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Professor Aiden Corvin

Professor of Psychiatry/Consultant Psych (Psychiatry)
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Professor Aiden Corvin

Professor of Psychiatry/Consultant Psych (Psychiatry)

Professor Aiden Corvin (MB, PhD, MRCPsych, FTCD) is a Professor in the Discipline of Psychiatry TCD (formerly Head of Discipline 2016-2022) and Clinical Director of the St. James"s Hospital Mental Health Service. He leads the Neuropsychiatric Genetics Research Group at TCD. Over more than twenty years he has investigated the genetic basis of psychiatric disorders, in particular schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. His work is driven by the clinical imperatives of being able to answer the questions of patients and their families; to improve understanding of disease biology; and to develop better patient care. He has significantly contributed to a revolution in understanding of the genetic basis of psychiatric disorders. He was lead investigator for schizophrenia with the Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium (WTCCCC) and is Chair of the Pedigree Sequencing Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium (PGC), an international collaborative research project that includes more than 800 scientists. He has published in journals such as Science, Nature, Nature Genetics, JAMA Psychiatry, and the British Journal of Psychiatry. His work has been funded by the National Institute of Health (US), Wellcome, Science Foundation Ireland, and the Health Research Board, Ireland. He is consistently one of the most cited Irish biomedical scientists and has published more than 320 peer reviewed journal articles (h-index 100 and >65,000 citations as of October 2023).
  Aetiology of mental illness   Cognitive dysfunction in psychotic disorders   Neurodegenerative diseases including schizophrenia & Alzheimer's disease   Neurogenetics   Psychiatric genetics   Schizophrenia
Ormond C, Ryan NM, Byerley W, Heron EA, Corvin A, Investigating copy number variants in schizophrenia pedigrees using a new consensus pipeline called PECAN, Scientific Reports, 2024, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Ormond C, Ryan NM, Hedman A, Cannon T, Sullivan P, Gill M, Hultman CM, Heron EA, Johansson, V, and Corvin, A, Whole genome sequencing study of identical twins discordant for psychosis., Translational Psychiatry, 2024, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Trastulla, L. and Dolgalev, G. and Moser, S. and Jiménez-Barrón, L.T. and Andlauer, T.F.M. and von Scheidt, M. and Ruderfer, D.M. and Ripke, S. and McQuillin, A. and Stahl, E.A. and Domenici, E. and Adolfsson, R. and Agartz, I. and Agerbo, E. and Albus, M. and Alexander, M. and Amin, F. and Bacanu, S.A. and Begemann, M. and Belliveau, R.A. and Bene, J. and Bergen, S.E. and Bevilacqua, E. and Bigdeli, T.B. and Black, D.W. and Blackwood, D.H.R. and Borglum, A.D. and Bramon, E. and Bruggeman, R. and Buccola, N.G. and Buckner, R.L. and Bulik-Sullivan, B. and Buxbaum, J.D. and Byerley, W. and Cahn, W. and Cai, G. and Campion, D. and Cantor, R.M. and Carr, V.J. and Carrera, N. and Catts, S.V. and Chambert, K.D. and Chan, R.C.K. and Chen, E.Y.H. and Chen, R.Y.L. and Cheng, W. and Cheung, E.F.C. and Chong, S.A. and Cichon, S. and Cloninger, C.R. and Cohen, D. and Cohen, N. and Collier, D.A. and Cormican, P. and Craddock, N. and Crowley, J.J. and Daly, M.J. and Darvasi, A. and Davidson, M. and Davis, K.L. and Degenhardt, F. and Del Favero, J. and Demontis, D. and Dikeos, D. and Dinan, T. and Djurovic, S. and Donohoe, G. and Drapeau, E. and Duan, J. and Dudbridge, F. and Ehrenreich, H. and Eichhammer, P. and Eriksson, J. and Escott-Price, V. and Esko, T. and Essioux, L. and Farh, K.-H. and Farrell, M.S. and Frank, J. and Franke, L. and Freedman, R. and Freimer, N.B. and Friedman, J.I. and Fromer, M. and Gejman, P.V. and Genovese, G. and Georgieva, L. and Giegling, I. and Gill, M. and Giusti-Rodriguez, P. and Godard, S. and Goldstein, J.I. and Gopal, S. and Gratten, J. and Gurling, H. and de Haan, L. and Hammer, C. and Hamshere, M.L. and Hansen, M. and Hansen, T. and Haroutunian, V. and Hartmann, A.M. and Henskens, F.A. and Herms, S. and Hirschhorn, J.N. and Hoffmann, P. and Hofman, A. and Hollegaard, M.V. and Hougaard, D.M. and Huang, H. and Hultman, C.M. and Ikeda, M. and Iwata, N. and Jablensky, A.V. and Joa, I. and Jonsson, E.G. and Julia, A. and Kahler, A.K. and Kahn, R.S. and Kalaydjieva, L. and Karachanak-Yankova, S. and Karjalainen, J. and Kavanagh, D. and Keller, M.C. and Kennedy, J.L. and Khrunin, A. and Kim, Y. and Kirov, G. and Klovins, J. and Knight, J. and Knowles, J.A. and Konte, B. and Kucinskas, V. and Kucinskiene, Z.A. and Kuzelova-Ptackova, H. and Laurent, C. and Leboyer, M. and Lee, P.H. and Keong, J.L.C. and Legge, S.E. and Lencz, T. and Lerer, B. and Levinson, D.F. and Li, M. and Li, Q.S. and Li, T. and Liang, K.-Y. and Lieberman, J. and Limborska, S. and Liu, J. and Lonnqvist, J. and Loughland, C.M. and Jan Lubinski and Macek, M. and Magnusson, P.K.E. and Maher, B.S. and Maier, W. and Malhotra, A.K. and Mallet, J. and Marsal, S. and Mattheisen, M. and Mattingsdal, M. and McCarley, R.W. and McCarroll, S.A. and McDonald, C. and McIntosh, A.M. and Meier, S. and Meijer, C.J. and Melegh, B. and Melle, I. and Mesholam-Gately, R.I. and Metspalu, A. and Michie, P.T. and Milani, L. and Milanova, V. and Mokrab, Y. and Moran, J.L. and Morris, D.W. and Mors, O. and Mortensen, P.B. and Mowry, B.J. and Murphy, K.C. and Murray, R.M. and Myin-Germeys, I. and Neale, B.M. and Nelis, M. and Nenadic, I. and Nertney, D.A. and Nestadt, G. and Nicodemus, K.K. and Nikitina-Zake, L. and Nisenbaum, L. and Nordin, A. and Nothen, M.M. and O†Callaghan, , Distinct genetic liability profiles define clinically relevant patient strata across common diseases, Nature Communications, 15, (1), 2024, Notes: [cited By 1], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Ali, D. and Laighneach, A. and Corley, E. and Patlola, S.R. and Mahoney, R. and Holleran, L. and McKernan, D.P. and Kelly, J.P. and Corvin, A.P. and Hallahan, B. and McDonald, C. and Donohoe, G. and Morris, D.W., Direct targets of MEF2C are enriched for genes associated with schizophrenia and cognitive function and are involved in neuron development and mitochondrial function, PLoS Genetics, 20, (9), 2024, Notes: [cited By 0], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Ho, N.C.W. and Bethlehem, R.A.I. and Seidlitz, J. and Nogovitsyn, N. and Metzak, P. and Ballester, P.L. and Hassel, S. and Rotzinger, S. and Poppenk, J. and Lam, R.W. and Taylor, V.H. and Milev, R. and Adamson, C. and Adler, S. and Alexander-Bloch, A.F. and Anagnostou, E. and Anderson, K.M. and Areces-Gonzalez, A. and Astle, D.E. and Auyeung, B. and Ayub, M. and Bae, J.B. and Ball, G. and Baron-Cohen, S. and Beare, R. and Bedford, S.A. and Benegal, V. and Beyer, F. and Blangero, J. and Cábez, M.B. and Boardman, J.P. and Borzage, M. and Bosch-Bayard, J.F. and Bourke, N. and Bullmore, E.T. and Calhoun, V.D. and Chakravarty, M.M. and Chen, C. and Chertavian, C. and Chetelat, G. and Chong, Y.S. and Corvin, A. and Costantino, M. and Courchesne, E. and Crivello, F. and Cropley, V.L. and Crosbie, J. and Crossley, N. and Delarue, M. and Delorme, R. and Desrivieres, S. and Devenyi, G. and Di Biase, M.A. and Dolan, R. and Donald, K.A. and Donohoe, G. and Dorfschmidt, L. and Dunlop, K. and Edwards, A.D. and Elison, J.T. and Ellis, C.T. and Elman, J.A. and Eyler, L. and Fair, D.A. and Fletcher, P.C. and Fonagy, P. and Franz, C.E. and Galan-Garcia, L. and Gholipour, A. and Giedd, J. and Gilmore, J.H. and Glahn, D.C. and Goodyer, I.M. and Grant, P.E. and Groenewold, N.A. and Gudapati, S. and Gunning, F.M. and Gur, R.E. and Gur, R.C. and Hammill, C.F. and Hansson, O. and Hedden, T. and Heinz, A. and Henson, R.N. and Heuer, K. and Hoare, J. and Holla, B. and Holmes, A.J. and Huang, H. and Ipser, J. and Jack, C.R. and Jackowski, A.P. and Jia, T. and Jones, D.T. and Jones, P.B. and Kahn, R.S. and Karlsson, H. and Karlsson, L. and Kawashima, R. and Kelley, E.A. and Kern, S. and Kim, K.-W. and Kitzbichler, M.G. and Kremen, W.S. and Lalonde, F. and Landeau, B. and Lerch, J. and Lewis, J.D. and Li, J. and Liao, W. and Liston, C. and Lombardo, M.V. and Lv, J. and Mallard, T.T. and Marcelis, M. and Mathias, S.R. and Mazoyer, B. and McGuire, P. and Meaney, M.J. and Mechelli, A. and Misic, B. and Morgan, S.E. and Mothersill, D. and Ortinau, C. and Ossenkoppele, R. and Ouyang, M. and Palaniyappan, L. and Paly, L. and Pan, P.M. and Pantelis, C. and Park, M.T.M. and Paus, T. and Pausova, Z. and Paz-Linares, D. and Binette, A.P. and Pierce, K. and Qian, X. and Qiu, A. and Raznahan, A. and Rittman, T. and Rodrigue, A. and Rollins, C.K. and Romero-Garcia, R. and Ronan, L. and Rosenberg, M.D. and Rowitch, D.H. and Salum, G.A. and Satterthwaite, T.D. and Schaare, H.L. and Schabdach, J. and Schachar, R.J. and Schöll, M. and Schultz, A.P. and Sharp, D. and Shinohara, R.T. and Skoog, I. and Smyser, C.D. and Sperling, R.A. and Stein, D.J. and Stolicyn, A. and Suckling, J. and Sullivan, G. and Thyreau, B. and Toro, R. and Traut, N. and Tsvetanov, K.A. and Turk-Browne, N.B. and Tuulari, J.J. and Tzourio, C. and Vachon-Presseau, à . and Valdes-Sosa, M.J. and Valdes-Sosa, P.A. and Valk, S.L. and van Amelsvoort, T. and Vandekar, S.N. and Vasung, L. and Vértes, P.E. and Victoria, L.W. and Villeneuve, S. and Villringer, A. and Vogel, J.W. and Wagstyl, K. and Wang, Y.-S.S. and Warfield, S.K. and Warrier, V. and Westman, E. and Westwater, M.L. and Whalley, H.C. and White, S.R. and Witte, A.V. and Yang, N. and Yeo, B.T.T. and Yun, H.J. and Zalesky, A. and Zar, H.J. and Zettergren, A. , Atypical Brain Aging and Its Association With Working Memory Performance in Major Depressive Disorder, Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 9, (8), 2024, p786-799 , Notes: [cited By 0], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Knol, M.J. and Poot, R.A. and Evans, T.E. and Satizabal, C.L. and Mishra, A. and Sargurupremraj, M. and van der Auwera, S. and Duperron, M.-G. and Jian, X. and Hostettler, I.C. and van Dam-Nolen, D.H.K. and Lamballais, S. and Pawlak, M.A. and Lewis, C.E. and Carrion-Castillo, A. and van Erp, T.G.M. and Reinbold, C.S. and Shin, J. and Scholz, M. and HÃ¥berg, A.K. and KÀmpe, A. and Li, G.H.Y. and Avinun, R. and Atkins, J.R. and Hsu, F.-C. and Amod, A.R. and Lam, M. and Tsuchida, A. and Teunissen, M.W.A. and AygÃŒn, N. and Patel, Y. and Liang, D. and Beiser, A.S. and Beyer, F. and Bis, J.C. and Bos, D. and Bryan, R.N. and BÃŒlow, R. and Caspers, S. and Catheline, G. and Cecil, C.A.M. and Dalvie, S. and Dartigues, J.-F. and DeCarli, C. and Enlund-Cerullo, M. and Ford, J.M. and Franke, B. and Freedman, B.I. and Friedrich, N. and Green, M.J. and Haworth, S. and Helmer, C. and Hoffmann, P. and Homuth, G. and Ikram, M.K. and Jack, C.R. and Jahanshad, N. and Jockwitz, C. and Kamatani, Y. and Knodt, A.R. and Li, S. and Lim, K. and Longstreth, W.T. and Macciardi, F. and Amouyel, P. and Arfanakis, K. and Aribisala, B.S. and Bastin, M.E. and Chauhan, G. and Chen, C. and Cheng, C.-Y. and de Jager, P.L. and Deary, I.J. and Fleischman, D.A. and Gottesman, R.F. and Gudnason, V. and Hilal, S. and Hofer, E. and Janowitz, D. and Jukema, J.W. and Liewald, D.C.M. and Lopez, L.M. and Lopez, O. and Luciano, M. and Martinez, O. and Niessen, W.J. and Nyquist, P. and Rotter, J.I. and Rundek, T. and Sacco, R.L. and Schmidt, H. and Tiemeier, H. and Trompet, S. and van der Grond, J. and Völzke, H. and Wardlaw, J.M. and Yanek, L. and Yang, J. and Agartz, I. and Alhusaini, S. and Almasy, L. and Ames, D. and Amunts, K. and Andreassen, O.A. and Armstrong, N. and Bernard, M. and Blangero, J. and Blanken, L.M.E. and Boks, M.P. and Boomsma, D.I. and Brickman, A.M. and Brodaty, H. and Buckner, R.L. and Buitelaar, J.K. and Cannon, D.M. and Carr, V.J. and Catts, S.V. and Chakravarty, M.M. and Chen, Q. and Ching, C.R.K. and Corvin, A. and Crespo-Facorro, B. and Curran, J.E. and Davies, G.E. and de Geus, E.J.C. and de Zubicaray, G.I. and den Braber, A. and DesriviÚres, S. and Dillman, A. and Djurovic, S. and Drevets, W.C. and Duggirala, R. and Ehrlich, S. and Erk, S. and Espeseth, T. and Fedko, I.O. and Fernández, G. and Fisher, S.E. and Foroud, T.M. and Ge, T. and Giddaluru, S. and Glahn, D.C. and Goldman, A.L. and Green, R.C. and Greven, C.U. and Grimm, O. and Hansell, N.K. and Hartman, C.A. and Hashimoto, R. and Heinz, A. and Henskens, F. and Hibar, D.P. and Ho, B.-C. and Hoekstra, P.J. and Holmes, A.J. and Hoogman, M. and Hottenga, J.-J. and Hulshoff Pol, H.E. and Jablensky, A. and Jenkinson, M. and Jia, T. and Jöckel, K.-H. and Jönsson, E.G. and Kim, S. and Klein, M. and Kochunov, P. and Kwok, J.B. and Lawrie, S.M. and Le Hellard, S. and Lemaître, H. and Loughland, C. and Marquand, A.F. and Martin, N.G. and Martinot, J.-L. and Matarin, M. and Mathalon, D.H. and Mather, K.A. and Mattay, V.S. and McDonald, C. and McMahon, F.J. and McMahon, K.L. and E, R. and McWhirter and Mecocci, P. and Melle, I. and Meyer-Lindenberg, A. and Michie, P.T. and Milaneschi, Y. and Morris, D.W. and Mowry, B. and Nho, K. and Nichols, T.E. and Nöthen, M.N. and Olvera, R.L. and Oosterlaan, J. a, Genetic variants for head size share genes and pathways with cancer, Cell Reports Medicine, 5, (5), 2024, Notes: [cited By 1], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Blokland, G.A.M. and Maleki, N. and Jovicich, J. and Mesholam-Gately, R.I. and DeLisi, L.E. and Turner, J.A. and Shenton, M.E. and Voineskos, A.N. and Kahn, R.S. and Roffman, J.L. and Holt, D.J. and Ehrlich, S. and Kikinis, Z. and Dazzan, P. and Murray, R.M. and Lee, J. and Sim, K. and Lam, M. and de Zwarte, S.M.C. and Walton, E. and Kelly, S. and Picchioni, M.M. and Bramon, E. and Makris, N. and David, A.S. and Mondelli, V. and Reinders, A.A.T.S. and Oykhman, E. and Morris, D.W. and Gill, M. and Corvin, A.P. and Cahn, W. and Ho, N. and Liu, J. and Gollub, R.L. and Manoach, D.S. and Calhoun, V.D. and Sponheim, S.R. and Buka, S.L. and Cherkerzian, S. and Thermenos, H.W. and Dickie, E.W. and Ciufolini, S. and Reis Marques, T. and Crossley, N.A. and Purcell, S.M. and Smoller, J.W. and van Haren, N.E.M. and Toulopoulou, T. and Donohoe, G. and Goldstein, J.M. and Keshavan, M.S. and Petryshen, T.L. and del Re, E.C., MIR137 polygenic risk for schizophrenia and ephrin-regulated pathway: Role in lateral ventricles and corpus callosum volume, International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 24, (2), 2024, Notes: [cited By 0], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Boen, R. and Kaufmann, T. and van der Meer, D. and Frei, O. and Agartz, I. and Ames, D. and Andersson, M. and Armstrong, N.J. and Artiges, E. and Atkins, J.R. and Bauer, J. and Benedetti, F. and Boomsma, D.I. and Brodaty, H. and Brosch, K. and Buckner, R.L. and Cairns, M.J. and Calhoun, V. and Caspers, S. and Cichon, S. and Corvin, A.P. and Crespo-Facorro, B. and Dannlowski, U. and David, F.S. and de Geus, E.J.C. and de Zubicaray, G.I. and DesriviÚres, S. and Doherty, J.L. and Donohoe, G. and Ehrlich, S. and Eising, E. and Espeseth, T. and Fisher, S.E. and Forstner, A.J. and Fortaner-Uyà, L. and Frouin, V. and Fukunaga, M. and Ge, T. and Glahn, D.C. and Goltermann, J. and Grabe, H.J. and Green, M.J. and Groenewold, N.A. and Grotegerd, D. and GrÞntvedt, G.R. and Hahn, T. and Hashimoto, R. and Hehir-Kwa, J.Y. and Henskens, F.A. and Holmes, A.J. and HÃ¥berg, A.K. and Haavik, J. and Jacquemont, S. and Jansen, A. and Jockwitz, C. and Jönsson, E.G. and Kikuchi, M. and Kircher, T. and Kumar, K. and Le Hellard, S. and Leu, C. and Linden, D.E. and Liu, J. and Loughnan, R. and Mather, K.A. and McMahon, K.L. and McRae, A.F. and Medland, S.E. and Meinert, S. and Moreau, C.A. and Morris, D.W. and Mowry, B.J. and MÃŒhleisen, T.W. and NenadiÄ , I. and Nöthen, M.M. and Nyberg, L. and Ophoff, R.A. and Owen, M.J. and Pantelis, C. and Paolini, M. and Paus, T. and Pausova, Z. and Persson, K. and Quidé, Y. and Marques, T.R. and Sachdev, P.S. and Sando, S.B. and Schall, U. and Scott, R.J. and SelbÊk, G. and Shumskaya, E. and Silva, A.I. and Sisodiya, S.M. and Stein, F. and Stein, D.J. and Straube, B. and Streit, F. and Strike, L.T. and Teumer, A. and Teutenberg, L. and Thalamuthu, A. and Tooney, P.A. and Tordesillas-Gutierrez, D. and Trollor, J.N. and van †t Ent, D. and van den Bree, M.B.M. and van Haren, N.E.M. and Vázquez-Bourgon, J. and Völzke, H. and Wen, W. and Wittfeld, K. and Ching, C.R.K. and Westlye, L.T. and Thompson, P.M. and Bearden, C.E. and Selmer, K.K. and AlnÊs, D. and Andreassen, O.A. and SÞnderby, I.E., Beyond the Global Brain Differences: Intraindividual Variability Differences in 1q21.1 Distal and 15q11.2 BP1-BP2 Deletion Carriers, Biological Psychiatry, 95, (2), 2024, p147-160 , Notes: [cited By 0], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Ryan, N. and Ormond, C. and Brady, P. and Heron, E. and Corvin, A., Genomics of psychiatric disorders, Neurogenetics for the Practitioner, 2024, p79-94 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Corley, E. and Patlola, S.R. and Laighneach, A. and Corvin, A. and McManus, R. and Kenyon, M. and Kelly, J.P. and Mckernan, D.P. and King, S. and Hallahan, B. and Mcdonald, C. and Morris, D.W. and Donohoe, G., Genetic and inflammatory effects on childhood trauma and cognitive functioning in patients with schizophrenia and healthy participants, Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 115, 2024, p26-37 , Notes: [cited By 2], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI

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Robinson, P.C., Leo, P.J., Pointon, J.J., (...), Duncan, E.L., Wordsworth, B.P., The genetic associations of acute anterior uveitis and their overlap with the genetics of ankylosing spondylitis, Genes and Immunity, 17, (1), 2016, p46-51 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Corvin, A., Schizophrenia: Evolution and Synthesis: A think tank to accelerate treatment development and prevention efforts. , Ernst Strungman Forum, Frankfurt, Germany, 20-28th July, 2012, Notes: [Invited contributor], Invited Talk, PUBLISHED
Corvin, A., Symposium Organizer, Schizophrenia International Research Society,, April 16th, In:Schizophrenia International Research Society,, 2012, Florence, Italy, Meetings /Conferences Organised, PUBLISHED
Corvin A. , The changing faces of schizophrenia. The Big Idea. , 2012, -, Miscellaneous, PUBLISHED
Corvin AP, McGhee K, Murphy K, Walsh C, Kenny N, Nangle J, Schwaiger S, Baldwin P, Scully P, Quinn J, Crumlish N, O'Callaghan E, Waddington J, Morris D, Gill M, Evidence for association and interaction between G72 and DAAO markers in an Irish case-control schizophrenia sample, American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics, SEP 5, 138B, (1), 2005, pp25 - 25, Meeting Abstract, PUBLISHED


I am interested in applying genomics methods to improving understanding of heritable major mental disorders and cognitive processes. Specifically, my research involves the identification and characterization of genes/molecular pathways contributing to disorders such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. I have headed the Psychosis Research Group at the Neuropsychiatric Genetics Laboratory since 1999. The group's research activities span from the genome to clinical symptoms (including genomics, biostatistics, bioinformatics, clinical phenotyping, neuropsychology, electrophysiology and neuroimaging). We collaborate with local researchers at the Institute of Molecular Medicine, Department of Genetics and TCIN. We are members of the International Schizophrenia Consortium and collaborate with researchers in the UK, Italy, Australia and US. I am also involved in projects relating to the genetics of cognition and synaesthesia.