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Ms. Lucy Alpine

Practice Education Co-Ordinator (Physiotherapy)
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Ms. Lucy Alpine

Practice Education Co-Ordinator (Physiotherapy)

Lucy Alpine qualified from Trinity College Dublin in 2007 with a BSc in Physiotherapy (Hons). She worked clinically in a number of hospitals before moving to the role of Practice Education Co-ordinator in the Discipline of Physiotherapy Trinity College in 2004. She currently manages all aspect of the practice education component of the BSc in Physiotherapy. She completed a Diploma in Statistics in 2009 and her MSc by Research in 2012. Her research masters were in the area of hip fracture outcomes and follow-up care. In her role in practice education she has a specific interest in health profession education and has developed a framework for a 2:1 supervision model in physiotherapy. Other current research areas of interest in practice education include performance assessment in clinical practice, innovative service development with students and factors that influence health care professionals to supervise students.
  Clinical Education
Project Title
 An investigation into the survival and follow-up care of a hip fracture populaiton in Ireland
November 2006
December 2011
This study investigated the outcomes and follow-up care of 542 hip fracture patients in one large teaching hopsital in Dublin. Outcomes were assessed in terms of mortality, function and quality of life. Allied health care professional follow-up care was also investigasted to determine if it was in line with international guidelines.
Funding Agency
Project Type
Non-expermential, questionnaire based follow-up survey

Details Date
Chartered Physiotherapists in Education commitee member/rotational chairperson. 2010 - 2012
Founder of the Practice Education Co-Ordinators Network (PECNET) 2013 - present
Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
Details Date From Date To
Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapist 1997 present day
Chartered Physiotherapist in Education 2004 present day
Rehabilitation and Research Society 2005 present day
PECNET 2013 Present
Alpine LM, O' Connor A, McGuinness M, Barrett EM , Performance-based assessment during clinical placement; cross sectional investigation of a training workshop for practice educators, Nursing & Health Sciences , 2021, p1 - 10, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Broderick J, Waugh A, Mc Govern M, Alpine L, Kiernan S, Murphy N, Hodalova D, Feehan S, NĂ­ Cheallaigh C. , Addressing complex societal challenges in health education - A physiotherapy-led initiative embedding inclusion health in an undergraduate curriculum, HRB Open Research, 2, (22), 2019, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  TARA - Full Text  DOI  URL
Barrett EM, Belton A, Alpine LM, Supervision models in physiotherapy practice education: Student and practice educator evaluations, Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 29, 2019, p1 - 14, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Alpine LM, Caldasa FT, Barrett EM., Evaluation of a 2.1 peer placement supervision model by physiotherapy students and their educators, Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 2019, p748 - 755, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI  URL
Barrett EM, Belton A, Alpine LM, Supervision Models in Physiotherapy Education: Student and Practice Educator Evaluations, Health and Social Care Professions Conference, Dublin, 2019, Oral Presentation, PUBLISHED
L. Alpine, A new peer learning model in physiotherapy undergraduate education, Firsthand, 31, (1), 2015, p11 - 11, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
N. O'Shea, Haberlin C, Alpine L, J. Reed(ed.), WCPT Congress 2015, Why teach? A qualitative study of the themes which influence therapist's to become clinical educators , Singapore, 2015, 2015, Proceedings of a Conference, PUBLISHED
L. Alpine, Clinical Education Facing Capacity Challenges, Irish Network of Medical Educators Conference (Alpine L). In Proceeding from 7th Annual Scientific , Meeting of Irish Network of Medical Educators., 2014, Poster, PUBLISHED
O'Shea N, Alpine L,Hanlon D(ed.), Proceeding from 7th Annual Scientific Meeting of Irish Network of Medical Educators., Does student supervision reduce the number and duration of patient contacts of the supervising physiotherapist? , Limerick, 2014, Proceedings of a Conference, PUBLISHED
L. Alpine, R. Creighton(ed.), Proceeding from 6th Annual Scientific meeting of Irish Network of Medical Educators. , Closing the Feedback Loop, Dublin, 2013, Proceedings of a Conference, PUBLISHED

Page 1 of 2
O'Malley E, Scanlon AM, Alpine A, McMahon S., Enabling the Feedback process in work-based learning: A evaluation of the 5 Minute Feedback Form., Journal of Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 2020, p1 - 15 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED


Award Date
Dean's Awards for Outstanding Contribution to Teaching in Professional Practice During COVID19 24/03/21
Practice education research interests include: clinical educator development, clinical supervision models, assessment of students during clinical practice, innovative service developments that support student learning and factors that influence health care professionals to become Practice Educators. Other research interests are hip fracture outcomes and elective orthopaedic surgery.