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Dr. Catherine Mc Cabe

Associate Professor (School of Nursing & Midwifery)

Dr McCabe is a Registered General Nurse with over 30 years experience in nursing and healthcare research, practice, and education. Her research interests and expertise are in the areas of: Digital Health; Acute/Critical care; Arts and Health and research methodology (RCT's and systematic review). Her current research focuses on integrated digital health and technology for clinical practice innovation, staff health and well-being and health education.
  Acute care management, early detection deterioration   Adjustment Psychology   Bone Marrow transplantation and transfusion   Chronic Illness self-management   Digital Health   Online education in healthcare   Psychometrics   QUALITY OF LIFE   RANDOMISED-CONTROLLED TRIAL
 PROMOCON (Promoting a Morally Competent Nurse)
 The Impact Of Unscheduled Nurse-Led Virtual Care On Patients And Healthcare Outcomes.
 A patient-centred integrated care pathway for the management of chronic pancreatitis
 New Graduate Nurses' experiences of transitioning to ICU

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Details Date
Ministerial Appointed Member of the Occupational Therapists Registration Board, CORU - Regulating Health and Social Care Professionals 2016 - 2020
IUA representative on the National Deteriorating Patient Improvement Programme (DPIP) and member of the working group on NEWS Education Programme March 2019
Details Date From Date To
European Academy of Nursing Science Elected Board Member and Treasurer May 2019 To date
ECHAlliance European Connected Health Alliance Group September 2019 To date
The Irish Platform for Patients' Organisations, Science and Industry (IPPOSI) October 2012 to date
Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland March 1988 To date
Chris Gastmans and Evelyne Mertens and Alvisa Palese and Brian Keogh and Francesca Apolloni and Johanna Wiisak and Catherine Mc Cabe and Maria Dimitriadou and Alessandro Galazzi and Michael Igoumenidis and Nikos Stefanopoulos and Paraskevi Charitou and Evridiki Papastavrou and Riitta Suhonen and Stefania Chiappinotto, Perspectives of nurses and patient representatives on the morally competent nurse: An international focus group study, International Journal of Nursing Studies Advances, 8, 2025, p100296 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
Lunde L, Maurud S, Bones E, Connolly L, McCabe C, Moen A, Support for patient self-management and digital health literacy with more relevant health information, Nursing Informatics 24, University of Manchester, 28 -31st July 2024, 2024, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
" Igoumenidis M, Stefanopoulos N, Palese A, Chiappinotto S, Gastmans C, McCabe C, Suhonen Riitta, Papastavrou E, Promoting a Morally Competent Nurse (PROMOCON): An innovative continuing education approach, 27th International Nursing Philosophy Conference, University of Ioannina, Greece, September 11-13, 2024, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
Glynn L, McCann M, McCabe C, Smartphone applications supporting self-management programme for adults with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Scoping Review, PLOS Digital Health, 3, (6), 2024, pe0000532 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Wiisak, J., Stolt, M., Igoumenidis, M., Chiappinotto, S., Gastmans, C., Keogh, B., Mertens, E., Palese, A., Papastavrou, E., Mc Cabe, C. and Suhonen, R., Factors contributing to the promotion of moral competence in nursing., Nursing Ethics, 2024, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI
McCabe C, McCann M, Connolly D, McGrath J, Begley J, Ball JC, Harris E, Impact of unscheduled nurse-led virtual care for people with diabetes on nursing practices and patient satisfaction, British Journal of Nursing, 33, (5), 2024, p236 - 241, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Papastavrou E, Chiappinotto S, Gastmans C, Igoumenidis M, McCabe C, Suhonen R, Palese A, PROMOCON Consortium., Ethics in undergraduate nursing degrees: An international comparative education study., Nursing ethics, 2024, p9697330241247322 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Al Kindi Z, McCann M, McCabe C, Impact of School Nurse Asthma Education Program on School Nurses" Asthma Knowledge and Self-Efficacy Levels, Journal of Pediatrics Research Reviews & Reports, 6, (2), 2024, p1 - 10, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Hill K, McCabe C, Brenner M, Impact of adapting paediatric intensive care units for adult care during the COVID-19 pandemic: a scoping review, BMJ Open, 13, 2023, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Hardie P, McCabe C, Timmins F, & Thompson DR. , A qualitative exploration of Irish nursing students' experiences of caring for the dying patient, Nursing Open, 10, (8), 2023, p5649 - 5658, p , Journal Article, PUBLISHED

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McCabe C, Daly L, Fahy McCarthy E, O'Shea H, Ethical and Legal Decision Making with a Person with Advanced Dementia, Conference: Palliative Care Needs of People with Dementia: Building Capacity, Mullingar Park Hotel, 3rd November, 2015, Irish Hospice Foundation, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
Daly, L., & McCabe C., Scoping Review to Inform the Development of an Inter-disciplinary Masters in Gerontology, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin., March, 2013, Report, PUBLISHED
McCabe C, Dinsmore J, Brady AM, McKee G, O'Donnell, S, COPD - Behavioural Change, Self Management & Peer Perspective: Project Report, School of Nursing & Midiwfery, May, 2012, Report, PUBLISHED
Brady, A-M & Mc Cabe, C., Human factors in Nursing Education , Human Factors in Healthcare, Farmleigh, Phoenix Park, Dublin, 24th November, 2011, State Claims Agency, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
McCabe C, Roche D, Hegarty F, McCann S, The 'Open Window' Project - A Novel Art Intervention in the Treatment of Patients Undergoing Stem Cell Transplantation. , EBMT (UK) NAP Nursing Conference, Nottingham, 28th June , 2006, EBMT (UK) NAP, Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
McCabe C., Roche D., Hegarty F., McCann S., Art in Health Care: Essential or Just Nice to Look At!, Creative Methods Symposium,, Ickworth Hotel, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, 7th December, 2006, Homerton School of Health Studies (HSHS), Angela Ruskin University, Cambridge., Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
McCabe C, Roche D, Hegarty F, McCann S., 'Open Window' Project - a novel intervention in the treatment of haematological malignancies, Irish Haematology Nurses Association, Newsletter, (June), 2005, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
McCabe, C., Diagnosis and treatment of Meningitis in Children, World of Irish Nursing, 7, (8), 1999, p20 - 21, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
McCabe, C., Meningitis in Children, Irish Emergency Nurses Association Conference, St. Mary's Hospital, Phoenix Park, Dublin, 10th October, 1998, 1998, Conference Paper, PUBLISHED
McCabe, C., Child abuse: What's the problem? What's the solution, St Paul Ireland, 1997, Journal Article, PUBLISHED


Award Date
Fellowship of EANS 2022
My key research interests relate to 2 areas: The first is collaborative research with health services providers related to aspects of critical/emergency nursing practice and continuing clinically nurse education. The second is digital technology in health and education which has been the focus of my grant applications and collaborations for many years. Digital health, specifically e product information for medicine is the focus of the current IHI H2020 Gravitate Health project that I lead tasks on KPI development and evaluation. I lead projects and collaborate with health service providers on projects related to digital health initiatives such as nurse led virtual clinics for diabetes management. Digital health research related to education, clinical practice and innovation are the key direction of my research. I am currently working on an interdisciplinary grant applications evaluating the impact of a digital health intervention on staff health and well-being respectively.