': improving learning and enhancing wellbeing through making, European Association of Archaeologists 2023, Belfast, 12-2-2023, 2023, Conference Paper, PRESENTED
Christine Morris, Rejecting the Embrace of the Goddess? Minoan Archaeology and the Divine Feminine, Shaking the Tree, Breaking the Bough: James' Frazer's Golden Bough at 100, Melbourne, Australia (online conference), 12-2-2023, 2023, Conference Paper, PRESENTED
Christine Morris, Dazzling the Senses: Fabulous Faience from Minoan Crete, Glass in the Ancient World, Irish Institute of Hellenic Studies at Athens, Trinity College Dublin, May 14, 2022, 2022, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
C E Morris, G. Papantoniou, Cypriot Aphrodite and British colonial discourse: a re-appraisal, Empire and excavation: critical perspectives on archaeology in British-period Cyprus, 1878-1960, Cyprus American Archaeological Research Institute, November 6-7, 2020, 2020, Conference Paper, PRESENTED
C.E. Morris , Minoans Reimagined: from ancient images to modern 'lives', Public Lecture Series, Archaeological Research Unit, University of Cyprus, University of Cyprus, November 16, 2020, University of Cyprus, ARU, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Christine Morris, From Classical beasts to Heaney's 'lost ark': the power of animals on coinage, Animals and Us: Human-Animal relationships in the ancient world, Trinity College Dublin, February 23, 2019, 2019, Conference Paper, PRESENTED
Christine Morris, Snake-choker, dung heaver': from Heaney's Herakles to heroic representation in Greek art', Seamus Heaney: Listen Now Again exhibition, Bank of Ireland Cultural and Heritage Centre, February 22, 2019, Seamus Heaney: Listen Now Again, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Christine Morris, Bodies in ecstasy: shamanic elements in Minoan religion, LCANE Seminar , SOAS, University of London, November 11, 2019, British Association of Near Eastern Archaeology (BANEA), Invited Talk, PRESENTED
Christine Morris, "Cretomania": The Representation and Use of the Minoans in Modern Culture, Maynooth Classics Seminar , University of Maynooth, November 30, 2018, Department of Classics, Univ of Maynooth, Invited Talk, PRESENTED
C.E. Morris , H Aphroditi tis Kyprou (Aphrodite of Cyprus), Chroniko 26. Nicosia: Politis, 2018, Review Article, PUBLISHED


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Award Date
Provost's PhD Project Award 2020
Elected, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of London 2017
Elected to Fellowship, Trinity College Dublin 2014
Provost's Teaching Award 2010
Berkeley Fellowship, TCD 2001
Wace Medal, University of Cambridge 1979
Isle of Man Government state studentship 1979-1982
Greek Government scholarship 1982-84