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Dr. Lilian Alweiss

Associate Professor (Philosophy)
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Dr. Lilian Alweiss

Associate Professor (Philosophy)

  Continental philosophy   Ethics   Heidegger   Husserl   Kant   Kant (Theoretical and Practical Philosophy)   Post-Kantian Philosophy   Wittgenstein
Details Date
Editorial Board of Contributions to Phenomenology (Springer Publishers). Since its establishment in 1987, it has published more than 100 titles on diverse themes in phenomenology.
Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
French Medium Basic Medium
German Fluent Fluent Fluent
Seeing more than what meets the Eye; A Critical Engagment with P F Strawson in, editor(s)Edited by Audun Bengtson, Benjamin De Mesel and Sybren Heyndels , Strawson and His Legacy, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2024, [Lilian Alweiss], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
LIlian S Alweiss, The Unity Argument: Phenomenology's Departure from Kant, European Journal of Philosophy, 2024, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Husserl's Third Meditation: Ontology after Kant in, editor(s)Daniel de Santis , Edmund Husserl, The Cartesian Meditations. Commentary and Interpretation, Baden Baden, Karl Alber Verlag, 2023, [Lilian alweiss], Notes: [Phänomenologie,Vol 34], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Lilian Alweiss, The Theatre is the Opium of the People A Voice of Dissent to Wadow"s Reading of Rousseau, International Journal for Philosophical Studies, 21, (2), 2023, p221 - 231, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Lilian Alweiss, Self-Consciousness without an "I"; A Critique of Zahavi's account of the Minimal Self, Research in Phenomenology, 52, (1), 2022, p84 - 119, Journal Article, IN_PRESS
Back to space in, editor(s)Timothy Burns, Thomas Szanto, Alessandro Salice, Maxime Doyon, Augustin Augustin Dumont , The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy, vol.17, CRC Press, 2020, pp97 - 112, [Lilian Alweiss], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Von Kant zu Descartes and Zurück in, editor(s)Michael Staudigl , Das Primat der Gegebenheit. Zur Transformation der Phänomenologie nach Jean-Luc Marion, Alber Verlag, 2020, pp79 - 111, [Lilian Alweiss], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Lilian Alweiss, Existential Flourishing - an Oxymoron? , International Journal for Philosophical Studies, 2020, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Lilian Alweiss, Embodiment and Self; Evans Cassam and Husserl , Philosophy, 93, (363), 2018, p31 - 52, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Lilian Alweiss, Heidegger's Black Notebooks - Discussion, Philosophy, 90, 2015, p305 - 316, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI

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Lilian Alweiss, Beyond Existence and Non-Existence translated by Chunlan Zhou, Chinese Journal of Contemporary Values, 49, (1), 2024, p106 - 117, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Lilian Alweiss, 'Assistant Professor', What is Good, Podcast, 2020, -, Broadcast, PUBLISHED
Lilian Alweiss, 'The Ethics of Eating Meat', Dublin, 2017, -, Broadcast, PUBLISHED
Musing about Alan and Modern European Philosophy in, editor(s)Catherine Audard-Montefiore, Nicholas Bunnin, Paul Flather, Maurice Fraser and Steven Lewis , Life and Philosophy; Essays to honour Alan Montefiore on his 85th Birthday, Oxford, FEP University of Oxford, 2011, pp24 - 29, [Lilian Alweiss], Book Chapter, PUBLISHED
Lilian Alweiss, The Work of Michel Henry, International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 17, (3), 2009, p359 - 360, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Lilian Alweiss, ''Edmund Husserl (1859-1938) by R. Bernet', A Companion for Continental Philosophy, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1997, -, Translation, PUBLISHED


Award Date
MA (jure officii) June 2013
Irish Research Council for the Humanities 2003-4
Associate Research Fellow School of Advanced Studies - Philosophy Programme - University of London 2003-4