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Professor Ross Mc Manus

Professor in Molecular Medicine (Clinical Medicine)
Professor in Molecular Medicine (Molecular Medicine Ireland)
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Professor Ross Mc Manus

Professor in Molecular Medicine (Clinical Medicine)

Professor in Molecular Medicine (Molecular Medicine Ireland)

  Autoimmunity   Chronic inflamation   Coeliac disease   GENE EXPRESSION ANALYSIS   GENE POLYMORPHISM   Genetic Analysis of Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SARS)   Genetic Mapping, Gene Sequence   Genetics   Genetics of inflammatory disease   Genomes, Genomics   Genomic structure and function, molecular approaches to gene function   Inflammatory bowel disease   Molecular Genetics   PSORIASIS   SEPSIS
Project Title
 COVREs: Understanding the Host-Virus Response in Patients with Mild versus Serious Disease
01 December 2020
31 January 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic poses enormous challenges to the health of the Irish population, north and south. Developments in either jurisdiction may affect the other, necessitating disease management on an all-island basis. Susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 and disease manifestation are affected by both genetic and environmental/demographic factors - the latter including age, gender and metabolic parameters. Host genomics from HLA/MHC alleles to genes with immune function are known to modify host response and clinical course very considerably in many infectious diseases. Thus there is enormous interest internationally in how host genetics affects COVID-19; however there is no data on the host genomics of the Irish population in relation to COVID-19 currently. This is an important and significant deficit which must be rectified to understand the pandemic dynamics in Ireland. The partners in this application, including Genuity Sciences will sequence (at no cost) whole genomes and transcriptomes of 1000 individuals from Ireland. We will also collect information on gene regulatory mechanisms (epigenetics) and the oral-microbiome. Finally we will address knowledge deficits relating to downstream immune function in these patients to generate an all-Ireland repository of genomic, transcriptomic, epigenetic and immune related data which will be an important tool to combat this disease.
Funding Agency
Science Foundation Ireland
COVID-19 Programme
Person Months
Project Title
  How immunology can help to address the COVID-19 epidemic in Ireland
01 September 2020
31 August 2023
Funding Agency
Science Foundation Ireland
COVID-19 Programme
Project Type
Project Title
  Protecting the ICU - A prognostic test to predict clinical course and direct therapy in patients infected with SARS-COV2
May 2020
Apr 2021
SARS-COV2 infection is threatening acute hospital and intensive care unit capacity globally. There is an acute need for a prognostic test which will identify patients at either high or low risk of developing a severe response to COVID-19 infection. Such a test, by identifying whether the immune response is insufficient or excessive, could also help inform therapeutic options during disease progression, We have a long track-record of investigating immune parameters in hospitalised patients with infection and sepsis. We have previously identified a 6 cytokine signature upon admission that discriminates between patients who will experience an uneventful recovery compared to those who develop sepsis. We have also identified IL-7 as an indicator of severe disease in children with viral bronchiolitis and more recently described characteristic immune deficits in severe patients notably dominated by reduced effector T-lymphocyte differentiation. These findings indicate that defects in the immune response in the early stages of disease are strongly correlated with poor outcome. We propose to investigate patients with mild infection, severe infection and controls using a state-of-the art single cell transcriptomic analysis platform. This will allow us to identify a unique Immune response signature from different cells in patients that have mild vs those with a severe response to infection. This signature will be rapidly transformed into a simple flow cytometry or PCR based prognostic assay that can be run in hospital laboratories. This simple assay will identify individuals likely to develop a severe reaction to SARS-COV2 infection requiring ICU admission, but more importantly, will identify infected individuals that can be safely sent home to self- isolate freeing up critical hospital resources, decreasing costs and reducing the risk of viral spread. Importantly, it will also identify immune deficits in patients, informing evidence-based therapeutic options. This project can deliver a prognostic assay within 6 months.
Funding Agency
Project Type
Translational research
Person Months
Project Title
 Changing Landscapes in the Health and Life Sciences: Ethical Challenges of Big Data
Sept 2020
Aug 2023
Funding Agency
Project Type
Strategic Partnership

Details Date
External examiner on the MSc in Geonomic Medicine, Imperial College London 2023
External Examiner, Continuing PhD Assessment Annual Meeting, University College Cork 2019-2022
Member of Molecular Medicine Ireland (MMI)/Clinical Research Development Ireland (CRDI) Education Committee 2003 - 2020
Council member, Irish Society of Human Genetics 2004 - 2008
External examiner on the Research Masters in Biomedicine, Queens University Belfast 2017-2018
External examiner on MSc in Biomedicine, University of Barcelona 2015 - 2016
Member, Scientific Committee, FINBAR, all-Ireland genetic epidemiology study of oesophageal cancer 2003 - 2009
Member, PHG Funded PI's and Researchers, All Researchers funded under Cycle 3 PRTLI - Programme for Human Genomics
Member of LIPGENE WP1.1. Genetic association study of candidate genes in the Metabolic Syndrome in a large French cohort. 2004 - 2009
Member of Eurolife Network of European Universities in the Life Sciences Steering Committee 2005 - present
Chairperson of Eurolife Joint Educational Programme in Translational and Experimental Medicine 2008 - 2013
Coordinator, Eurolife Network 2009 - 2011
Language Skill Reading Skill Writing Skill Speaking
French Medium Medium Medium
Details Date From Date To
American Society of Human Genetics 2003 present
Irish Society of Human Genetics 2001 present
European Society of Human Genetics 2005 present
Irish Society of Immunology 2008 present
Corley, E. and Patlola, S.R. and Laighneach, A. and Corvin, A. and McManus, R. and Kenyon, M. and Kelly, J.P. and Mckernan, D.P. and King, S. and Hallahan, B. and Mcdonald, C. and Morris, D.W. and Donohoe, G., Genetic and inflammatory effects on childhood trauma and cognitive functioning in patients with schizophrenia and healthy participants, Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 115, 2024, p26-37 , Notes: [cited By 2], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Kenyon M, Gallagher P, Dinneen B, O'Shea F, McManus R., Distinct clinical outcomes linked to peripheral arthritis and dactylitis in axial spondyloarthritis: findings from a retrospective Irish cohort., Rheumatology international, 44, (11), 2024, p2517-2525 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
King S., Mothersill D., Holleran L., Patlola S.R., Burke T., McManus R., Kenyon M., McDonald C., Hallahan B., Corvin A., Morris D.W., Kelly J.P., McKernan D.P., Donohoe G., Early life stress, low-grade systemic inflammation and weaker suppression of the default mode network (DMN) during face processing in Schizophrenia, Translational Psychiatry, 13, (1), 2023, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Shraim R, Farran MZ, He G, Marunica Karsaj J, Zgaga L, McManus R., Systematic review on gene-sun exposure interactions in skin cancer., Molecular genetics & genomic medicine, 11, (10), 2023, pe2259 , Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Shraim R, van Geffen J, van Weele M, McManus R, Zgaga L, Vitamin D sunshine genetics, American Society of Human Genetics Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, USA, 1-5 November 2023, 2023, Poster, PUBLISHED
Kenyon, M. and Maguire, S. and Rueda Pujol, A. and O†Shea, F. and McManus, R., The genetic backbone of ankylosing spondylitis: how knowledge of genetic susceptibility informs our understanding and management of disease, Rheumatology International, 42, (12), 2022, p2085-2095 , Notes: [cited By 0], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Soomro, M. and Stadler, M. and Dand, N. and Bluett, J. and Jadon, D. and Jalali-najafabadi, F. and Duckworth, M. and Ho, P. and Marzo-Ortega, H. and Helliwell, P.S. and Ryan, A.W. and Kane, D. and Korendowych, E. and Simpson, M.A. and Packham, J. and McManus, R. and Gabay, C. and Lamacchia, C. and Nissen, M.J. and Brown, M.A. and Verstappen, S.M.M. and Van Staa, T. and Barker, J.N. and Smith, C.H. and Chalmers, R. and Flohr, C. and Watson, K. and Prieto-Merino, D. and Alabas, O. and Barker, J. and Becher, G. and Bewley, A. and Burden, D. and Morrison, S. and Laws, P. and Evans, I. and Griffiths, C. and Ahmed, S. and Kirby, B. and Kleyn, E. and Lawson, L. and Mackenzie, T. and McPherson, T. and McElhone, K. and Murphy, R. and Ormerod, A. and Owen, C. and Reynolds, N. and Rashid, A. and Smith, C. and Warren, R. and Burden, D. and Smith, C. and Siebert, S. and Brown, S. and McAteer, H. and Schofield, J. and Dand, N. and FitzGerald, O. and McHugh, N. and Warren, R.B. and Bowes, J. and Barton, A., Comparative Genetic Analysis of Psoriatic Arthritis and Psoriasis for the Discovery of Genetic Risk Factors and Risk Prediction Modeling, Arthritis and Rheumatology, 74, (9), 2022, p1535-1543 , Notes: [cited By 1], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Shraim, R. and Macdonnchadha, C. and Vrbanic, L. and McManus, R. and Zgaga, L., Gene-Environment Interactions in Vitamin D Status and Sun Exposure: A Systematic Review with Recommendations for Future Research, Nutrients, 14, (13), 2022, Notes: [cited By 0], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
King, S. and Mothersill, D. and Holleran, L. and Patlola, S. and McManus, R. and Kenyon, M. and McDonald, C. and Hallahan, B. and Corvin, A. and Morris, D.W. and Kelly, J.P. and McKernan, D. and Donohoe, G., Childhood trauma, IL-6 and weaker suppression of the default mode network (DMN) during theory of mind (ToM) performance in schizophrenia, Brain, Behavior, and Immunity - Health, 26, (100540), 2022, Notes: [cited By 4], Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI
Laura O'Doherty, Stuart Hendricken Phelan, Nicole Wood, Sorcha O'Brien, Jacklyn Sui, Cian Mangan, Fergal Howley, Siobhan O'Regan, Noor Adeebah Mohamed Razif, Ciara Conlan, Ruth Argue, Samuel Holohan, Adam Dyer, Fara Salleh, Liam Townsend, Gerard Hughes, Colm Kerr, Derval Reidy, Alberto Sanz, Emma Connolly, Andrea Kelly, Emma Leacy, Conor Reddy, Siobhan Gargan, Eamon Breen, Heike Hawerkamp, Jean Dunne, Ignacio Martin-Loeches, Anne Marie McLaughlin, Aideen Long, Orla Shiels, Padraic Fallon, Martina Hennessy, Roman Romero-Ortuno, Ciaran Bannan, Anna Rose Prior, Ana Rakovac, William McCormack, Ross McManus, Seamus Donnelly, Colm Bergin, Mark Little, Clíona Ní Cheallaigh, Niall Conlon, Study protocol for the St James's Hospital, Tallaght University Hospital, Trinity College Dublin Allied Researchers' (STTAR) Bioresource for COVID-19, HRB Open Research, 2022, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  DOI

Page 1 of 15
Feighery CF, McManus R, Recent advances in the genetic understanding of coeliac disease, Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 68, 2009, p1 - 5, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Kelleher D, McManus R., Mechanisms of steroid action and resistance in inflammatory bowel disease , Falk Symposia, 2005, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
Kelleher D, Farrell R, McManus R, Pharmacogenetics of inflammatory bowel disease, in 'Inflammatory bowel disease - crossroads between microbes, epithelium and immune systems' , Novartis Foundation Symposium , 263, 2004, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
McManus R, Kelleher D. , Celiac disease - the villain unmasked? , New England Journal of Medicine, 348, 2003, p2573 - 2574, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
McManus R, Mechanisms of Steroid Action and Resistance in Inflammation and Disease., Journal of Endocrinology, 178, (1), 2003, p1-4 , Notes: [(Invited meeting review). PMID: 12844329 ], Journal Article, PUBLISHED


Award Date
Wellcome Trust / Health Research Board 'New Blood' Fellowship 1998
Science Foundation Ireland Principal Investigator 2010
Fellow, Trinity College Dublin 2009
Elected to Board of Trinity College Dublin 2020
I am interested in the genetics/genomics of common diseases with an inflammatory component, particularly coeliac disease, inflammatory bowel disease and sepsis. We currently also have programmes into the genetic basis of psoriasis and oesophageal cancers in conjunction with collaborators nationwide and in Europe.