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Professor Jan Manschot

Professor In (Pure & Applied Mathematics)

  Algebra   BLACK HOLE PHYSICS   Mathematical Physics   Number Theory   Particle physics, fields theory   Theoretical Physics
J. Aspman, J. Manschot, Decay channels for double extremal black holes in four dimensions, SciPost, 16, (21), 2024, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
J. Manschot, S. Mondal, Supersymmetric black holes and TT¯ deformation, Physical Review D, 107, (L121903), 2023, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
A. Chattopadhyaya, J. Manschot, Numerical experiments on coefficients of instanton partition functions, Communications in Number Theory and Physics, 17, (4), 2023, p941 - 983, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
J. Aspman, E. Furrer, J. Manschot, Cutting and gluing with running couplings in N=2 QCD, Physical Review D, 105, (2), 2022, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
J. Aspman, E. Furrer, J. Manschot, Four flavors, triality and bimodular forms, Physical Review D, 105, (2), 2022, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
A. Chattopadhyaya, J. Manschot, S. Mondal, Scaling black holes and modularity, Journal of High Energy Phsyics, 22, (03), 2022, p1-, Journal Article, PUBLISHED
G. Korpas, J. Manschot, G. W. Moore, I. Nidaiiev, Mocking the u-plane integral, Research in the Mathematical Sciences, 8, 2021, p43-, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
G. Beaujard, J. Manschot, B. Pioline, Vafa-Witten invariants from exceptional collections, Communications in Mathematical Physics, 385, 2021, p101 - 226, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
J. Manschot, G. W. Moore, X. Zhang, Effective gravitational couplings of four-dimensional N = 2 supersymmetric gauge theories, JHEP, 2020, (06), 2020, p150-, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL
S. Alexandrov, J. Manschot, B. Pioline, S-duality and refined BPS indices, Communications in Mathematical Physics, 380, (2), 2020, p755 - 810, Journal Article, PUBLISHED  URL

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My research deals with fundamental aspects of gauge theory, gravity and string theory. I am in particular interested in the quantum spectra of non-perturbative objects of these theories, such as instantons, monopoles, black holes and D-branes. Two directions of my past and current research are: 1) Bound states of fundamental constituents: supersymmetric gauge and gravity theories have a rich spectrum of so-called Bogomolny'i-Prasad-Sommerfield bound states of their fundamental constituents. The degrees of freedom associated with the bound state can be described using the mathematics of quiver representation theory. 2) Partition functions of Yang-Mills theory and supergravity: Partition functions contain crucial information about quantum spectra and are indispensable tools to address questions about entropy, phase transitions, symmetries and dualities of the physical theories. These symmetries and dualities imply interesting number theoretic properties for the partition functions. Supersymmetric quantum spectra typically depend discontinuously on external parameters J (a phenomena also known as wall-crossing). This is captured by partition functions through sums over an indefinite lattice.