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Professor Christine Meek

Fellow Emeritus (History)


Il matrimonio e le nozze: sposarsi a Lucca nel tardo medioevo in, I tribunali del matrimonio (secoli XV-XVIII) a cura di Silvana Seidel Menchi e Diego Quaglioni, Bologna, Societa Editrice il Mulino, 2007, pp359 - 373, [Meek C.E.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Divorce and separation, Margaret Schauss, Women and Gender in Medieval Europe: an Encyclopaedia, New York and London, Routledge, 2006, [Meek C.E.], Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, PUBLISHED
Lawless C., Meek C.E., Studies on Medieval and Early Modern Women 4, Victims or Viragos ?, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2005, 240pp, Book, PUBLISHED
Public policy and private profit: tax farming in fourteenth-century Lucca in, editor(s)T. Blomquist and M. F. Mazzaoui , The Other Tuscany, 2005, [Meek C.E.], Notes: [Medieva February 21], Book Chapter, IN_PRESS
Un' unione incesta: las vicenda di Neria, figlia dell'organista e di Baldassino, merciaio pistoiese (Lucca, 1396-7) in, editor(s) , Matrimoni in dubbio: union controcerse e nozze clandestine in Halia del XIV al XVII secolo a cura di Seidel Menchi e Diego Quaglioni, Trento, Quaderni, 57. Bologna, Casa Editrice il nuliro, Annoli dell'Instituto Storico Italo-Germancio, 2001, pp107 - 121, [Meek C.E.], Notes: [docement and CD ROM], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Meek C.E., Women in Renaissance and Early Modern Europe, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2000, Book, PUBLISHED
Men, women and magic: some cases from late medieval Lucca¹ in, editor(s)Christine Meek , Women in Renaissance and Early Modern Europe, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2000, pp43 - 66, [Meek C.E.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Women in Italian Renaissance Culture and Society in, editor(s)L.Panizza , Women between the law and social reality in early renaissance Lucca¹, Oxford, European Humanities Research Centre, University of Oxford, 2000, pp182 - 193, [Meek C.E.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Simone ha aderito alla fede di Maometto. La fornicazione spirituale come causa di separazione (Lucca, 1424)¹ in, Coniugi nemici. La separazione in Italia dal XIIo al XVIIIo secolo a cura di Silvana Seidel Menchi e Diego Quaglioni , Trento, Quaderni, 53. Bologna, Casa Editrice Il Mulino, Annali dell¹Istituto Storico Italo-Germanico, 2000, pp121 - 139, [Meek C.E.], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Meek C.E., Liti matrimoniali nel tribunale ecclesiastico lucchese sotto il vescovo Nicolao Guinigi (1394-1435)¹, Quaderni Lucchesi di Studi sul Medioevo e sul Rinascimento Anno, I, (1), 2000, p105 - 142, Notes: [(gennaio-giugno)], Journal Article, PUBLISHED

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Christine Meek, Catherine Lawless (eds), Victims or Viragos? Women in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2005, Book, PUBLISHED
Christine Meek, Catherine Lawless (eds), Pawns or Players? Women in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe, 3, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2003, Book, PUBLISHED


Medieval Italy, especially the history of Lucca; urban history, the economy; late medieval England, history of women.