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Professor Brian Mc Ging

Fellow Emeritus (Classics)
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Professor Brian Mc Ging

Fellow Emeritus (Classics)


  Greek and roman biography   Greek Literature, History and Culture   Hellenistic history   History and Papyrology   Jewish history   Literature
Project Title
 Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies
Research Project Leadership: Mediterranean and near Eastern Studies Since 1998 I have been Principal Investigator for Trinity College's Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies project (MNES), a joint initiative by the Departments of Classics and of Religions and Theology. We have been successful in attracting financial support from the Higher Education Authority under the Programme for Research in Third Level Institutions. In the first round of funding we received £276,000 for three years, and in PRTLI 3, Euro 1.27 million for another five years. The primary subject is the study of cultural encounter in the ancient world between east and west, and particularly in the region of the eastern Mediterranean and Levant. Our biggest expenditure has been on the support of five postgraduate students and three postdoctoral fellows; and on the Centre for the Study of the Platonic Tradition, an integral part of MNES. We have also held over 100 seminars with resident scholars and visitors from all over the world. Eight international workshops have been, or are in the process of being, prepared for publication, and we have supported the further publication of articles and books. We ran a popular series of evening lectures for the general public in 2002 and 2003, the latter, 'Egypt from the Pharaohs to Muhammed', attracting a regular audience of between 200 and 600 people. Another public course on Egypt was held in 2007.
Funding Agency

Details Date
Editorial circle, Archiv fur Papyrologie und verwandte Gebiete 2009
Royal Irish Academy, member National Committee for Greek and Latin Studies 1984-1991
Royal Irish Academy, member Greek and Roman Committee 2006-
Royal Irish Academy, Secretary National Committee for Greek and Latin Studies 1988-1991
Royal Irish Academy, member National Committee for Greek and Latin Studies 1996-1999
External examiner in Latin, University of Manchester 1990-1994
External examiner in Ancient History, University of Warwick 1997-2000
Editor, Hermathena 1986-
Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
French Fluent Medium Medium
German Fluent Fluent Fluent
Italian Medium Basic Basic
Papyrology in its second century, and the Chester Beatty in, editor(s)Garrick Allen et al , The Chester Beatty Biblical Papyri at Ninety, Berlin, de Gruyter, 2023, pp7 - 17, [Brian McGing], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Brian McGing, The Beginning and End of Appian's Mithridateios, Classical Quarterly, 71, (2), 2021, p791 - 798, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Greece, Rome and the Revolutionaries of 1916 in, editor(s)Isabelle Torrance, Donncha O'Rourke , Classics and Irish Politics 1916-2016, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2020, pp43 - 59, [Brian McGing], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Appian Roman History volume 4, Brian McGing, (Loeb Classical Library), Cambridge MA and London:, Harvard University Press, 2020, - pp. 539, Critical Edition (Book), PUBLISHED
Appian Roman History volume 5, Brian McGing, (Loeb Classical Library), Cambridge MA and London:, Harvard University Press, 2020, - pp. 429, Critical Edition (Book), PUBLISHED
Appian Roman History volume 6, Brian McGing, (Loeb Classical Library), Cambridge MA and London:, Harvard University Press, 2020, - pp. 341, Critical Edition (Book), PUBLISHED
Egypt's specificity and impact on Hellenistic history in, editor(s)Katelijn Vandorpe , A Companion to Greco-Roman and Late Antique Egypt, Wiley Blackwell, Wiley, 2019, pp565 - 572, [Brian McGing], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Appian Roman History volume 1, Brian McGing, (Loeb Classical Library), Cambridge MA and London:, Harvard University Press, 2019, - pp. xxliii + 407, Critical Edition (Book), PUBLISHED
Appian Roman History volume 2, Brian McGing, (Loeb Classical Library), Cambridge MA and London:, Harvard University Press, 2019, - pp.353, Critical Edition (Book), PUBLISHED
Appian Roman History volume 3, Brian McGing, (Loeb Classical Library), Cambridge MA and London:, Harvard University Press, 2019, - pp.393, Critical Edition (Book), PUBLISHED

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Award Date
Elected Member of the Royal Irish Academy 2004
Foreign Member, Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium 2008
Alexander von Humboldt Fellow, Heidelberg 1991-1993
Elected to Fellowship, Trinity College Dublin 1989
Open Fellowship, Toronto 1976-1978
Junior Fellow, Trinity College, Toronto 1976-1978
Connaught Fellowship, Toronto 1975-1976
Junior Fellow, Massey College, Toronto 1975-1978
My main research interests are : the history of Asia Minor in the Hellenistic period; Greek historiography; papyrology and the history of Greco-Roman Egypt; Jews and Judaism in Hellenistic and early Roman times; Apart from articles on various matters of papyrology and ancient history, I have the following major research projects: 1. Publication of a book on Polybius for Oxford University Press. 2. Publication of 1st century AD papyri in Chester Beatty Library. 3. Retranslation of Loeb edition of Appian.